Author Topic: Trump attacks 'Psycho' Joe Scarborough, 'Crazy' Mika Brzezinski in Twitter tear  (Read 18622 times)

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Silver Pines

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When it comes to Mika...Trump just is reiterating his strong believe by many that anything that bleeds for seven days... and doesn't die, should not be trusted.


Yet y'all just can't do without us.


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Yet y'all just can't do without us.

Well...cept for the 7 days a month we are forced too!


Silver Pines

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No we don't, but we got one for another 3 years and 6 months at least.  Time to make lemonade


Nope.  I've about had it with the idea that we have some kind of obligation to Trump.  He needs to clean up his act .  We owe him's on him to perform.

Offline XenaLee

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Yet y'all just can't do without us.

Lol..... if the "machos" had to go seven days without their sammich.... they'd be the ones moaning in pain!
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Silver Pines

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Lol..... if the "machos" had to go seven days without their sammich.... they'd be the ones moaning in pain!


Moaning in when they get a splinter?   :laugh:

Offline LottieDah

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What is it with Trump and bleeding women, anyway?   

If his wife and daughter take no issue with his disgusting remarks then they are just as deranged as he is.

Offline truth_seeker

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Honestly I don't care what it is.    I care about whats being done to push through the changes we need. Why are we being distracted with meaningless trivia.    Who cares what he tweets.

I didn't vote for Trump, to be my preacher. I voted for him to get conservative, American focused measures in place.

He is doing largely what he proposed to do during his campaign, and using innovative methods to cut through, over, under and around the crooked media.

Real conservatives should applaud him, but I understand their inability to understand his communication methods.

Writers/commentators including Scott Adams, Larry Schweikart, Victor Davis Hanson, Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity and others understand and can explain, better than me.
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln


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Oh but haven't you heard?

Trump has saved countless lives in Syria by making Assad too afraid to use chemical weapons.  :silly:

They're also flapping their lips about regime change in both NK and Iran. (The worst possible places to get involved in nation building)

To be honest... his warning to Assad did likely prevent a chemical attack from Assad.  Whether Assas just delays a bit or really does abandon his plan is another story.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 07:13:32 pm by HonestJohn »


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Ah. The handful of #NT's clutching their pearls over Donny slamming some POS nobody. Things were so much better when we had classy guys in the WH....

Using one's power or status to inflict harm against a 'nobody' *IS* the classic definition of being a bully.

It's no different than a kid in elementary school punching a kid with glasses, stealing his punch money, and then saying 'My dad's a cop, if you say anything... he'll arrest you!"

Offline XenaLee

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Moaning in when they get a splinter?   :laugh:

Exactly.   Imagine if they (any male) had to go through real pain....

like childbirth!
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.


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Maybe DC is circling the drain, but for the most part fly over country is still in fine shape. This fetish for looking to Washington to set some sort of tone is absurd. All of them are garbage.

'Flyover' land is a net tax sink compared to  non 'flyover' territory.  If the government collapses, the northeast and the west coast would do fine.  They'd import their food from abroad into their ports and transport it on their roads. And their infrastructure would also get a boost from not needing to support the deadbeats.

'Flyover' territory may grow a lot of corn/wheat...  but without the ability to export it to those with the cash to buy it... it's worth less than mud.

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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'Flyover' land is a net tax sink compared to  non 'flyover' territory.  If the government collapses, the northeast and the west coast would do fine.  They'd import their food from abroad into their ports and transport it on their roads. And their infrastructure would also get a boost from not needing to support the deadbeats.

'Flyover' territory may grow a lot of corn/wheat...  but without the ability to export it to those with the cash to buy it... it's worth less than mud.

Most folks on disability are in flyover country.


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.... it's worth less than mud.

Which perfectly describes all of your condescending comments.   

Offline skeeter

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'Flyover' land is a net tax sink compared to  non 'flyover' territory.  If the government collapses, the northeast and the west coast would do fine.

Maybe as far as federal tax dollars are concerned. Speaking of deadbeats I very much doubt 'flyover country' beats both coasts when it comes to overall welfare spending.

If you doubt it come pay a years worth of taxes in California.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 07:40:11 pm by skeeter »

Offline XenaLee

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'Flyover' land is a net tax sink compared to  non 'flyover' territory.  If the government collapses, the northeast and the west coast would do fine.  They'd import their food from abroad into their ports and transport it on their roads. And their infrastructure would also get a boost from not needing to support the deadbeats.

'Flyover' territory may grow a lot of corn/wheat...  but without the ability to export it to those with the cash to buy it... it's worth less than mud.

Not really.   When you have or control the food supply, you have control over life vs. death.  That is power.   You grow the food, people will come to you to get fed.

Flyover country is also VERY well-armed, enough to protect that food supply.  And what happens if the west coast and port cities are unable to broker a deal with foreign entities?  What if those foreign entities are also trying to recover from a SHTF scenario and are unable to export anything? 

You're making assumptions here that are based on delusional conditions.  Flyover country will survive a SHTF situation.  The east and west coast large cities.... not so much.
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.


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Which would be precisely what, if I may ask nicely?

--Lower taxes?
--Reduced regulations?
--America first trade policies?
--Stronger military?

And some other stuff Trump is doing IS EXACTLY what real conservatives have asked for since Reagan, like better immigration enforcement, etc.

Reagan believed in free trade.  He supported the formation of the EU.  He backed our allies.  He supported the post-war economic system (Bretton Woods). 

Trump is opposed to all of that.

Offline XenaLee

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Most folks on disability are in flyover country.

No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline ABX

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Its actually true. The greatest pockets of disability claims are in more rural, less urban markets.


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I wouldn't be placing too much hope in that.  A large number of "Republicans" I converse with now believe its the government's job is to provide for the less fortunate with other people's money and government programs.

A large number of former suburban Chicago Democrats have migrated South into the Nashville area in the last five years, and they are voting for the same stupid crap that put them into bankruptcy up there.  They are like locusts, and sadly - the locals are giving into them!


The only difference now is that Democrats want to give everyone stuff... and Republicans only want to give the 'right' people stuff.  (Immigrants and drug users are two who don't meet the 'right' standards, for example)

Offline driftdiver

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Its actually true. The greatest pockets of disability claims are in more rural, less urban markets.

Maybe a larger % of population but since the overall number is lower I'd wager the actual number is less.

Be interesting to see welfare too
Fools mock, tongues wag, babies cry and goats bleat.

Offline XenaLee

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That's from 2012 AND it includes SSI, not just disability claims.

This, from 2013, shows that Michigan (hardly what one would call "flyover country") has the highest claims for disability with Missouri and S. Carolina (also not "flyover country") among the top three states for such claims.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 07:56:55 pm by XenaLee »
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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That's from 2012 AND it includes SSI, not just disability claims.

This, from 2013, shows that Michigan (hardly what one would call "flyover country") has the highest claims for disability with Missouri and S. Carolina (also not "flyover country") among the top three states for such claims.

SSI and SSDI are different forms of disability insurance.

This clearly shows disability is clustered in the states in the middle of the country.

Offline XenaLee

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SSI and SSDI are different forms of disability insurance.

This clearly shows disability is clustered in the states in the middle of the country.

Uh... no.  It doesn't.   Michigan is not in the middle of the country and as of 2013, Michigan had THE highest disability claims. 

Now, that could have changed since 2013, but that's the most recent data I've seen.  You got anything more recent?

No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.