Author Topic: Pope Francis: World Government Must Rule U.S. ‘For Their Own Good’ 9 July 2017 Baxter Dmitry  (Read 2188 times)

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Offline Quix

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Pope Francis told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica that the United States of America has “a distorted vision of the world” and Americans must be ruled by a world government, as soon as possible, “for their own good.”

The Pope made the observation in an interview with La Repubblica reporter Eugenio Scalfari.
. . .
As translated into English by Agence France Presse, which picked up the story, the Pope said “I am afraid there are very dangerous alliances between powers who have a distorted view of the world: America and Russia, China and North Korea, Russia and Assad in the war in Syria.”

The danger concerns immigration,” the Pope continued to La Repubblica. “Our main and unfortunately growing problem in the world today is that of the poor, the weak, the excluded, which includes migrants.
. . .

Many of us have had no  doubts as to which  side this globalist Jesuit agent is on.
I used to be quite dismissive of those who cried that the Vatican et al were deliberate and conscious agents of satan working toward a satanic global government.
Alas, the evidence has been piling up on the other side of that issue for far too  many months/years, now. I have reluctantly changed my perspective  on  the issue.
Now Francis seems to be rushing the world head-long as fast as he can toward/into the overt global government.
May God have mercy on all of good heart toward Him--Yehovah.

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
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@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
« Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 07:37:54 am by Quix »
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Offline Frank Cannon

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the Pope said “I am afraid there are very dangerous alliances between powers who have a distorted view of the world: America and Russia, China and North Korea, Russia and Assad in the war in Syria.”

Screw you you creepy Socialist pr*ck. Your monument to greed and looting called The Vatican stands in stark contrast with the disastrous basket case of an EU economy Italy is. Why don't you clean up your mess at the kiddies table and not worry about what the adults are doing.

Offline Quix

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the Pope said “I am afraid there are very dangerous alliances between powers who have a distorted view of the world: America and Russia, China and North Korea, Russia and Assad in the war in Syria.”

Screw you you creepy Socialist bleep. Your monument to greed and looting called The Vatican stands in stark contrast with the disastrous basket case of an EU economy Italy is. Why don't you clean up your mess at the kiddies table and not worry about what the adults are doing.

Oh, Dear me! There you go again . . . slipping? I mostly agree with you rather strongly.
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Offline DB

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Last Pope?

This is what evil looks like.

Offline Quix

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Last Pope?

This is what evil looks like.

There sure are a surprising number of puzzle pieces from a wide diversity of sources pointing  in that direction. It at least LOOKS quite  sobering. Very sobering.
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Offline Victoria33

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There sure are a surprising number of puzzle pieces from a wide diversity of sources pointing  in that direction. It at least LOOKS quite  sobering. Very sobering.

I am Catholic.  From the beginning of the Catholic Church, their bedrock reason for existing was to help the poor and bring them and others to a belief in Christ and that has never changed and won't.  That is the reason this Pope, just as others before him, see the human condition of those trying to get out of these war zones where many of them are dying, and he wants countries to take these poor souls.

He sees this country now ruled by Trump, stopping helping the poor/enslaved/dying people from coming here.  He is altruistic and cannot comprehend why we would not take these poor/suffering people.

He is not evil, he is going by Jesus' teaching to help the poor, the weak, as the Catholic church as always done.

Now, let's consider how these incoming refugees are being helped.  The Obama administration knew more about the Catholic church than most other people know.  They knew the Catholic church belief in helping the poor, so they used the Catholic church, and it is still going on, to take these refugees and find them housing, get them on govn. programs, including health care, and help find them jobs.  The govn. GIVES THESE CATHOLIC CHARITIES MONEY TO TAKE THESE PEOPLE.  That is where these refugees get help - in Catholic Charities across this country and the govn. gives the various Diocese money to do it.

This is the truth as it is happening in the Diocese of Dallas and Fort Worth; my church is in the Fort Worth Diocese. 

Three weeks ago, there was a flier from the Diocese in our church bulletin we get when we go to church.  It was a long statement against Gov. Abbott signing new Texas law cracking down on sanctuary cities and making police forces follow the law when an illegal commits a crime - they must inform ICE now.  This bulletin was strongly against anyone knowing someone was an illegal and there were suggestions what to do to help illegals stay here.  This info. was on both sides of the flier, even suggesting Catholic people get illegals together and teach them how to get a lawyer.

Complaining about the Pope in Rome is not the problem.  Our govn. using Catholic Charities across the country, giving them our money to settle refugees from the middle east is the problem.

Offline DB

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I strongly disagree. He is NOT teaching about Christ. He is teaching Social Justice via liberation theology which is man made in whole. Capitalism is bad. Socialism is good. It is evil to the core, enslaving and impoverishing people to its claim of social justice. He is the creator of the conditions that cause people to flee to safer wealthier countries. He's a destroyer of the soul.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 11:15:43 pm by DB »

Offline Mom MD

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Last Pope?

This is what evil looks like.

