Author Topic: Seafloor Volcano Pulses May Alter Climate {posting probs skip to last post}  (Read 1029 times)

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 From: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
 Columbia University: Earth Institute
 5 Feb 2015
 Seafloor Volcano Pulses May Alter Climate
 New Data Show Strikingly Regular Patterns, From Weeks to Eons
Vast ranges of volcanoes hidden under the oceans are presumed by scientists to be the gentle giants of the planet, oozing lava at slow, steady rates along mid-ocean ridges. But a new study shows that they flare up on strikingly regular cycles, ranging from two weeks to 100,000 years—and, that they erupt almost exclusively during the first six months of each year. The pulses—apparently tied to short- and long-term changes in earth’s orbit, and to sea levels--may help trigger natural climate swings. Scientists have already speculated that volcanic cycles on land emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide might influence climate; but up to now there was no evidence from submarine volcanoes. The findings suggest that models of earth’s natural climate dynamics, and by extension human-influenced climate change, may have to be adjusted. The study appears this week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters .|.| “People have ignored seafloor volcanoes on the idea that their influence is small—but that’s because they are assumed to be in a steady state, which they’re not,” said the study’s author, marine geophysicist Maya Tolstoy of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory . “They respond to both very large forces, and to very small ones, and that tells us that we need to look at them much more closely.” A related study by a separate team this week in the journal Science bolsters Tolstoy’s case by showing similar long-term patterns of submarine volcanism in an Antarctic region Tolstoy did not study.
 . . .
 Enter volcanoes. Researchers have suggested that as icecaps build on land, pressure on underlying volcanoes also builds, and eruptions are suppressed. But when warming somehow starts and the ice begins melting, pressure lets up, and eruptions surge. They belch CO2 that produces more warming, which melts more ice, which creates a self-feeding effect that tips the planet suddenly into a warm period. A 2009 paper from Harvard University says that land volcanoes worldwide indeed surged six to eight times over background levels during the most recent deglaciation, 12,000 to 7,000 years ago. The corollary would be that undersea volcanoes do the opposite: as earth cools, sea levels may drop 100 meters, because so much water gets locked into ice. This relieves pressure on submarine volcanoes, and they erupt more. At some point, could the increased CO2 from undersea eruptions start the warming that melts the ice covering volcanoes on land?   
 . . .
 The long-term eruption data, spread over more than 700,000 years, showed that during the coldest times, when sea levels are low, undersea volcanism surges, producing visible bands of hills. When things warm up and sea levels rise to levels similar to the present, lava erupts more slowly, creating bands of lower topography. Tolstoy attributes this not only to the varying sea level, but to closely related changes in earth’s orbit. When the orbit is more elliptical, Earth gets squeezed and unsqueezed by the sun’s gravitational pull at a rapidly varying rate as it spins daily—a process that she thinks tends to massage undersea magma upward, and help open the tectonic cracks that let it out. When the orbit is fairly (though not completely) circular, as it is now, the squeezing/unsqueezing effect is minimized, and there are fewer eruptions.
 . . .

 I've long felt that the undersea volcanoes had a much bigger part they played in the whole set of climate issues--particularly the warming issue. IIRC, there are 15,000 or so of them. Sounds like a lot to me.
 I realize that the oligarchy's farce of man caused global warming script doesn't care about the facts. But the facts are still interesting, to me.
 Anyway--I think this is a very interesting article. I hope I come across more on the topic.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 07:05:53 pm by AbaraXas »
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Re: Seafloor Volcano Pulses May Alter Climate
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2017, 06:26:45 am »

Dear Oceander,

About 50-80% of the time when I try to post now, I get an error message--usually this one:

Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Request header field is missing ':' separator.
 says that land volcanoes worldwide indeed surged six to eight times
Apache Server at Port 80

= = = =

On the OP/post below, I got the super tiny text the last try as well . . . so this try, I highlighted the whole post and set the font at 14. It still came out miniscule.

Trying to post here has become a huge challenge--particularly OP's for threads.

I have no idea what the problem(s) is/are. But it would be so wonderful to find a solution.

I just saw that somehow the size for the font had been changed to "2." I had nothing to do with that. Gremlins on the circuits may be at fault. Sigh.

Your suggestions are?


