Author Topic: Talking Close Encounters (COLLECTION of UFO links) {RN Mary Rodwell of Australian C E Resource Network}& novel pics links  (Read 5937 times)

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From Echo NET Daily
10 Jan 2017 by The Echo
Mary Rodwell RN is the founder and principal of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN). Since 1994 Mary has worked in private practice as a professional counsellor, hypnotherapist, metaphysical teacher, researcher, author, Reiki master, and international speaker. A thrice-published author in the field, Mary is recognised internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers in the UFO and contact phenomenon.
. . .
I was working in private practice counselling when I was approached by a client who had heard I was open-minded and said that for this there are no support groups, for this they just think you are a loony. He proceeded to say that he and his family were having ‘visits from extraterrestrials’ and taken… he often woke up with marks and shaved areas on his body and his family were very frightened. He asked if I could help
. . .
As a therapist, did you ever consider that these experiences were delusions or some sort of projection? No. As a counsellor one can easily tell when someone is being truthful and authentic. It is very obvious when someone is unstable or delusional. It can hardly be delusional when a whole family are having similar experiences even as young as four or five years. In some cases these people don’t even believe in aliens except their experiences leave little doubt that’s what they are experiencing. My clients range from MDs nurses, and social workers to psychologists (they know full well how this may sound) but they also know this is real.
. . .
What caused you to come to a point of view that these were ‘real’ experiences?
Video and photographic evidence (I will be showing images of craft at the Close Encounters conference). Marks on the body that appear after these  experiences… these fluoresce under ultra-violet light. Implanted objects seen on X-ray and removed surgically and show magnetic anomalies. Ground EMF traces.
. . .

What are the commonalities in the stories that you have been told?
There are many patterns that evidence the experiences.
  • Sighting an anomalous bright light moving in a strange sequence in the sky, or a cigar- or saucer-shaped object  etc.
  • waking up with a bright light/blue or white in the room at night and sensing beings/presences in the room
  • feel paralysed… aware of being taken somewhere…
  • aware of being in a room having medical procedures
  • waking up with marks, strange triangular dots, bruises and scars on the body
  • feeling very tired and exhausted the next day after the experience
  • wake up with nightclothes in strange places or outside with all the doors locked
  • find you are writing unusual scripts or drawings
  • become more psychic… may see people’s energy fields.
. . .

She comes across to me as one of the LESS . . . off the wall new age types I've read. She seems to have a lot of objective criteria in her assessments etc.
A Harris Poll study years ago indicates she's accurate in terms of millions of people being abducted. I think the projections from the study in the USA alone indicates upwards of 3 million have been abducted.
I may make this thread a collection of abduction narratives, sources.
This article is worth a read if you are at all interested in the topic.
Some say the abductions have markedly decreased. I don't know. I haven't seen any statistics on it. Some contend that "their" 'project' has evidently been completed or near completed.
Others believe they are building an army of hybrids to join the fallen angels on the side of satan at Armageddon. Sounds like a futile effort, to me. But then, satan has been in the deluding business for eons.
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« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 11:30:20 am by Quix »
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From TexasUFO's
When: 4 Jan 2016 at 20:52
Triangle craft hovering low and silently.
Formatting kept from the original source.
Another triangle craft has been spotted in Texas, this time in Brownwood. The witness  saw the craft hovering low in the sky, and believes it was a TR-3B craft, a top-secret military craft that has been rumored to exist for decades. Triangle crafts like this one are getting spotted all over Texas and the United States right now.
. . .
Me and my daughter were coming home from church when we saw what at first looked like a drone at around 8:50 pm I looked up and saw it was close to the ground, around 300 to 500 ft high, as we concentrated on the "drone" that's when we noticed it was triangle shape and had three lights in the three corners of the triangle we slowed down and got a good look, it appeared to be hovering and flying slowly towards Brownwood, then all of a sudden it was about seven miles away over bangs  TX
. . .