Francis is starting to look like the false prophet of the end times one world government.  If he isnt, he is certainly setting the table for the next one.
God is still in control

Offline Quix

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Thanks for your thoughtful and meaty response.

The situation, issues, choices, actions of the oligarchy et al reminds me of my Dissertation Chairman's comment when I challenged him about some contradictions in Mormonism.

"Life is soooo complex, just about any COCK-A-MAY-ME explanation will do."

I have long respected the RCC's outreaches to the poor etc.

And, actually, I don't mind--to some limited degree--giving money from  taxes to Christian  orgs to help the poor.

In terms of Francis . . . I initially liked his seemingly practical and 'against the establishment' persona, statements, actions etc.

However . . .

1. the evidence against the Jesuits is vast, deep, extensive and of very long standing.

2.  he REALLY IS sounding and acting more and more like a ruthless dyed-in-the-wool globalist.

3. I'm  underwhelmed at his efforts to water down Biblical priorities.

4. I'm underwhelmed at his efforts to exalt, molly coddle, appease, support etc. Islam.

5. I'm  extremely underwhelmed at his efforts to form a unified one world religion a la Biblical prophecy.

6. I'm underwhelmed at his evidently winking at horrific carp within  his  authoritative purview as head of the RCC.

Time will tell. However, I'm no longer a fan of Francis. He killed off that perspective, with me, rather quickly.

BTW. I don't for a microsecond believe that THE bedrock reason  for the RCC existing was to help the poor etc. Their rising  up & politically gathering, coercing  Christendom to themselves around AD 300-400 was primarily a power-mongering, wealth-mongering grab.  But that's a whole 'nother set of stuff. LOL.


I am Catholic.  From the beginning of the Catholic Church, their bedrock reason for existing was to help the poor and bring them and others to a belief in Christ and that has never changed and won't.  That is the reason this Pope, just as others before him, see the human condition of those trying to get out of these war zones where many of them are dying, and he wants countries to take these poor souls.

He sees this country now ruled by Trump, stopping helping the poor/enslaved/dying people from coming here.  He is altruistic and cannot comprehend why we would not take these poor/suffering people.

He is not evil, he is going by Jesus' teaching to help the poor, the weak, as the Catholic church as always done.

Now, let's consider how these incoming refugees are being helped.  The Obama administration knew more about the Catholic church than most other people know.  They knew the Catholic church belief in helping the poor, so they used the Catholic church, and it is still going on, to take these refugees and find them housing, get them on govn. programs, including health care, and help find them jobs.  The govn. GIVES THESE CATHOLIC CHARITIES MONEY TO TAKE THESE PEOPLE.  That is where these refugees get help - in Catholic Charities across this country and the govn. gives the various Diocese money to do it.

This is the truth as it is happening in the Diocese of Dallas and Fort Worth; my church is in the Fort Worth Diocese. 

Three weeks ago, there was a flier from the Diocese in our church bulletin we get when we go to church.  It was a long statement against Gov. Abbott signing new Texas law cracking down on sanctuary cities and making police forces follow the law when an illegal commits a crime - they must inform ICE now.  This bulletin was strongly against anyone knowing someone was an illegal and there were suggestions what to do to help illegals stay here.  This info. was on both sides of the flier, even suggesting Catholic people get illegals together and teach them how to get a lawyer.

Complaining about the Pope in Rome is not the problem.  Our govn. using Catholic Charities across the country, giving them our money to settle refugees from the middle east is the problem.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 03:41:42 pm by Quix »
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Offline Quix

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Francis is starting to look like the false prophet of the end times one world government.  If he isnt, he is certainly setting the table for the next one.

That may turn  out to be an incredibly astute  observation. Sigh.

BTW, PETROS ROMANUS and EXO-VATICANA are exhaustively researched by Tom  Horn & Cris Putnam. The print copies include a DVD chock full of ancient documments and other solid evidence supporting their conclusions. I don't  see how anyone can logically refute much of what they assert in those excellent 600 page SUMMARIES of a shockingly vast amount of evidence.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 03:47:01 pm by Quix »
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Offline Quix

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I strongly disagree. He is NOT teaching about Christ. He is teaching Social Justice via liberation theology which is man made in whole. Capitalism is bad. Socialism is good. It is evil to the core enslaving and impoverishing people to its claim of social justice. He is the creator of the conditions that cause people to flee to safer wealthier countries. He's a destroyer of the soul.

Worthy points, imho.

IF *all* we had to go on were his globalist assertions  in the OP--THOSE would be extremely quite seriously horrific, enough. But they are FAR from his only globalist assertions and actions.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 03:51:18 pm by Quix »
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Offline XenaLee

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I don't trust this pope any more than I trusted or trust Barack Hussein Obama.  If that puts me in opposition to "the church" then so be it and I'll take that hit when the time comes. 

By his fruits ye shall know him.  And "his fruits" are the words that come out of his globalist, socialist mouth.... and the end results of those words.

No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

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I don't trust this pope any more than I trusted or trust Barack Hussein Obama.  If that puts me in opposition to "the church" then so be it and I'll take that hit when the time comes. 

