Author Topic: Americans are Caught Between Trump’s Lies and Clapper’s Lies. That’s Why Trust in Institutions Keeps Declining.  (Read 1193 times)

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Offline EasyAce

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In Donald Trump’s and James Clapper’s version of “To Tell The Truth,” we all lose.
By Eric Boehm

Americans' trust in government institutions is at an all-time low, with fewer than 20 percent of Americans believing they
can trust the government to do the right thing "most of the time," according to the Pew Research Center.

This weekend provided the perfect example of why trust has eroded away—down from a high of 73 percent about 60 years ago,
Pew says—and why it's so difficult to rebuild.

It started Saturday morning, around 6 a.m., when President Donald Trump fired off

a series

of tweets making wild accusations
about being the target of wiretapping by the Obama administration.

Trump appears to have been referencing a report published Friday by Breitbart News, repeating claims made Thursday night by
conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin. Levin postulated that then-President Barack Obama had ordered surveillance of
Trump's campaign in June and again in October, seemingly drawing from earlier reporting by Heat Street and The Guardian
showing that the FBI received a warrant from the secret FISA court to investigate a server housed in Trump Tower and suspected
of being connected to Russian banks (read Julian Sanchez' detailed analysis if you want all the gory details of what we know
about the FISA court warrant and what it could mean).

Whether Trump is right or wrong, it's a serious allegation that deserves to be treated as such. If he's wrong—and so far he's
offered no evidence to back-up his claim—then all he's done is turn legitimate concerns about the limits of mass surveillance
into a partisan political issue
in a weird attempt to smear the last administration for engaging in what may turn out to be an
entirely legitimate investigation into Trump's business ties with Russian banks. If he's right, we have a full blown political
scandal on our hands.

Part of what makes this whole episode so ugly—and so telling—is that it's hard to trust anyone in a position of authority to tell
us the whole truth. One of the people who should be in a position to set the record straight is James Clapper, who served as
Director of National Intelligence during the Obama administration. Clapper made an effort to do exactly that on Sunday,
appearing on NBC's Meet The Press to say that "there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president, the president-
elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign."

He should be the authority on the subject. We should trust him when he says something definitive about the targets of America's
surveillance state.

There's just one problem: James Clapper is a known liar.

It's been nearly four years since Clapper sat before Congress and fielded a question from Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) about
whether the National Security Agency was collecting "any type of data at all" on American citizens.

"No, sir," he replied. Wyden repeated the question. "Not wittingly," said Clapper.

That was all a lie, and we know it was a lie thanks to Edward Snowden, who exposed the depth of the NSA's domestic surveillance
programs just a few months after Clapper's March 2013 congressional testimony.

In 2017, Americans find themselves trapped between James Clapper and Donald Trump.

On one hand, there are government officials who are incompetent or clueless and tell lies in an effort to hide their incompetence
and cluelessness. Trump is pushing the boundaries of this category with the sheer brashness of his tall tales, but he's not really
all that different from the bumbling officials who mishandled the waitlists at the Department of Veteran's Affairs or anyone who
argues that the current state of America's entitlements are sustainable in the long-term. These people tell lies, or at least stretch
the truth, because they don't know what they are doing—they are trying to hide a problem until someone else can come along
to deal with it, or, as often seems to be the case with Trump, they are trying distract the media's attention from one mess by
creating another.

On the other hand, there the James Clappers of the world, who know exactly what they are doing. Their lies deliberately mislead
the public because they believe something else—national security, as Clapper claimed after being caught in his lie to Congress—
is more important than truth. These are the "if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period" lies. They are the
lies about not having any classified information on your private email server, when in fact you do.

This is not meant to suggest a hierarchy of any kind. There aren't less bad forms of lies. Both kinds lead to general mistrust towards
the people (and institutions) who tell them, and sometimes lead to worse than that (see Iraq, invasion of).

It's not a surprise, then, to learn that Americans are less likely to trust the government than they used to be. Annual surveys by
Gallup show that trust in government has declined by more than 20 percentage points—from 63 percent to 42 percent—since 2004.
"Americans' trust in political leaders and in the American people as a whole began declining during George W. Bush's second term,
the same time their confidence in nonpolitical institutions started heading downward," Gallup noted in September. "These trends
have yet to recover."

Over the longer term, the trend as been pointed steadily downwards since the early 1960s, despite a brief rebound in the 1990s,
as Pew notes.

Nothing that happened this weekend—indeed, little that has happened since the election—makes you believe that a recovery in trust
is coming.

The two types of lies I've identified here have a symbiotic relationship in eroding trust in government. Clapper-style misinformation
sticks in the mind more clearly than Trump-style bullshit, because it's a more clear violation of the trust bestowed on government
officials. In turn, the Clapper-esque lies create space for the Trump-esque lies to grow, because they weaken the institutional trust
that should contain such nonsense by showing it to be false.

Think about it like this: Trump has offered no evidence that his explosive claims are true, and he's notorious for lying, exaggerating,
and generally bullshitting about practically everything. Absent any serious evidence, there's no reason to take his claim seriously.

And yet.

And yet, we can't feel completely confident that Clapper is telling the truth. His personal lies have tarnished our confidence in him,
just as the volume of lies from all corners of government make it difficult to have faith in the institutions of government as a whole.
That's exactly how Americans are responding, if the polls are to be believed: by adopting a stance of broad skepticism towards
everything they hear from government, whether in congressional testimony or in presidential tweets.