It was purportedly one of 'our' military exotic craft types.
I've seen such a craft through binoculars high and far to the South as it hung there for more than 20 minutes.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 02:37:16 am by Quix »
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Fleet of Triangle Ships Over Dallas Area (Richardson area)

19 Dec 2016
Formatting kept from source link
3 triangular shaped craft - flying in V-formation from West to East, just North of Dallas Texas, and the night sky was very clear
 01:26am or 01:27am, today on December 19, 2016. I saw my first UFO's in my lifetime, it was interesting.
 (I am 53 years of age) 3 relatively small triangular shaped craft - flying in formation from West to East, and witnessed them as I was standing in my front yard. (just North of Dallas Texas, and the night sky was very clear) They emitted just a faint/low white light, and their formation was close together and smooth. They were all the same size and shape, and traveled in a somewhat close together V-formation - although their close proximity to each other had slight lateral variance as they were traveling.
 They were completely silent and traveling quite swiftly and much faster than commercial aircraft - approximately twice the speed.
 The trailing/back edge of these triangular crafts indented slightly in their shape. All of the leading and end points on these craft were slightly rounded. I guessed them around 10,000 ft. altitude.
. . .
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 02:44:23 am by Quix »
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UFO Research
Queensland Australia Est. 1956
. . .
2. About 6% of the population has had one or more sightings of UFO's. This translates into about 60,000 people per million, and is approximately the number of people in Brisbane who have had sightings. As a consequence of this statistic, virtually everyone knows one or more persons who have had sightings, as well as being aware of the phenomenon though the media and the literature. It may therefore be deduced that all but people with a powerful emotional or belief orientated objection can have any real doubts about the reality of this phenomenon. The level of public acceptance is probably about 90% of the population.
. . .
4. About 2% to 4% of the population is believed to have experienced alien abductions. These tend to recur many times in the person's life, and tend to follow family trees. Genetic factors seem to be important in selection for abductions, and the maintenance of an alien population seems to be a governing motivation of this alien activity. Since abductees generally experience many abductions, and since the sighting of a UFO is not uncommon during such episodes, it may be surmised that at least a sizeable fraction of those reporting multiple UFO sightings are also abductees. Only a very small percentage of abductees seem to be consciously aware of this aspect of their experiences.
{Qx: A Harris poll some years ago found that about 3% of Americans had experienced alien abductions}
. . .
6. Of the sightings reported, about 75% remain probable UFO's after exhaustive investigation and analysis. Only a small fraction of the reported sightings receive such exhaustive study, but their numbers are large enough, and the selection criteria random enough to justify this claim about sightings generally. The remaining 25%, comprises sightings where the data is inadequate to allow a reliable interpretation, and sightings for which a probable mundane explanation can be found. The frequent claims that only a small percentage of reported sightings remain "unexplained" after investigation and analysis (meaning a possible UFO), downplays the enormous stockpile of "real" UFO sightings that is on record.
. . .
When these statistics are viewed together, we can see more clearly how the policy of "silence" practiced by our authorities and institutions has hidden the sheer size of the impact of the UFO phenomenon on mankind. Clearly something big is going on, which the general public does not realise or understand, and yet we are most intimately involved
. . .
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 03:57:45 am by Quix »
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Here's a good interactive map of
The most corroborated UFO sightings
going back to 1905.
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173,877 sightings reported . . . and growing
Includes "UFO Activity Heat Map
The graph looks like sighting reports began to escalate just prior to 2,000 and is approaching 20,000 currently.