 From: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
 Columbia University: Earth Institute
 5 Feb 2015
 Seafloor Volcano Pulses May Alter Climate
 New Data Show Strikingly Regular Patterns, From Weeks to Eons
 I've long felt that the undersea volcanoes had a much bigger part they played in the whole set of climate issues--particularly the warming issue. IIRC, there are 15,000 or so of them. Sounds like a lot to me.
 I realize that the oligarchy's farce of man caused global warming script doesn't care about the facts. But the facts are still interesting, to me.
 Anyway--I think this is a very interesting article. I hope I come across more on the topic.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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Re: Seafloor Volcano Pulses May Alter Climate
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2017, 06:27:56 am »
Maybe I can get the text of the OP to post decently in this post . . .
NOPE. IT CAME OUT MINISCULE AGAIN. I'll see if I can change the font size successfully under the modify option. Sigh.


NO cigar.

From: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
 Columbia University: Earth Institute
 5 Feb 2015
 Seafloor Volcano Pulses May Alter Climate
 New Data Show Strikingly Regular Patterns, From Weeks to Eons
Vast ranges of volcanoes hidden under the oceans are presumed by scientists to be the gentle giants of the planet, oozing lava at slow, steady rates along mid-ocean ridges. But a new study shows that they flare up on strikingly regular cycles, ranging from two weeks to 100,000 years—and, that they erupt almost exclusively during the first six months of each year. The pulses—apparently tied to short- and long-term changes in earth’s orbit, and to sea levels--may help trigger natural climate swings. Scientists have already speculated that volcanic cycles on land emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide might influence climate; but up to now there was no evidence from submarine volcanoes. The findings suggest that models of earth’s natural climate dynamics, and by extension human-influenced climate change, may have to be adjusted. The study appears this week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters .|.| “People have ignored seafloor volcanoes on the idea that their influence is small—but that’s because they are assumed to be in a steady state, which they’re not,” said the study’s author, marine geophysicist Maya Tolstoy of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory . “They respond to both very large forces, and to very small ones, and that tells us that we need to look at them much more closely.” A related study by a separate team this week in the journal Science bolsters Tolstoy’s case by showing similar long-term patterns of submarine volcanism in an Antarctic region Tolstoy did not study.
 . . .
 Enter volcanoes. Researchers have suggested that as icecaps build on land, pressure on underlying volcanoes also builds, and eruptions are suppressed. But when warming somehow starts and the ice begins melting, pressure lets up, and eruptions surge. They belch CO2 that produces more warming, which melts more ice, which creates a self-feeding effect that tips the planet suddenly into a warm period. A 2009 paper from Harvard University says that land volcanoes worldwide indeed surged six to eight times over background levels during the most recent deglaciation, 12,000 to 7,000 years ago. The corollary would be that undersea volcanoes do the opposite: as earth cools, sea levels may drop 100 meters, because so much water gets locked into ice. This relieves pressure on submarine volcanoes, and they erupt more. At some point, could the increased CO2 from undersea eruptions start the warming that melts the ice covering volcanoes on land?   
 . . .
 The long-term eruption data, spread over more than 700,000 years, showed that during the coldest times, when sea levels are low, undersea volcanism surges, producing visible bands of hills. When things warm up and sea levels rise to levels similar to the present, lava erupts more slowly, creating bands of lower topography. Tolstoy attributes this not only to the varying sea level, but to closely related changes in earth’s orbit. When the orbit is more elliptical, Earth gets squeezed and unsqueezed by the sun’s gravitational pull at a rapidly varying rate as it spins daily—a process that she thinks tends to massage undersea magma upward, and help open the tectonic cracks that let it out. When the orbit is fairly (though not completely) circular, as it is now, the squeezing/unsqueezing effect is minimized, and there are fewer eruptions.
 . . .

 I've long felt that the undersea volcanoes had a much bigger part they played in the whole set of climate issues--particularly the warming issue. IIRC, there are 15,000 or so of them. Sounds like a lot to me.
 I realize that the oligarchy's farce of man caused global warming script doesn't care about the facts. But the facts are still interesting, to me.
 Anyway--I think this is a very interesting article. I hope I come across more on the topic.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 06:31:08 am by Quix »
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QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Re: Seafloor Volcano Pulses May Alter Climate
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2017, 06:34:18 am »

Trying again more simply, I hope.

