Author Topic: Trump 'very happy' with this spending bill outlawing a future border wall  (Read 22501 times)

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(Clears throat) ...



Stupid morons. 

Offline Applewood

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TOS is melting down...

But I see that some in the Trump cult are still defending him and this spending bill.

Online corbe

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Trump Tries to Save Face After Taking a Thumping on His First Budget Showdown

by Steven T. Dennis and  Toluse Olorunnipa

‎May‎ ‎02‎, ‎2017‎ ‎11‎:‎56‎ ‎AM Updated on ‎May‎ ‎02‎, ‎2017‎ ‎12‎:‎18‎ ‎PM


Debate Delayed

The irony is that Trump himself asked Republicans late last year to delay the spending debate until late April.

“I think they would like to have a say-so on how money’s going to be spent going into the next year,” Ryan told reporters after Trump’s victory in November.

Conservatives who had successfully delayed a final deal last year sounded bitter about the experience.

"We did a short-term spending bill for this time so that when Republicans controlled the government, we could actually do the things we campaigned on," Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, a founder and past chairman of the conservative Freedom Caucus, said Monday on CNN.

Representative Jeff Duncan of South Carolina called the deal "crap" in a Facebook post, saying moderate Republicans failed to stand firm on issues like defunding Planned Parenthood and so-called sanctuary cities, even though they have the White House, the House and the Senate in their control.

Even ending the minority party’s ability to filibuster Senate legislation -- something Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said repeatedly he won’t do -- wouldn’t necessarily have helped much, given GOP resistance to spending cuts and the border wall.

White House and Republicans said they would do better on the next negotiation on the next fiscal year, which starts Oct. 1, but there’s little reason to expect the results then to be substantially different. While Trump can’t keep the government open without the Democrats under current rules, the unpopularity of the president and the border wall aren’t helping him much.

Not a ‘Peep’

Trump has failed to reach out to Democrats so far, Schumer said. "Instead of calling names, sit down and try to work with us," the senator said. "We haven’t heard a peep."

Representative Dave Brat, a Virginia Republican and Freedom Caucus member, complained that his party isn’t holding firm.

"Schumer is grinning and conservatives are flinching," Brat said. "We just won the House, the Senate and the presidency. All of our people back home -- we’re getting hammered on this. This one’s not close -- 95-5 conservatives back home are hammering us."

On the other hand, moderate Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine said she was pleased with the spending deal -- in particular the $2 billion increase in NIH, money for Community Development Block Grants and transportation grants, programs Trump sought to cut.

She said the bill wasn’t very different from what appropriators had negotiated last year and said it was a mistake to punt the deal in December. "Would the outcome have been different? I do not believe so," she said.

As for the border wall, Schumer said it would be ineffective and expensive and that he spoke to seven or eight Republicans who opposed it.

Leahy, the ranking Democrat on the Appropriations Committee, said in an interview that he offered Republicans a separate roll call vote on the wall, which Republicans knew would fail. The White House backed off after being told the GOP didn’t have the votes, Leahy said.

"Let him try to get Mexico to pay for it," Schumer said.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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The system is irreparably irretrievably irredeemably broken. No one person or group of people can fix it.

Our only hope is an Article V Constitution convention. While we have as many state houses as we do.

Too late for that.  If the Constitution as written can't be followed, then why should we expect them to follow an amended one?
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Offline skeeter

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Too late for that.  If the Constitution as written can't be followed, then why should we expect them to follow an amended one?

The only thing we have yet to see are the states collectively resisting the federal government.

Offline Cyber Liberty

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The only thing we have yet to see are the states collectively resisting the federal government.

Oh, we're seeing some of it.  Look at the "sanctuary" cities and states.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
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Offline ABX

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  • Words full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
The only thing we have yet to see are the states collectively resisting the federal government.

Look at some of the Bills passed by the Texas Legislature in the past week.

Offline skeeter

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Oh, we're seeing some of it.  Look at the "sanctuary" cities and states.

I'm speaking of the federal leviathan, which btw loves sanctuary cities and states. I want to see states assert their independence from that.

Offline skeeter

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Look at some of the Bills passed by the Texas Legislature in the past week.

Texas is the exception. They need to start campaigning to form a multistate coalition. Something DC could not ignore.

