Author Topic: The Air Force's 'Quiet Crisis'  (Read 427 times)

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The Air Force's 'Quiet Crisis'
« on: August 16, 2017, 08:38:50 am »

The Air Force's 'Quiet Crisis'
By David Max Korzen
August 15, 2017

The United States Air Force is bleeding manpower at a rate so alarming Air Force leaders have described it as a ‘quiet crisis.’[1]  In an attempt to mollify frustrated personnel, former Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James and Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein, published directives last year ordering a reduction in additional duties[2].  These burdens were a source of many complaints and reducing them was seen as a way to improve the work environment for airmen. Yet despite successful efforts to reduce some tasks, the service has created a patchwork of uneven standards across the Air Force, further sapping morale and confidence in the service.