Vast ranges of volcanoes hidden under the oceans are presumed by scientists to be the gentle giants of the planet, oozing lava at slow, steady rates along mid-ocean ridges. But a new study shows that they flare up on strikingly regular cycles, ranging from two weeks to 100,000 years—and, that they erupt almost exclusively during the first six months of each year. The pulses—apparently tied to short- and long-term changes in earth’s orbit, and to sea levels--may help trigger natural climate swings. Scientists have already speculated that volcanic cycles on land emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide might influence climate; but up to now there was no evidence from submarine volcanoes. The findings suggest that models of earth’s natural climate dynamics, and by extension human-influenced climate change, may have to be adjusted. The study appears this week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters .
“People have ignored seafloor volcanoes on the idea that their influence is small—but that’s because they are assumed to be in a steady state, which they’re not,” said the study’s author, marine geophysicist Maya Tolstoy of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory . “They respond to both very large forces, and to very small ones, and that tells us that we need to look at them much more closely.” A related study by a separate team this week in the journal Science bolsters Tolstoy’s case by showing similar long-term patterns of submarine volcanism in an Antarctic region Tolstoy did not study. .|
. . .
Volcanically active mid-ocean ridges crisscross earth’s seafloors like stitching on a baseball, stretching some 37,000 miles. They are the growing edges of giant tectonic plates; as lavas push out, they form new areas of seafloor, which comprise some 80 percent of the planet’s crust. Conventional wisdom holds that they erupt at a fairly constant rate--but Tolstoy finds that the ridges are actually now in a languid phase. Even at that, they produce maybe eight times more lava annually than land volcanoes. Due to the chemistry of their magmas, the carbon dioxide they are thought to emit is currently about the same as, or perhaps a little less than, from land volcanoes—about 88 million metric tons a year. But were the undersea chains to stir even a little bit more, their CO2 output would shoot up, says Tolstoy.
. . .
The idea that remote gravitational forces influence volcanism is mirrored by the short-term data, says Tolstoy. She says the seismic data suggest that today, undersea volcanoes pulse to life mainly during periods that come every two weeks. That is the schedule upon which combined gravity from the moon and sun cause ocean tides to reach their lowest points, thus subtly relieving pressure on volcanoes below. Seismic signals interpreted as eruptions followed fortnightly low tides at eight out of nine study sites. Furthermore, Tolstoy found that all known modern eruptions occur from January through June. January is the month when Earth is closest to the sun, July when it is farthest—a period similar to the squeezing/unsqueezing effect Tolstoy sees in longer-term cycles. “If you look at the present-day eruptions, volcanoes respond even to much smaller forces than the ones that might drive climate,” she said.
. . .
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RE the troubles posting this thread and others recently . . . see below . . .

I assume Oceander is busy or on vacation?

Trying again more simply, I hope.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Seafloor Volcano Pulses May Alter Climate

February 5, 2015
New Data Show Strikingly Regular Patterns, From Weeks to Eons

Vast ranges of volcanoes hidden under the oceans are presumed by scientists to be the gentle giants of the planet, oozing lava at slow, steady rates along mid-ocean ridges. But a new study shows that they flare up on strikingly regular cycles, ranging from two weeks to 100,000 years—and, that they erupt almost exclusively during the first six months of each year. The pulses—apparently tied to short- and long-term changes in earth’s orbit, and to sea levels--may help trigger natural climate swings. Scientists have already speculated that volcanic cycles on land emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide might influence climate; but up to now there was no evidence from submarine volcanoes. The findings suggest that models of earth’s natural climate dynamics, and by extension human-influenced climate change, may have to be adjusted. The study appears this week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters .

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Fixed the font size in the original post.

How are you writing your BB code? Manually, using the WYSIWYG buttons, or copying from another site? 

Offline ABX

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FYI, if you are pasting code from another site or content from another site that happens to use BB code, highlight all the code and click this button.

That removes old formatting so you then can add your own formatting as you may need it.

Offline Quix

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Fixed the font size in the original post.

How are you writing your BB code? Manually, using the WYSIWYG buttons, or copying from another site? 

I've done both

1. entering it manually as I type and paste in.

2. Using the options from the top of  the posting window.

When I paste in from other sources, I typically just do 1-3 paragraphs at a time.

In this thread, I did it manually when I saw problems. I may have started that way.

I even deleted everything from the posting window 4-5 times and dinked around with the text in a Word document trying to clean out stray invisible codes.

Nothing seemed to work. Very frustrating. Very mystifying.


« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 07:11:11 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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FYI, if you are pasting code from another site or content from another site that happens to use BB code, highlight all the code and click this button.

That removes old formatting so you then can add your own formatting as you may need it.

That sounds helpful. Will keep that in mind and apply it. Thanks.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/