Author Topic: Alt-Left Insanity: Can We Have a Day Without Whiny, Male Liberals, Too?  (Read 413 times)

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Alt-Left Insanity: Can We Have a Day Without Whiny, Male Liberals, Too?

Note: Normal people might find some of this offensive. (We hope. Dear Lord, please!)

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends [1] … Apologies for our fun hiatus from altlefty insanity but I credit the annual MRC Cruise for throwing an exciting monkey wrench into my column writing.

Where else can you enjoy the brains and banter of people like Col. Allen West [2], Brigitte Gabriel [3] and my boss Brent Bozell [4]? Not to mention a hefty helping of other witty conservatives including yours truly. The 2018 cruise goes to Alaska Aug. 11-18 and you can sign up here [5]. See you then.

In the meantime, this week was the Day Without “Some” Women. Hopefully, next we’ll get a day without liberal men, too. We saw lefties proclaim that women shouldn’t work on International Women’s Day, essentially arguing that the way for women to get ahead is for them to skip work. That’s advice given by no boss ever. But it worked for the lazy lefties of Alexandria, Va. [6], who opted out of teaching the children and decided to make parents do the job they were paid to do.

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