Author Topic: Why black men can't read. Exclusive: Carl Jackson rips Obama policy that removed accountability for misbehavior  (Read 372 times)

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Why black men can't read
Exclusive: Carl Jackson rips Obama policy that removed accountability for misbehavior
Published: 12 hours ago

White men may not be able to jump, but at least they can read. After the Obama administration attempted to rectify the disparity of junior high and high school suspension rates between blacks and their white, Latino and Asian peers, the results have come in. As often is the case, left-wing good intentions have done more damage to blacks than good.

Have you ever heard of “restorative justice”? Chances are you haven’t. However, you may recall former President Obama pressuring schools nationwide to reform their disciplinary practices by cutting the number of school suspensions imposed on black students. Instead of punishing students with suspension, restorative justice encourages bad kids to reflect on their behavior, take responsibility and resolve to behave better in the future. Here’s the problem: If they could do that they wouldn’t be in the principal’s office in the first place.