Offline Cyber Liberty

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Look at some of the Bills passed by the Texas Legislature in the past week.

TX introduced some mighty fine bills over the years, like jailing Federal Agents who break state laws, but they always seem to die in committee.  If this one got by the Legislature, that's progress.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
Castillo del Cyber Autonomous Zone ~~~~~>                          :dontfeed:

Offline Sanguine

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The only thing we have yet to see are the states collectively resisting the federal government.

Which is exactly why we need an ethical, conservative constitutional leader!

Offline Emjay

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   My only suggestion, as simple as it is, @SirLinksALot is to persuade (somehow) the few REAL Conservatives out there (Cruz, Lee, Meadows etc...) to migrate away from the DEM Lite party (REP) and switch over to the Federalist or Constitution Party and times a wasting.

I think that would be a mistake.  I think those real Conservatives should get very active and start twisting arms and taking it to the American people.  I say that because we are a very long way from starting a third party that could actually win.  I hope the next elections will get rid of some of the people who promoted this budget bill.

This budget is a total disaster.

Trump is defending it on the basis that it funds the military.  Would someone who knows more about the military than I do explain to me why the military is enough of a danger/priority right now that we had to pass this deeply flawed budget.  I think we could handle the only imminent threat quite easily.  (North Korea).

I'm telling you I am so disappointed and disillusioned right now I could cry.
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.

Offline INVAR

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I'm speaking of the federal leviathan, which btw loves sanctuary cities and states. I want to see states assert their independence from that.

The only thing I see some states defying the Feds over is the demand for the Marxist/Socialist Agenda. 

I do not see any state defying the Feds over Constitutional abrogation, infringement on our rights or their state sovereignty.  Too many like the money, whereareas the Left is willing to spill blood to mandate their agenda is enacted and upheld.

I do not see any state defying the feds doing the same thing for a Constitutional or Conservative agenda.
Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

Silver Pines

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TOS is melting down...

@Night Hides Not

Holy cow.  I took a look.  One of them is yelling that the Deep State got to Trump---they threatened his family.

Another babbles that she got some honey out of her beehive, or something (it's kind of unintelligible) which proves God is in control, and it tastes like a yuge stick of honey butter. 

The Freeper named Proust, who made an ass of himself during the primaries to @Cripplecreek and me, among others, has turned against Trump and is pretty bitter.  Responding to a defender of Trump he says, "No, you don't get it!  This is just 276-D underwater ping-pong!"

That was pretty funny, lol.

Offline Free Vulcan

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The only thing we have yet to see are the states collectively resisting the federal government.

Iowa also just concluded a spectacular legislative session.
The Republic is lost.

Offline Night Hides Not

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@Night Hides Not

Holy cow.  I took a look.  One of them is yelling that the Deep State got to Trump---they threatened his family.

Another babbles that she got some honey out of her beehive, or something (it's kind of unintelligible) which proves God is in control, and it tastes like a yuge stick of honey butter. 

The Freeper named Proust, who made an ass of himself during the primaries to @Cripplecreek and me, among others, has turned against Trump and is pretty bitter.  Responding to a defender of Trump he says, "No, you don't get it!  This is just 276-D underwater ping-pong!"

That was pretty funny, lol.

Hell, it's just getting started, and the pace of revenue is slipping when compared to previous quarters. Not much, but I expect to see more accruals take place to keep the numbers up.
You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

Silver Pines

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I think that would be a mistake.  I think those real Conservatives should get very active and start twisting arms and taking it to the American people.  I say that because we are a very long way from starting a third party that could actually win.  I hope the next elections will get rid of some of the people who promoted this budget bill.

This budget is a total disaster.

Trump is defending it on the basis that it funds the military.  Would someone who knows more about the military than I do explain to me why the military is enough of a danger/priority right now that we had to pass this deeply flawed budget.  I think we could handle the only imminent threat quite easily.  (North Korea).

I'm telling you I am so disappointed and disillusioned right now I could cry.


That's what happens when you try to put a positive spin on something to the extent of ignoring reality.  This is Trump.  It's the man he's always been.  He just wants to claim a win, no matter how it happens.

Offline XenaLee

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@Night Hides Not

Holy cow.  I took a look.  One of them is yelling that the Deep State got to Trump---they threatened his family.