By his fruits ye shall know him.  And "his fruits" are the words that come out of his globalist, socialist mouth.... and the end results of those words.

This Pope preaches man's gospel.

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Following are 3 links  to give a brief overview of the globalists & their goals. The first one is to 22 or so quotes in their own words. The last one lists their goals in summary fashion.

These 'ought'  to be read with a basic grasp, knowledge & understanding of Biblical end times prophecies in Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Psalms, the shorter prophets in the OT, etc.

imho,  there can be NO rational, informed,  logical doubt that the Biblical prophecies and the globalist goals and actions are talking about the same things IN  OUR ERA.

I hope you will click and read the links here:
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 04:45:48 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Victoria33

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"I don't for a microsecond believe that THE bedrock reason  for the RCC existing was to help the poor etc. Their rising  up & politically gathering, coercing  Christendom to themselves around AD 300-400 was primarily a power-mongering, wealth-mongering grab.  But that's a whole 'nother set of stuff. LOL."

I have studied the Catholic Church from its inception.  It was started to bring people to Christ and help the poor and bring them to Christ.  Now, since every church is lead by humans, they screwed up, no doubt about it.  It became a religious order taking over government and enriching themselves.  I know what every pope did in his time during that era.  However, it did not kill itself.  Thomas Aquinas saved the Catholic Church, wrote huge books defining the Catholic faith, which I have, and which the Catholic church goes by, to this day. 

Still, it is lead by humans, with some priests doing awful things.  That still happens and will never stop since they are all human.  They are not the church.  The church is that which Aquinas set out and is the goal of every church, to follow the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ministers of every church, Baptist, Methodist, all of them, are run by humans and have their own trail of those who did bad things.

The friends I have at my Catholic Church, are Christians in every sense.  I teach a Bible study group before our Mass on Saturday.  I am a Catholic and I don't do bad things, but I am a Catholic and should not be considered among the wayward priests or popes back in history who did bad things.  What I am saying is, the Catholic church as a whole does not deserve to be considered BAD because some did bad things.

This pope is on a path with blinders on, to help others and tell other countries to do the same, and cannot see the ultimate consequence of doing this in this modern age when terrorists place themselves with the weak and they kill people wherever they go.

I think he is the last priest but not of his doing.  The whole world is about to collapse.

When I finish the book I am writing on emergency preparedness, I will start this one, "Earthly Life to Eternal Life".  The Subtitle is, "No One Dies - Not Even You".
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 05:40:34 pm by Victoria33 »

Offline RoosGirl

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We Lutherans have known for a long time that the pope is an anti-Christ. :)

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Worthy points, imho.

I certainly believe that almost every group--particularly religious  groups--tend to decay & corrupt big time after about a year & a half of existence.

Phariseeism--like the devil--is alive & well on planet earth.

Congrats on your books.

BTW, the haiku book could use a review if  you feel inclined. I need to  do a better cover in terms  of the smaller lettering being  more readable; but the rest is pretty well in order & reflects your earlier comments, IIRC.

"I don't for a microsecond believe that THE bedrock reason  for the RCC existing was to help the poor etc. Their rising  up & politically gathering, coercing  Christendom to themselves around AD 300-400 was primarily a power-mongering, wealth-mongering grab.  But that's a whole 'nother set of stuff. LOL."

I have studied the Catholic Church from its inception.  It was started to bring people to Christ and help the poor and bring them to Christ.  Now, since every church is lead by humans, they screwed up, no doubt about it.  It became a religious order taking over government and enriching themselves.  I know what every pope did in his time during that era.  However, it did not kill itself.  Thomas Aquinas saved the Catholic Church, wrote huge books defining the Catholic faith, which I have, and which the Catholic church goes by, to this day. 

Still, it is lead by humans, with some priests doing awful things.  That still happens and will never stop since they are all human.  They are not the church.  The church is that which Aquinas set out and is the goal of every church, to follow the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ministers of every church, Baptist, Methodist, all of them, are run by humans and have their own trail of those who did bad things.

The friends I have at my Catholic Church, are Christians in every sense.  I teach a Bible study group before our Mass on Saturday.  I am a Catholic and I don't do bad things, but I am a Catholic and should not be considered among the wayward priests or popes back in history who did bad things.  What I am saying is, the Catholic church as a whole does not deserve to be considered BAD because some did bad things.

This pope is on a path with blinders on, to help others and tell other countries to do the same, and cannot see the ultimate consequence of doing this in this modern age when terrorists place themselves with the weak and they kill people wherever they go.

I think he is the last priest but not of his doing.  The whole world is about to collapse.

When I finish the book I am writing on emergency preparedness, I will start this one, "Earthly Life to Eternal Life".  The Subtitle is, "No One Dies - Not Even You".

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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2013: This WORLD BANK WHISTLEBLOWER has a different opinion . . . Karen Hughes 20 years as counselor in the World Bank . . .

"Whistle BLOWER--Secret Plot to NUKE parts of the USA Exposed!"

Some shocking points . . . some fairly well known and some not.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 08:44:44 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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