I'm not sure how, or if, that trend can be reversed, but I suspect that Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska) at least identified the path
forward for anyone who wants to attempt it. In a statement released Saturday about Trump's wiretap allegations, Sasse called for
a vigorous and public review of how the secret FISA Court operates. "We are in the midst of a civilization-warping crisis of public
trust," Sasse said. "A quest for the full truth, rather than knee-jerk partisanship, must be our guide if we are going to rebuild
civic trust and health."

Unfortunately, we're surrounded by known liars. The only thing we can know for sure, right now, is that either Trump or Clapper
is lying again—and that's enough to continue the erosion of trust, no matter who is telling the truth.

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Silly me -- I view a decline in trust of institutions as a positive thing.  We need a lot more of that.

Offline EasyAce

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Silly me -- I view a decline in trust of institutions as a positive thing.  We need a lot more of that.

*chuckle* I haven't trusted government or its institutions for far longer than just the GWB years myself.

But then we haven't had a properly-construed government---a government whose sole legitimate business,
other than protecting us from enemies actual or provably iminent from abroad and predators at home (real
predators, if you please, not mere vicemongers), is to stay the hell out of your business, my business,
every person's business, until or unless one would obstruct or abrogate another's equivalent rights---for
several generations.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 04:43:00 pm by EasyAce »

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.

Offline RetBobbyMI

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Silly me -- I view a decline in trust of institutions as a positive thing.  We need a lot more of that.
Too bad there are not enough voters with this same naivety to unelect the entrenched congress critters that don't do justice to their elected positions.
"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid."  -- John Wayne
"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.� ? Euripides, The Bacchae
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.� ? Laurence J. Peter, The Peter Principle
"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.� ? Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Silly me -- I view a decline in trust of institutions as a positive thing.  We need a lot more of that.

I don't agree, necessarily. It's complicated.

Trust the Presidency and Executive branch, blindly, is something both sides need to work on. That will be the death of us IMO.

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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I don't agree, necessarily. It's complicated.

Trust the Presidency and Executive branch, blindly, is something both sides need to work on. That will be the death of us IMO.

The most respected institution in the country is the military.  Other than that...which institutions are actually deserving of more trust?

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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The most respected institution in the country is the military.  Other than that...which institutions are actually deserving of more trust?

Should the American people trust the American people?

To me that is the most worthless institution around. Because they elect the government, they watch the media.

We blame everyone but ourselves.


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The most respected institution in the country is the military.  Other than that...which institutions are actually deserving of more trust?

Seeing how Trust is earned I'm sure the answer is you are looking for is None!  :patriot:

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Should the American people trust the American people?  To me that is the most worthless institution around. Because they elect the government, they watch the media.
We blame everyone but ourselves.

The American people aren't an institution.  We're individuals.

To the extent we shift from less reliance on institutions, and more on ourselves, the more the consequences of irresponsible actions/decisions, and bogus value systems, will fall on the individuals who engage in that conduct rather than on the rest of us.

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Seeing how Trust is earned I'm sure the answer is you are looking for is None!  :patriot:

Trump's narcissism has inadvertently (I think) led to one of the most promising developments in our country in a very long time -- a much greater level of skepticism in the press, and less trust in institutions.  Those are both truly conservative positions to hold, even though I don't think Trump actually engages in that conduct specifically to achieve those results.

But hey, I'll take lucky over good any day!

Offline Frank Cannon

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Trump appears to have been referencing a report published Friday by Breitbart News, repeating claims made Thursday night by
conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin.

Oh. Trump lies and so does Clapper? Looks like Reason magazine lies too. This wiretapping story was in other news outlets prior to Trumpbart and they know it.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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The American people aren't an institution.  We're individuals.

To the extent we shift from less reliance on institutions, and more on ourselves, the more the consequences of irresponsible actions/decisions, and bogus value systems, will fall on the individuals who engage in that conduct rather than on the rest of us.

Americans elect Congress and then end up hating Congress. That is remarkably stupid.

If Congress is such garbage, why do they keep electing the same old crap?

I have no patience when people complain about crap they can change.

Offline don-o

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Trump appears to have been referencing a report published Friday by Breitbart News, repeating claims made Thursday night by
conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin.

Oh. Trump lies and so does Clapper? Looks like Reason magazine lies too. This wiretapping story was in other news outlets prior to Trumpbart and they know it.


I am speculating that Trump was shown the FISA requests / warrants and that is what set him off.

Offline Frank Cannon

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I am speculating that Trump was shown the FISA requests / warrants and that is what set him off.

Either way, the high minded pr*ck writer at Reason is a liar.

Offline TomSea

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The Pew poll is from 2015; well before Trump was inaugurated.

Back then, some would say our CIA did some shady things for quite a number of years under Dulles. Maybe some doubt was needed.

There certainly have been many changes since 1958, the Viet Nam war, the Cold War, the Iron Curtain and it coming down.

Offline EasyAce

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Either way, the high minded bleep writer at Reason is a liar.

Not so. The writer specified that Donaldus Minimus's tweets in question were likely triggered by the Breitbart
items over the weekend.

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.