Author Topic: "DEATH COMES" 10 year old passionately Christian boy heard that emphatically on an overnight event  (Read 1571 times)

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Offline Quix

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It was sent to me via email from a closed FB group of
Their website is here but I haven't found the below on it:
My 10 year old son, Matthew, loves the Lord and is very dedicated to Him. Last night (1/27/17), while at a church sleepover, Matthew and other boys had just laid down for the night, when Matthew heard a voice. Matthew described it as an unbelievably deep and loud voice. He said you couldn't even imagine such a deep voice if you tried. It said, "Death comes". Matthew said that as the voice spoke, he felt a large shaking of the church building and heard a big rumble. Matthew immediately shot up and asked, "Did you hear that!?" The other boys didn't know what he was talking about. Matthew asked them if anyone had heard the voice or felt the shaking. No one else had. -Whitney

This sort of input has been increasing the last year or 3. Particularly the last 6 months.
I had a handyman here this afternoon . . . we got the lumber and did the drawing for a bit of a complex set of shelves at the end of the island in my kitchen in my single-wide. Then we ran out of time for the day. He noted that he could come back on 11 Feb 2017. I said, fine.
Later . . . I had a low key to moderate "impression" that things could get very traumatic before 11 Feb.
Low key to moderate impressions are a very mixed bag in my history. Some come true and some don't.
IF an impression is 80-100% loud, emphatic and clear--those seem to come true about 80-100% of the time, accordingly--particularly on the upper end of that impression.
Therefore what? I don't know.
I just know that the numbers of people--particularly children--often very young children who have a passionate relationship with Jesus--the numbers of such individuals getting such visions, dreams, "words from The Lord," . . . have been dramatically increasing the last 6-12 months.
I know some prophetic sources have claimed that WW3 would come before the end of spring. I don't know if that was--regardless of how much prayer was earnestly sent to The Lord, or not. Others have said WW3 would occur before the end of 2017.
Time will tell.
I just know . . . "the hour is late." We all would do well to walk as close to God, prayed up, confessed up, repented up, forgiving up . . . as we possibly can by God's help.
The LEFT BEHIND books by LaHaye and co-writer may have had lots of their opinions in them. But the basic notion is certainly a Biblical one.
As is the 100% avoidance of the MARK OF THE BEAST--even under pain of death.
I also know that . . . welllll . . . many readers have probably experienced the thought process where you are getting ready for or contemplating a long trip or maybe even a move. And at one point, the thought goes through: "I'll be in __{that new place}___ within a month or before a week passes."
I've been having a lot of those kinds of thoughts the last few months. Mercifully, the impression has been that I'll be more fully with God, than ever. PTL.
I've been haltingly trying to move over to my recently deceased (3 years ago) dad's double-wide from my single wide. I need to rent my single wide out. But I also have a Sonroom with lots of plants and my potter's wheel in my Sonroom that I'd need a greenhouse for at dad's place 150 feet across our acre. And I haven't been able to get that built, yet. And now the free gas has been cut off to dad's as they shut down the well.
And I've increasingly felt--as I have for more than a year or so--that I likely won't get moved over there before The Lord returns. Interesting.
Therefore what?
I don't know.
Just my mental and emotional experiences recently.
I do KNOW that the authentic warnings from The Lord that TIME IS SHORT have intensified dramatically in power, frequency, number and diversity of sources--from all around the world.
I think it's worth each individual praying and asking God . . . Therefore what, Father?

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 Avoiding Truth
There is a principle
__Which is a bar against all information,
____Which is proof against all argument,
______And which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance.
________That principle is condemnation before investigation
--Edmund Spencer

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Offline goodwithagun

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Tonight I told my eight year old how blessed I was that God gave him to me (he's on the high functioning end of the spectrum). His response: "Hey, remember the first time we met? I was in your belly!" I truly, in my heart, believe he remembers being in utero.
I stand with Roosgirl.

Offline bigheadfred

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Don't open the yellow door.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline Victoria33

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You posted: "Later . . . I had a low key to moderate "impression" that things could get very traumatic before 11 Feb."    "I know some prophetic sources have claimed that WW3 would come before the end of spring. I don't know if that was--regardless of how much prayer was earnestly sent to The Lord, or not. Others have said WW3 would occur before the end of 2017."