Another babbles that she got some honey out of her beehive, or something (it's kind of unintelligible) which proves God is in control, and it tastes like a yuge stick of honey butter. 

The Freeper named Proust, who made an ass of himself during the primaries to @Cripplecreek and me, among others, has turned against Trump and is pretty bitter.  Responding to a defender of Trump he says, "No, you don't get it!  This is just 276-D underwater ping-pong!"

That was pretty funny, lol.

Underwater Ping-Pong?   I want some of what he is (apparently) smoking!  lololol
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline Emjay

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@Night Hides Not

Holy cow.  I took a look.  One of them is yelling that the Deep State got to Trump---they threatened his family.

Another babbles that she got some honey out of her beehive, or something (it's kind of unintelligible) which proves God is in control, and it tastes like a yuge stick of honey butter. 

The Freeper named Proust, who made an ass of himself during the primaries to @Cripplecreek and me, among others, has turned against Trump and is pretty bitter.  Responding to a defender of Trump he says, "No, you don't get it!  This is just 276-D underwater ping-pong!"

That was pretty funny, lol.

We knew this would happen.  The minute they actually figured out that Trump is not quite who they thought he was.  No one could live up to the pedestal they put Trump on.  They made total fools out of themselves ... I am glad they are suffering now.  They made a lot of people suffer who tried to support Cruz and who criticized Trump.

I wouldn't be ready to throw Trump out over this budget if he wasn't trying so frantically to defend it.  It is indefensible.  He even sent poor Pence over to defend it on Rush's show.  That turned out to be another disaster.
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.

Silver Pines

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Hell, it's just getting started, and the pace of revenue is slipping when compared to previous quarters. Not much, but I expect to see more accruals take place to keep the numbers up.

@Night Hides Not

Someone on the Freepathon thread told Jim he would contribute again when the Cruz people are allowed (ha) back.  Jim said he has no problem with "those people" posting as long as they're working with FR.

The damn fool, his own president isn't even working with him.

Offline Cripplecreek

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@Night Hides Not

Holy cow.  I took a look.  One of them is yelling that the Deep State got to Trump---they threatened his family.

Another babbles that she got some honey out of her beehive, or something (it's kind of unintelligible) which proves God is in control, and it tastes like a yuge stick of honey butter. 

The Freeper named Proust, who made an ass of himself during the primaries to @Cripplecreek and me, among others, has turned against Trump and is pretty bitter.  Responding to a defender of Trump he says, "No, you don't get it!  This is just 276-D underwater ping-pong!"

That was pretty funny, lol.

That "Proust" clown is an outright lying liberal scumbag and classic troll. He figured that there was no way us knuckle dragging conservatives could figure out that his namesake was Marcel Proust, a homosexual poet with a fondness for the young boys. He was however smart enough to know that pretending to like Trump would cause the simpletons of TOS to embrace him and even defend him against the likes of you and I.


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Underwater Ping-Pong?   I want some of what he is (apparently) smoking!  lololol

I would imagine it'd require a heavier ball for one...

Silver Pines

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We knew this would happen.  The minute they actually figured out that Trump is not quite who they thought he was.  No one could live up to the pedestal they put Trump on.  They made total fools out of themselves ... I am glad they are suffering now.  They made a lot of people suffer who tried to support Cruz and who criticized Trump.

I wouldn't be ready to throw Trump out over this budget if he wasn't trying so frantically to defend it.  It is indefensible.  He even sent poor Pence over to defend it on Rush's show.  That turned out to be another disaster.


You make a lot of good points, but--and I say this with respect to you, Emjay---remember that you spent quite a lot of time going from thread to thread, scolding and haranguing anyone who criticized Trump. 

I'm just saying. 

Offline XenaLee

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@Night Hides Not

Someone on the Freepathon thread told Jim he would contribute again when the Cruz people are allowed (ha) back.  Jim said he has no problem with "those people" posting as long as they're working with FR.

The damn fool, his own president isn't even working with him.

Let me see if I can parse/translate that.   He's ok with "those people" coming back as long as they are in 100%, lock-step agreement with him and his political stance.... whatever that may be at any given moment in time (since it changes from year to year).   Freedom of thought, expression and speech is still a rare (if not extinct) entity at FR, IOW.

No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Silver Pines

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Underwater Ping-Pong?   I want some of what he is (apparently) smoking!  lololol
