Author Topic: Dr. Jihad's prescription for a Muslim America. Ripe for the taking: 'It starts with an idea ... We want to change this society'  (Read 406 times)

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Dr. Jihad's prescription for a Muslim America
Ripe for the taking: 'It starts with an idea ... We want to change this society'
Published: 12 hours ago. Updated: 04/27/2017 at 9:22 PM

A Muslim resident of Sioux Falls shocked the state of South Dakota and beyond recently when he posted videos to Facebook warning Christians to “be scared, be terrified” as he brandished five guns and 1,200 rounds of ammunition.

Ehab Jaber was questioned by local police and the FBI but allowed to walk free until two weeks later. Only after WND’s report on the videos, followed by several other reports by conservative news sites, did the South Dakota attorney general step in on April 21 and file charges of terroristic threats against Jaber.

His display was the harsh side of Islam, delivered in a profanity-laced tirade by a former resident of Saudi Arabia.