I feel like a prophet in the wilderness, except the wilderness is full of people - but they don't comprehend the warnings - their eyes are covered and their ears don't hear.  I believe "chaos" is coming soon due to unbridled Trump.  I believe there will be a disastrous attack on this country in the near future and watching his erratic behavior, almost 24 hrs. a day he is at it, resulting in angst he is causing world wide, more every day, it will not be far off.   

Offline Quix

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You posted: "Later . . . I had a low key to moderate "impression" that things could get very traumatic before 11 Feb."    "I know some prophetic sources have claimed that WW3 would come before the end of spring. I don't know if that was--regardless of how much prayer was earnestly sent to The Lord, or not. Others have said WW3 would occur before the end of 2017."

I feel like a prophet in the wilderness, except the wilderness is full of people - but they don't comprehend the warnings - their eyes are covered and their ears don't hear.  I believe "chaos" is coming soon due to unbridled Trump.  I believe there will be a disastrous attack on this country in the near future and watching his erratic behavior, almost 24 hrs. a day he is at it, resulting in angst he is causing world wide, more every day, it will not be far off.   

We disagree about Trump.

I do believe the oligarchy may well make him the fall-guy/scape-goat for the utter economic collapse and resulting chaos they have so carefully set-up over such a long period of time.

Ditto their long work toward setting up WW3.

Otherwise, I love that he APPEARS TO BE throwing a box full of monkey wrenches in their globalist schemes. I just can't imagine them letting him get away with that for long.

And, it seems highly unlikely that he is actually or merely or totally the anti-establishment rogue that he's being scripted as. But I pray he is. I pray his purported conversion to Christianity is authentic. I pray he's in the process of becoming a New Man in Jesus.

IF he is slated to be the scape-goat for utter collapse and chaos, then I'd look them to black wash all conservatives and particularly Christians in the same swell foop. And that certainly may be their plan and script. Just consider the liberal idiots' violence so far . . . and multiply that by 10 . . . the oligarchy could likely plan on a LOT of conservatives and Christians being killed by the rabid anarchic liberal idiots . . . except that more conservatives have more guns and are likely much better shots!

My former housemate saw a video of a church service where Melania leaped up with tears in her eyes singing HOW GREAT THOU ART or some such old hymn. I pray that's true and authentic, too.

Time  will tell one way or another.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 04:38:31 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Victoria33

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No, Quix, I saw that church scene and a handicapped child sang "How Great Thou Art" and Melania (sp), wiped a tear from her eye as likely many did.  After the song, all stood up and clapped.

It surprises me you don't see/understand the mental disorder of Trump.  So, we have our difference.

Offline Quix

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No, Quix, I saw that church scene and a handicapped child sang "How Great Thou Art" and Melania (sp), wiped a tear from her eye as likely many did.  After the song, all stood up and clapped.

It surprises me you don't see/understand the mental disorder of Trump.  So, we have our difference.
I understood that all rose at the same time Melania did . . . as that was how it was reported to me. I just thought it was significant that she seemed to have an authentic emotional response to the hymn.

I rate the purported/evident "symptoms" differently than you do.
I saw him on his TV show as a blow hard guilty of overweening pride--probably from a significant level of attachment disorder.
However, he also evidently had an above average relationship with his father else he'd be much worse and would not have determined and lived out such a functional relationship with each of his kids regardless of the divorces.
And, I'm convinced from my professional experiences and training (as you evidently are yours on the other side) that IF he were as seriously mentally defective as you see him, that he would not have been able to function over the decades as much as he has.
I think the biggest difference in how we see Trump is that you see the evidence as proof positive of extremely serious mental defectiveness. And I don't see his mental/emotional problems as serious as you see them.
So, as is usually the case . . . it's 'only' a matter of degree.
I think IF he were as bad as you see him, he would have been behaving much more as Shrillery has behaved for decades.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 06:13:36 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Smokin Joe

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  • I was a "conspiracy theorist". Now I'm just right.

I feel like a prophet in the wilderness, except the wilderness is full of people - but they don't comprehend the warnings - their eyes are covered and their ears don't hear.  I believe "chaos" is coming soon due to unbridled Trump.  I believe there will be a disastrous attack on this country in the near future and watching his erratic behavior, almost 24 hrs. a day he is at it, resulting in angst he is causing world wide, more every day, it will not be far off.   
You are not alone. People refused to see then, refuse to see now, and are being seduced by actions that appear right. Even the adversary will do things which appear right to further wrong.
I remain skeptical of someone I would not support, although he gives the appearance of doing things which need to be done.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Victoria33

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You said; "I think IF he were as bad as you see him, he would have been behaving much more as Shrillery has behaved for decades."

That is one mistake you are making - don't compare a person to someone else when making an diagnosis - calculated or real.  I studied Trump's behavior since he was a child.  His father said he was a difficult small child.  When he was in the fifth grade, he physically attacked his music teacher.  The father said he sent him to military school to try to change his behavior.  We can discuss the rest of this through email.


Offline Quix

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You said; "I think IF he were as bad as you see him, he would have been behaving much more as Shrillery has behaved for decades."

That is one mistake you are making - don't compare a person to someone else when making an diagnosis - calculated or real.  I studied Trump's behavior since he was a child.  His father said he was a difficult small child.  When he was in the fifth grade, he physically attacked his music teacher.  The father said he sent him to military school to try to change his behavior.  We can discuss the rest of this through email.

You sound like you've studied him quite a bit more  than I have.

And, I don't doubt he was a significant challenge when it came to rearing him.

I'm certainly willing to read what you write about him in email.

Nevertheless, I don't see hallmarks I'd expect to see compared to a lot of very crazy people I've worked with.

And, imho, in terms of comparing someone to others . . . where else do we derive our notions of "normal" vs very "crazy?"

"Normal" is the subset of individual humans, from the class of all humans, who demonstrate "average," "common," "conventional" behaviors considered, by definition, to be . . . uhhhh . . . average, normal, conventional.

"Crazy" is that subset of individual humans from the class of all humans who demonstrate behaviors one or more standard deviations away from "normal," "average," "conventional." . . . as you, no doubt, know.

Those definitions arose from comparing individuals with other individuals and the subset groups thereby defined and concerned.

I still think we are talking, essentially, about the relative DEGREE of deviation from the mean collection of behaviors. You see him having behaved (evidently his life-long) at a much greater degree of deviation from the mean, than I do or am aware of.

I am keenly familiar with folks who typically behave a considerable distance from the mean. And those individuals in my experience who have typically behaved a considerable distance from the mean, have acted much more 'off the wall' than I see or am aware of Trump acting.

And, it sounds like . . . he IS being sobered up quite a bit already--amazingly quickly . . . in his new role. He may even be in the process of being humbled considerably. THAT would be no small miracle, achievement, imho.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 10:48:43 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Quix

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You are not alone. People refused to see then, refuse to see now, and are being seduced by actions that appear right. Even the adversary will do things which appear right to further wrong.
I remain skeptical of someone I would not support, although he gives the appearance of doing things which need to be done.

I'll be blessed and at least slightly comforted if he merely manages to throw several monkey wrenches in the oligarchy's plans/works . . . slowing even slightly, their rush toward Armageddon.

Just overturning OThuga's Draconian Executive Orders and tyrannical Marxist regulations is a huge improvement, imho.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Gefn

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The day after we buried my father I had a dream that I was playing cards with him and his parents. Bridge. He kept saying six months, six months.

I have had the dream several times since- the most recent last month. Dad said "March". Then last night I had a dream to cancel my hip surgery in March- I won't be needing it.

I don't think the world will end. I just think something may or may not happen. Remember we don't know the hour and I'm fine with it.

I'm worried about the children.
G-d bless America. G-d bless us all                                 

Adopt a puppy or kitty from your local shelter
Or an older dog or cat. They're true love❤️

Offline Quix

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The day after we buried my father I had a dream that I was playing cards with him and his parents. Bridge. He kept saying six months, six months.

I have had the dream several times since- the most recent last month. Dad said "March". Then last night I had a dream to cancel my hip surgery in March- I won't be needing it.

I don't think the world will end. I just think something may or may not happen. Remember we don't know the hour and I'm fine with it.

I'm worried about the children.


I've had a kind of 'feeling' about March, too.

Not sure at what 'strength.' But it's been a repeating thing to come to mind . . . unbidden, several times.

The children are a bit point of grief, for me, too.

However, I'm reminded . . . of a couple things:

1. The children NDEr's have seen in heaven who were horribly abused, tortured etc. were totally freely forgiving and all declared that their earthly sufferings were literally nothing--that God intervened at the pain levels . . . or . . . that they were over quickly and nothing compared to the joys of heaven.

2. There's millions of aborted babies in Heaven who likely would not have made Heaven had they grown to be adults or rebellious teens.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 06:34:18 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline bigheadfred

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I am not worried about trump. This is the message to me.

There is a building comprised of a new section and an old section. The new section is a sanctuary. A 'safe' house. It is built next to and incorporating the old building. The old part is dusty-ancient. The only part in current use is for 'storage'.

In the new section there is a 'red' door and behind it, or contained by it, is evil. 'New' evil. Everyone there knows this evil and is prepared to deal with it. They understand it. The new section, as well as the storage area, is protected by spiritual warriors. One of those warriors is "@AbaraXas". The 'new" evil behind the red door is the 'commander'/'essence' ruling the evil spiritual entities assaulting the 'safe' house that the warriors fight. The warriors are trying to prevent them from opening the red door.

In the storage area of the old building, there is a wide stone staircase. At the bottom there is a wide entry way blocked by a huge stone. Blocked by the ancients. Everyone now there thinks this is the back of the red door and is of no concern.

But that isn't true. To the side of the staircase, there is an illusion of the wall an adept can pass through. Behind the illusion there is a hallway. The walls are carved in intricate patterns--warnings. At the end of the hallway there is a 'yellow' door. Old, old, old, yellowed ivory old. Behind that door is the true source of evil.  It is the true back of the red door. To approach that door invites the scrutiny of what is behind it. The only escape is to remember yourself at 'birth', reduce your 'tension', become frictionless, 'breathe'--contract that part that it can grab and expand the part it cannot. Then MOVE away. (I was powerless against it but I 'remembered' how to MOVE away)

While everyone is worried and concerned about the red door a 'custodian', a 'janitor' is going to find the yellow door. They aren't an adept and won't detect what is behind the yellow door.

They are going to open it.

Watch out for the opening of the yellow door and the 'custodian' that opens it.

That is what I am supposed to tell you.

She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline XenaLee

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Don't open the yellow door.

Did you mean....

the orange door? 
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline Quix

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I am not worried about trump. This is the message to me.

There is a building comprised of a new section and an old section. The new section is a sanctuary. A 'safe' house. It is built next to and incorporating the old building. The old part is dusty-ancient. The only part in current use is for 'storage'.

In the new section there is a 'red' door and behind it, or contained by it, is evil. 'New' evil. Everyone there knows this evil and is prepared to deal with it. They understand it. The new section, as well as the storage area, is protected by spiritual warriors. One of those warriors is "@AbaraXas". The 'new" evil behind the red door is the 'commander'/'essence' ruling the evil spiritual entities assaulting the 'safe' house that the warriors fight. The warriors are trying to prevent them from opening the red door.

In the storage area of the old building, there is a wide stone staircase. At the bottom there is a wide entry way blocked by a huge stone. Blocked by the ancients. Everyone now there thinks this is the back of the red door and is of no concern.

But that isn't true. To the side of the staircase, there is an illusion of the wall an adept can pass through. Behind the illusion there is a hallway. The walls are carved in intricate patterns--warnings. At the end of the hallway there is a 'yellow' door. Old, old, old, yellowed ivory old. Behind that door is the true source of evil.  It is the true back of the red door. To approach that door invites the scrutiny of what is behind it. The only escape is to remember yourself at 'birth', reduce your 'tension', become frictionless, 'breathe'--contract that part that it can grab and expand the part it cannot. Then MOVE away. (I was powerless against it but I 'remembered' how to MOVE away)

While everyone is worried and concerned about the red door a 'custodian', a 'janitor' is going to find the yellow door. They aren't an adept and won't detect what is behind the yellow door.

They are going to open it.

Watch out for the opening of the yellow door and the 'custodian' that opens it.

That is what I am supposed to tell you.

Sayyyyyyyyyy WHUT?
Kind of an interesting post . . . of sorts . . . the sort that leaves me feeling clueless or ignorant or something.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline bigheadfred

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Did you mean....

the orange door?

If you are alluding to trump--then no. other than that i take your statement as agreement.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline bigheadfred

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Since it was a dream it is (probably) full of symbology for me.

The main message is that while all these people are thinking they understand evil, or the evil that surrounds us,
and think they are ready for that they are going to get blindsided by the true threat--probably the true Antichrist. The only people who will be able to resist even a little, are the ones who can discern this. And there is only ONE power that can stop it, after it is here.

There wasn't any sense of time other than it is happening "now". I gather that by the inclusion of someone I "know", but isn't known to me personally in real time.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline XenaLee

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Since it was a dream it is (probably) full of symbology for me.

The main message is that while all these people are thinking they understand evil, or the evil that surrounds us,
and think they are ready for that they are going to get blindsided by the true threat--probably the true Antichrist. The only people who will be able to resist even a little, are the ones who can discern this. And there is only ONE power that can stop it, after it is here.

There wasn't any sense of time other than it is happening "now". I gather that by the inclusion of someone I "know", but isn't known to me personally in real time.

Got any theories on who the AC could be?  I'm thinking about some of the Soros/demon spawn.  Filthy rich with all the power that kind of wealth brings, ultra leftist, anti-Israel, hyper political and ergo, evil personified.  Then again, could be someone completely off our radar right now.  One wonders....
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline bigheadfred

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Got any theories on who the AC could be?  I'm thinking about some of the Soros/demon spawn.  Filthy rich with all the power that kind of wealth brings, ultra leftist, anti-Israel, hyper political and ergo, evil personified.  Then again, could be someone completely off our radar right now.  One wonders....

Filthy rich with all the power that kind of wealth brings, ultra leftist, anti-Israel, hyper political and ergo, evil personified.

No. See that is 'red' door. The AC will be a "janitor", not a CEO.  But I don't have a clue to actual identity. Watch for a rising star.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline Smokin Joe

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  • I was a "conspiracy theorist". Now I'm just right.
I'll be blessed and at least slightly comforted if he merely manages to throw several monkey wrenches in the oligarchy's plans/works . . . slowing even slightly, their rush toward Armageddon.

Just overturning OThuga's Draconian Executive Orders and tyrannical Marxist regulations is a huge improvement, imho.
Note, please, in our history, our rights have not been lost so much to those we fight against, but those we (the majority, whoever they are) agree with. Right foot, Left foot, the engines of totalitarianism slog forward. They are patient, they have time and resources. What the Left cannot do, the Right will, to the cheers of the multitudes.

Nothing is an accident. When one side has become ineffective, the other advances the underlying agenda, wrapped in the window dressing of controversy and conspicuous acts. If all else fails, then war is a tool by which this is done, pro patria!--Emergency measures passed to accolades strip the common man of rights while they cheer the more conspicuous parts of acts allegedly designed to make them 'safe'.

War destroys some outright, and to destroys others by impoverishing them and eliminating their best and brightest, seeds of destruction which take time to sprout, but always the oligarchy profits from the efforts of one,  if not both sides.
The oligarchy takes time, because it has time.

Make no assumptions that the things which simply appear right are the best course, nor that they will not come at a price to be paid later, if no other way than in backlash. Evil can do that which appears to be good for the cause of advancing evil. Most will never know which has happened until long afterward, if at all.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Quix

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  • Times R a changin' Walk with God!
Note, please, in our history, our rights have not been lost so much to those we fight against, but those we (the majority, whoever they are) agree with. Right foot, Left foot, the engines of totalitarianism slog forward. They are patient, they have time and resources. What the Left cannot do, the Right will, to the cheers of the multitudes.

Nothing is an accident. When one side has become ineffective, the other advances the underlying agenda, wrapped in the window dressing of controversy and conspicuous acts. If all else fails, then war is a tool by which this is done, pro patria!--Emergency measures passed to accolades strip the common man of rights while they cheer the more conspicuous parts of acts allegedly designed to make them 'safe'.

War destroys some outright, and to destroys others by impoverishing them and eliminating their best and brightest, seeds of destruction which take time to sprout, but always the oligarchy profits from the efforts of one,  if not both sides.
The oligarchy takes time, because it has time.

Make no assumptions that the things which simply appear right are the best course, nor that they will not come at a price to be paid later, if no other way than in backlash. Evil can do that which appears to be good for the cause of advancing evil. Most will never know which has happened until long afterward, if at all.

True. True.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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