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Offline Machiavelli

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Trump the Witch
« on: May 09, 2017, 03:02:21 pm »
Kyle Smith
National Review
May 9, 2017

It’s magic: What can’t his nefarious powers not do?

As a Nazi, President Trump has proved lackluster. The brownshirts and concentration camps that Hollywood types warned us to expect haven’t materialized. As an authoritarian, too, Trump is falling short of expectations: When judges defy his executive orders, he doesn’t send in the goon squads. He simply sends out a couple of tweets.

Liberals these days, especially showbiz types, are subtly altering the way they frame Trump. They can’t plausibly identify anything he’s actually done as an outrage to the Republic. So they’re internalizing the supposed Trump threat, claiming injury to their psyches, their souls, their selves. Insidiously, the harm Trump does comes disguised as harm they are doing to themselves. He won’t play along with their fantasy that he’s Hitler, so they’re devising an alternate fantasy where he’s more of a . . . witch.

Just as the Salem witches were blamed for the convulsions, mysterious ailments, and inscrutable gabble of a group of girls, the 31-year-old swimsuit model Chrissy Teigen, a proud left-wing Resistresse, complains that Trump is to blame for her anxiety and teeth grinding. She demands that the president compensate her by paying for her Botox injections.

Offline goatprairie

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Re: Trump the Witch
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2017, 04:53:39 pm »
This is typical liberal paranoia where they believe half the country is out to get them.  Like the story about the NYC lib who had a plumber fixing the pipes in his apartment.  The lib was seriously thinking all the time the plumber was in his dwelling that since the plumber might be a conservative,  he would want to do some physical harm to the lib.  This was despite the plumber all the time fixing the pipes was friendly and professional.
So now many libs believe the most non-conservative Pubbie president in more than half a century is somehow going to persecute them despite believing and championing  75% of what they champion. 
But this is how many liberals think.  The more isolated they are, the more paranoid.