Author Topic: The Democrats Retreat from Reality (NR)  (Read 488 times)

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The Democrats Retreat from Reality (NR)
« on: January 28, 2017, 05:12:59 pm »
The Democrats Retreat from Reality
Liberals cash in while the Left takes control
by Matthew Continetti January 28, 2017 12:00 AM @continetti

‘Retreat” is an appropriate description of what took place in Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia, this week. Senate Democrats took a break from not confirming President Trump’s cabinet to visit this historic city in a state the president won by 40 points. According to Politico the assembled were scheduled to hear from associates of the Clinton family and to “hold lessons on how to talk to real people.” Oh to be a fly on the wall.

I like to imagine Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer nodding sagely as Joe Manchin, the only Democratic senator with a modicum of common sense, asks a group of Trump voters to explain why calling people drug-addled unemployable racist misogynistic fascists is not, in fact, the best way to earn their votes. It’s moments like these when Barbara Boxer’s absence from the Democratic caucus would be most felt, I think. Faced with Trump supporters, the former California senator likely would respond with a hysterical and barely coherent monologue involving climate change, immigration, abortion rights, and gun control, all the while oblivious to the fact that these were the very issues that brought Trump to office. At least Boxer has pizzazz. These days the role of the clueless liberal proclaiming her moral supremacy over the déclassé is left to the nondescript, soporific, Dolores Umbridge-like Patty Murray. Here is yet another example of national decline.

“Real people” are what the Democratic party is sorely missing. By real I do not mean the members of a specific ethnic or religious or cultural or regional group but simply those men and women who are uninterested in the latest trend embraced by the Left. For the Democratic party to win again, it would need to recapture voters in the Midwest and Appalachia who supported Barack Obama twice but felt so disillusioned and dejected by the end of his second term, so utterly unenthused by the bland and corrupt technological illiterate the party nominated to replace him, that they embraced an outsider who promised to upend the system. The Trump era is just beginning, but so far Democrats have been much more willing to retreat into their ideological cubbyholes, or ascribe the election results to (take your pick) James Comey, fake news, or Russian subversion, than to acknowledge the power of nationalism and populism. It’s their loss.

 The splintering of the Democrats is rather something to behold. I giggle when I consider the reaction of “real people” to the DNC candidates’ forum the other day. There could be no better display of just how far to the left the party is moving. First the location of the forum was changed after the Washington Free Beacon reported on the anti-Israel activism of its original host. Then the festivities opened with a performance by a slam poet that left our correspondent in a state of delirium. The first candidate to speak, a white lady from Idaho, said her job would be to “shut other white people down.” The evening will be remembered for laundering the word “intersectionality,” a piece of jargon originating in departments of comparative literature and gender studies, into American political discourse. Do not ask me what it means. “We did a poor job of communicating intersectionality,” one candidate said. “I’m a walking intersectionality,” said another. Millions of Americans have dropped out of the workforce, families struggle with addiction, crime is rising, and how do the men and women and non-binaries running for DNC chair respond? “Let them eat intersectionality!”


No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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Re: The Democrats Retreat from Reality (NR)
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2017, 02:52:03 am »
The democrats aren't "retreating from reality" -- they're gravitating away from whites.

For all practical purposes, the democratic party has transformed itself into the "non-white" party. Perhaps even the anti-white party (even though a considerable number of whites are still "democrats by default", or by "derangement").

The Republican party (through Trump's themes) won this year because it is increasingly perceived to be "the white folks' party", even though it may not wish to be seen that way. But that's what's happening, and if the Pubbies are savvy, they'll let it continue to happen up into 2018.

This is the same kind of ethno-shifting that has been occurring in the deep South for several decades now. Look at how whites vote in those states -- it's almost "as a solid block" for the Republicans. The democrats get a small percentage of white votes, and just about ALL of the black vote. Whites in the South understand that if they don't vote for the Republicans, they stand a very good chance of being governed by a party (the democrats) that takes its cues from non-white interests.

I have no problems with this.
Let the democrats continue to move in this direction -- it will serve only to further remove them from the "traditional American" realm.