Author Topic: Ripping off taxpayers to finance America’s destruction . James Simpson / June 27, 2017  (Read 387 times)

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Trump ends payouts to radical leftist groups from Obama's big bucks shakedown-supported DoJ slush fund .
While being investigated for things that never happened and facing Antifa thugs and other lunatic leftists crawling out from under rocks nationwide while the true criminals in the Democratic Party get a free pass, the Trump administration has managed to accomplish, in these few short months, more than George W. Bush accomplished (i.e. things that actually helped America out) in his first term.

Trump is already rolling back big parts of Obama’s train wreck of an agenda and pulling our nation back from the brink and toward some semblance of sanity and the rule of law. One of the latest major changes, and one with significant potential impact on the Left’s ability to wage war against America, is Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s recent announcement that the Department of Justice is ending payments to radical leftist organizations from the multi-billion dollar slush fund amassed by the Obama DoJ’s various industry shakedowns.

Peter Schweizer‘s Government Accountability Institute issued a report in October 2016, “Follow the Money: How the Department of Justice Funds Progressive Activists,” that detailed the stunning amount of money the DoJ has been awarding to left-wing groups. Under Eric Holder’s DoJ, financial institutions paid an unprecedented $110 billion in fines, much of which came in through out-of-court settlements.

Many of the cases were based on tenuous grounds, such as “disparate impact” which assumes racism based solely on the proportion of loans awarded to minorities. According to the report, “The DOJ used the threat of litigation—and the corresponding financial and reputational costs—to cause banks to take actions that a court would not have ordered them to do.”

We are still trying to figure out where it all went. But we do have some ideas. As with Obama’s corrupt green energy subsidies, it seems apparent that Holder’s DoJ extorted huge sums from banks specifically to funnel money to political allies. Schweizer documents how the DoJ flagrantly misused this money:
