Author Topic: Executive Power Run Amok  (Read 9164 times)

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Offline Cripplecreek

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2017, 04:46:31 pm »
If you think that is the #1 most important thing Conservatives should focus hadn't been spending much time in reality.

It shows a complete and utter ignorance of the media and the 1st amendment. The press has always been biased at the whims of the editors or owners and that isn't going to change. Thomas Jefferson hated the press but wanted people to use their own discernment as a censor.

When morons like Infowarts post lies like this I don't want them shut down. I want it spread far and wide so people will see that they lie and Alex Jones can return to his mother's basement to listen for black helicopters and give angry Sig Heil salutes to police officers.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2017, 04:47:21 pm »

After they way they  have consistently helped manipulate the voters with fake news stories or censoring stories that hurt Democrats,   we should be doing everything of which we can think to undermine their credibility and finances. 

We need to be trying to cut their financial throats,  not empowering them with page hits and giving oxygen to their lies.

Then don't click on my stories. Easy enough right? I don't try and deceive anyone in the links.

It's against forum policy to post full articles here.

Offline mountaineer

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2017, 04:47:48 pm »
Their eyes had seen the glory of the coming of Barack
With pen and phone and styrofoam, deplorables would shock

It's different now. Cuz Trump.
If Trump uses EOs to undo
 the damage wrought by Barack
 I won't squawk.

Beyond that, I object.

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Offline txradioguy

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2017, 04:51:02 pm »
It shows a complete and utter ignorance of the media and the 1st amendment. The press has always been biased at the whims of the editors or owners and that isn't going to change. Thomas Jefferson hated the press but wanted people to use their own discernment as a censor.

When morons like Infowarts post lies like this I don't want them shut down. I want it spread far and wide so people will see that they lie and Alex Jones can return to his mother's basement to listen for black helicopters and give angry Sig Heil salutes to police officers.

Exactly.  I'm with you...I don't want to shut them down...I just want to point at them and laugh.

People seem to forget that these calls for media censorship and smashing the propaganda can be used against us the next time the political pendulum swings the other way.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline DiogenesLamp

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #29 on: February 06, 2017, 04:51:22 pm »
If you think that is the #1 most important thing Conservatives should focus hadn't been spending much time in reality.

One of us sees farther than the other.   I'm sure you think it is yourself. 

What do *YOU*  think conservatives should be focusing on?   

The last election was D@mn near our last chance,   and if we keep letting the media control the information system,   we are going to have a  hard time winning any more.  (The last one was far too close)  They have literally propagandized every thing in the country right now.   You can't watch commercials without seeing left wing propaganda oozing out of every pore.   

If you lose the culture,  you lose elections.   We almost had a corrupt psychotic Nazi hate-witch running things.   This is it.   If we don't turn the culture around,  we are done.   We may have four or eight more years due to Trump,    but as Reagan said of the Democrat budget "It's a good budget if you only plan to live for the next few years."   

If we don't address the fundamentals,   this will be but a temporary stay of destruction. 

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline DiogenesLamp

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2017, 04:54:36 pm »

Then don't click on my stories. Easy enough right? I don't try and deceive anyone in the links.

It's against forum policy to post full articles here.

Why do you insist on posting so many left wing propaganda articles in the first place?    Why are you carrying their water?     

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Offline mountaineer

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2017, 04:56:24 pm »
Knowing what "the other side" is saying should help all of us formulate our arguments and responses.
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Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2017, 04:57:13 pm »

One of us sees farther than the other.   I'm sure you think it is yourself. 

What do *YOU*  think conservatives should be focusing on?   

The last election was D@mn near our last chance,   and if we keep letting the media control the information system,   we are going to have a  hard time winning any more.  (The last one was far too close)  They have literally propagandized every thing in the country right now.   You can't watch commercials without seeing left wing propaganda oozing out of every pore.   

If you lose the culture,  you lose elections.   We almost had a corrupt psychotic Nazi hate-witch running things.   This is it.   If we don't turn the culture around,  we are done.   We may have four or eight more years due to Trump,    but as Reagan said of the Democrat budget "It's a good budget if you only plan to live for the next few years."   

If we don't address the fundamentals,   this will be but a temporary stay of destruction.

I think you're generally right here.  We have to change the framework of public debate, which necessarily includes breaking political correctness, etc..  I would add that the Supreme Court is still a very respected institution in this country, and actually shapes public opinion.  Public opinion on gay marriage flipped almost immediately after that decision.  So, I'd say securing the Supreme Court may be the most important thing Trump does.  But that's just part of the larger picture of fighting and winning culture wars.

And I'm not using "culture wars" as code for "abortion", either.  It's much bigger/broader than that.

Offline DiogenesLamp

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2017, 05:01:31 pm »
Exactly.  I'm with you...I don't want to shut them down...I just want to point at them and laugh.

People seem to forget that these calls for media censorship and smashing the propaganda can be used against us the next time the political pendulum swings the other way.

This is what I mean when I talk about seeing further.   We have censorship now.   Virtually the entire media world is controlled by Liberal Democrats in New York and Los Angeles.   

They CENSOR now!   This has been demonstrated so many times by various organizations that I wouldn't think I would have to point out the proof of it to any member of a supposed conservative forum.   

The media does *MORE*  damage by censoring news than they do by making up fake stories or histrionically hyping trivial stories to make them appear worse.   

We have state controlled media.  We have state controlled media Censoring news and information right now!   

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Offline DiogenesLamp

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #34 on: February 06, 2017, 05:03:30 pm »
Knowing what "the other side" is saying should help all of us formulate our arguments and responses.

What they are "saying"  is: "We hate the Republican President and he is illegitimate. "   

"And stupid."   

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2017, 05:08:29 pm »

This is what I mean when I talk about seeing further.   We have censorship now.   Virtually the entire media world is controlled by Liberal Democrats in New York and Los Angeles.   

They CENSOR now!   This has been demonstrated so many times by various organizations that I wouldn't think I would have to point out the proof of it to any member of a supposed conservative forum.

I don't consider a privately-owned media organization to be capable of "censorship".  They're perfectly free to print what they want, and to ignore what they don't want to disseminate. 

We have state controlled media.  We have state controlled media Censoring news and information right now!   

To what, specifically, are you referring?  The mere fact that the media may favor certain political views does not mean they are controlled by the government.

Offline txradioguy

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2017, 05:14:36 pm »

What they are "saying"  is: "We hate the Republican President and he is illegitimate. "   

"And stupid."

And what you're saying is better how exactly?

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline DiogenesLamp

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #37 on: February 06, 2017, 05:15:16 pm »
I think you're generally right here.  We have to change the framework of public debate, which necessarily includes breaking political correctness, etc..  I would add that the Supreme Court is still a very respected institution in this country, and actually shapes public opinion. 

A blogger who calls himself "The Political Hat"  said something profound that I have always remembered.   He said "The Law is a normalizing force."   

Yes,  giving the imprimatur of those who are perceived as the legitimate authority convinces many people to follow.   Liberals know this.   It's long past time we figured it out as well. 

Public opinion on gay marriage flipped almost immediately after that decision.

Which also corresponded to a full scale news and entertainment media assault on the American Public.   The "News"  services (New York) kept presenting it as a "right"  and using words like "Discrimination"   and "Civil Rights",   while the entertainment media (Los Angeles)  kept cranking out pro-homosexual propaganda in the guise of various television series and movies. 

They framed the debate as one of "rights"  and "equality"   and prepared the battle space before the Supreme Court ever got involved. 

  So, I'd say securing the Supreme Court may be the most important thing Trump does.  But that's just part of the larger picture of fighting and winning culture wars.

And I'm not using "culture wars" as code for "abortion", either.  It's much bigger/broader than that.

No,  it's far larger than just "abortion"  and other "social"  issues.   It is about the fundamental principles upon which this country has survived and attained success.  At the root of these is assaults on private property,  assaults on institutions such as marriage or religion,  and our relationship with government.   

They are pushing us back towards the feudal system where the "elite"  (Aristocracy)   will rule us according to their latest whims,   which are becoming more and more debauched with each passing decade.   

We are creeping into socialism,  and we are being led by the glitterati and their propaganda agents in the "News"  services. 

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Offline DiogenesLamp

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #38 on: February 06, 2017, 05:37:04 pm »
I don't consider a privately-owned media organization to be capable of "censorship".  They're perfectly free to print what they want, and to ignore what they don't want to disseminate.

In the New York "news"  business,  the lines are heavily blurred regarding the meaning of "privately owned."    If you've been keeping up with it,  you are aware of all sorts of inbreeding between Democrat politicians,  governing officials and the New York based "News" services.   

Something I have begun to believe is that the News Services are Liberal because their "Owners"  make certain that they are.   "Liberal"  policies funnel money into the pockets of their "Owners"  while efforts to stem reckless government spending or other reckless governmental policies (such as tolerance of illegal immigration)   interfere with their ability to maintain their wealth and power.   

I began to suspect something was wrong in 1995 when the Liberal media was having a screeching fit over attempts to balance the budget.   I thought to myself;  "Why would any rational person be opposed to balancing the budget?    It is bedrock common sense that you can't spend more than you make?  What sort of people would oppose this? "   

Those getting wealthy off of it.     

The Nazi state was  well known to have business and government joined at the hip with both business and government in completely intimate contact with each other.   It is very worrisome that this thing called "Crony Capitalism"  has attained such a purchase in our society and I have great misgivings about where this is leading.   

But to say the "News"  services are "privately owned"  appears to me to be a not exactly accurate way to characterize them.   Their "owners"  are part of the pseudo government "elite" nowadays,  and they use their vast wealth and inherited monopolies to keep any real competition at bay.   

To what, specifically, are you referring?  The mere fact that the media may favor certain political views does not mean they are controlled by the government.

More like the government is controlled by them.... when they can manage it,  which is far more often than they should.   

Do not doubt for a minute that the media elected Bill Clinton.   In 1992 I could point out to you dozens of ways in which the media was manipulating the public to get Clinton elected.   A few examples:

Hyping Ross Perot to divide Conservatives and Libertarians.
Covering up Bill Clinton's past.
Deciding Republican's would be colored "Red"  instead of communist Clinton.   
Hyping fake news about the economy to damage George HW Bush. 
Hyping fake news stories about Bush's "Adultery"  which they simply made up.   

And a lot more besides.    The media pushes for the candidate that is guaranteed to grow government,  and they always oppose the one that is intent on shrinking it.   

I have come to believe that ultimately their owners bread is buttered by increasing government power,  and so is their own power enhanced by their intimate contacts with people holding the levers of power,

This is a complex issue.   I'm not sure I can sufficiently convey the scope of it within just a few messages.   There are interactions all over the place,  but to simplify the point,   there is a coalition of interests with deep and extensive contacts between business interests and the governing power structure (what some call the "deep state")   and they mean to keep their power and expand their wealth.   

Their ownership of the media is a tool to further this goal,  and they do not hesitate to use it against us.   That their policies are ultimately destructive to "fly over country"  bothers them not a whit. 

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline DiogenesLamp

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2017, 05:38:17 pm »
And what you're saying is better how exactly?

What I am saying is "Why would people on our side spread their propaganda?"   

How is that better?   Because spreading their propaganda helps you lose.   

Most rational people prefer to win. 

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #40 on: February 06, 2017, 05:46:12 pm »

In the New York "news"  business,  the lines are heavily blurred regarding the meaning of "privately owned."    If you've been keeping up with it,  you are aware of all sorts of inbreeding between Democrat politicians,  governing officials and the New York based "News" services.

It doesn't mean they're controlled by the government.  If they were, the GOP controls the government.   So, Trump could tell them what to say/do, and they'd have to.  But he can't, and he's not going to be able to do that at any point in his Presidency.  They're controlled by the left, not by the federal government.

Something I have begun to believe is that the News Services are Liberal because their "Owners"  make certain that they are.   "Liberal"  policies funnel money into the pockets of their "Owners"  while efforts to stem reckless government spending or other reckless governmental policies (such as tolerance of illegal immigration)   interfere with their ability to maintain their wealth and power.

Why did you put "owners" in parenthesis.  They are actual owners both in law and fact.  Again, the fact that they are personally biased against conservatives does not mean they are the actual government.   

I began to suspect something was wrong in 1995 when the Liberal media was having a screeching fit over attempts to balance the budget.   I thought to myself;  "Why would any rational person be opposed to balancing the budget?    It is bedrock common sense that you can't spend more than you make?  What sort of people would oppose this? "   Those getting wealthy off of it.

Plenty of Keynesians/neo-Keynesians out there who see nothing wrong with deficits, and who have nothing to do with either the government or the media.  I know -- I've argued with many of them over the years.     

But to say the "News"  services are "privately owned"  appears to me to be a not exactly accurate way to characterize them.   Their "owners"  are part of the pseudo government "elite" nowadays,  and they use their vast wealth and inherited monopolies to keep any real competition at bay.

Again, if they were controlled by the government, then they'd be controlled by and serving Republicans when we control the government.  And that's not the case.  They are indeed leftist controlled, but that isn't the same as saying government controlled.

And I'd add this -- the day you endorse actual government control over the media is the day conservatives lose the voice that we still retain, which in this case was still enough to win the Presidency, House, and Senate.  Because if the left ever gets actual governmental control over the media, they will shut down all dissent in a heartbeat.

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #41 on: February 06, 2017, 05:52:09 pm »
When was the free market going to do something about Standard Oil?   

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline DCPatriot

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2017, 06:13:40 pm »

Why do you insist on posting so many left wing propaganda articles in the first place?    Why are you carrying their water?   

Because of his obvious need to be liked among the in-house NeverTrumps, that's why.    :whistle:
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

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Offline txradioguy

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2017, 06:17:20 pm »

One of us sees farther than the other.   I'm sure you think it is yourself. 

You can keep tilting at windmills all you like Don Quixote.

What do *YOU*  think conservatives should be focusing on?

Immigration, taxes, national defense, the threat that China, Russia and Iran pose...the continuing threat of terrorism.

Punishing the media because they write mean stories about Donny is very low on the list.

The last election was D@mn near our last chance,   and if we keep letting the media control the information system,   we are going to have a  hard time winning any more.  (The last one was far too close)  They have literally propagandized every thing in the country right now.   You can't watch commercials without seeing left wing propaganda oozing out of every pore.

Our last chance?  Do be so dramatic.

Oh and in case you didn't notice...a giantic does of propaganda and outright bullsh*t helped put your guy in office.

Funny how that propaganda thing is only bad when it's critical of your particular candidate.

If you lose the culture,  you lose elections.   We almost had a corrupt psychotic Nazi hate-witch running things.   This is it.   If we don't turn the culture around,  we are done.   We may have four or eight more years due to Trump,    but as Reagan said of the Democrat budget "It's a good budget if you only plan to live for the next few years." 

The media isn't the culture.  People are the culture.  What this country stands for what it was founded on is the culture...not some idiot on TV or some dude with a degree from the J School at Columbia at his computer screen.

If we don't address the fundamentals,   this will be but a temporary stay of destruction.

Media slant in their reporting isn't one of the "fundamentals".
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #44 on: February 06, 2017, 06:19:25 pm »
The constant bashing of the media is all part of the long term goal of censoring the media and the Trump Monkeys are all for it because they're too stupid to realize that the democrats will happily silence media they disagree with.

Trump has been inciting the mob this morning with tweetrants about fake news and now fake polls.

Delegitimizing the courts and media (and Congress perhaps) seems to be the goal. They really want nothing but Trump. No pesky Constitution, forget the Bill of Rights, states can be abolished for all it matters, it has to be King Trump forever.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 06:24:09 pm by geronl »

Offline DiogenesLamp

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #45 on: February 06, 2017, 06:20:09 pm »
Because of his obvious need to be liked among the in-house NeverTrumps, that's why.    :whistle:

That is what I surmise as well.   It is a well known human trait for people to insist they were right regardless of reason or evidence.   It reminds me of this from the move "little big man."

"Your miserable life is not worth the reversal of a Custer decision."

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline txradioguy

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #46 on: February 06, 2017, 06:21:42 pm »

What I am saying is "Why would people on our side spread their propaganda?"

What is not accurate about the story that was written?  What fact stated in the piece didn't happen?

Please list them for me.

You've fallen into the simple minded trap that because it's not a positive story about Trump it has to be propaganda or "fake news".

What you'd prefer is an echo chamber.


How is that better?   Because spreading their propaganda helps you lose.

How is the propaganda spread on the right during the last election any different?

Most rational people prefer to win.

Most rational people don't stick their fingers in their ears and go "lalalalalala" when they hear something doesn't agree with their echo chamber.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


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Offline DiogenesLamp

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #47 on: February 06, 2017, 06:24:36 pm »

Punishing the media because they write mean stories about Donny is very low on the list.

Well see there, you trivialize it.   Instead of seeing it accurately for the threat it is  (D@mn near electing a corrupt psychotic hate witch)   you characterize it as "writing mean stories about Donny."

   You are missing the forest for the trees.

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline DCPatriot

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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #48 on: February 06, 2017, 06:31:13 pm »

Well see there, you trivialize it.   Instead of seeing it accurately for the threat it is  (D@mn near electing a corrupt psychotic hate witch)   you characterize it as "writing mean stories about Donny."

   You are missing the forest for the trees.

I prefer to leave them in their serves as a nice contrast in here.   For comedy relief, etc..

Thinkers vs. Haters.   Just like on the street.
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald


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Re: Executive Power Run Amok
« Reply #49 on: February 06, 2017, 06:32:22 pm »

Well see there, you trivialize it.   Instead of seeing it accurately for the threat it is  (D@mn near electing a corrupt psychotic hate witch)   you characterize it as "writing mean stories about Donny."

They got a corrupt psychotic angry orange nominated in the GOP, too.