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Educating Humanity
Worldwide UFO Sightings up 35% Year over Year
. . .
July 2015 saw a total of 1353 UFO sightings reported to MUFON from around the world.  This represents a 35% increase in UFO sightings over July of last year. A breakdown by country is shown to the right. if you scroll down, reports by state, shape, and distance from the witness, are also shown.
{Sightings listed by country at the link}
United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1048 reports
Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   125
UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     49
Australia  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     11
Brazil  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     10
India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       9
. . .
{Some of the U.S. STATE distributions:}
California . . . . . . . 122
New York  . . . . . . .  70
Florida  . . . . . . . . .  58
Texas . . . . . . . . . . .  57
Pennsylvania . . . .  51
Colorado . . . . . . . .  40
Arizona . . . . . . . . .   39
Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
. . .
Shape of Object . . . . number of reports
Sphere . . . . . 258
Circle . . . . . . 142
Disc  . . . . . . . 124
Other . . . . . . 111
Triangle  . . . 110
Star-like  . . . 108
. . .

Interesting data, imho.
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OPEN MINDS: UFO News & Investigations
9 FEB 2015
National UFO Alert: January reports up 44.5 percent
Domestic UFO sighting reports for the U.S. were up 44.5 percent in January 2015 over December reports filed.


Wyoming was the high reporting state by population with 3.47 sightings per million population and registering as a UFO Alert 2, according to witness reporting statistics released February 1, 2015, from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

New Mexico was the next highest reporting level by population – also earning a UFO Alert 2 with 3.36 sightings per million population.


Alaska was the only state rated a UFO Alert 3 with 2.73 reports per million population.

Four states were rated a UFO Alert 4 with the following statistics based on per million population: Oregon, 2.56; Utah, 2.45; Arizona, 2.44; and Missouri, 2.16. All other states received less than 2 sightings per million population and were ranked a UFO Alert 5.
As the highest reporting state per million residents, Wyoming received two reports.
There were a total of 575 U.S. reports filed in January 2015 compared with 398 in December 2014. Total worldwide sightings were 721 for January 2015 and 498 for December 2014.



The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
. . .

Some more interesting stats.

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QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Here's an interesting article about belief--Biblical beliefs . . . and UFO sightings/reports:
It has a lot of charts mapping out stats relative to belief and geography etc.
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About the fellow north of Dallas who saw UFOs.  Would be interesting to know WHERE he was north of Dallas.  We are north of Dallas, too, and in the flight path for planes going to Dallas/Fort Worth airport.  I couldn't tell you what was a UFO as our sky is filled day and night with planes overhead.  At night, there are so many lights of planes, they are like moving blinking stars everywhere.  None are so low flying that we hear any noise -  we never hear them.

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we noticed it was triangle shape and had three lights in the three corners

I respect you and I understand what you do.

But, Why the hell could anybody think that UFOs would have 'running lights'?
Running lights are meant to reveal your location to other aviation.

When I build my own UFO, I will have 'lights' only on as a last resort. I'm not going to run broadcasting where I am to anyone who has eyes. It is possible that the aliens are not as smart as me, but I guess we'll never know.

Do we all understand that 'running lights' are an FAA regulation? Aliens love lights. Ok. I can go with that.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

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About the fellow north of Dallas who saw UFOs.  Would be interesting to know WHERE he was north of Dallas.  We are north of Dallas, too, and in the flight path for planes going to Dallas/Fort Worth airport.  I couldn't tell you what was a UFO as our sky is filled day and night with planes overhead.  At night, there are so many lights of planes, they are like moving blinking stars everywhere.  None are so low flying that we hear any noise -  we never hear them.


I don't know precisely where . . . I think Richardson, TX.
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we noticed it was triangle shape and had three lights in the three corners

I respect you and I understand what you do.

But, Why the hell could anybody think that UFOs would have 'running lights'?
Running lights are meant to reveal your location to other aviation.

When I build my own UFO, I will have 'lights' only on as a last resort. I'm not going to run broadcasting where I am to anyone who has eyes. It is possible that the aliens are not as smart as me, but I guess we'll never know.

Do we all understand that 'running lights' are an FAA regulation? Aliens love lights. Ok. I can go with that.

THANKS for your kind commentary.

Welllllllllllll, there can be assumptions--inaccurate assumptions--on all sides.

The one I saw through the binoculars did have the lights in the 3 corners.

Some folks contend that the light effect has to do with a particular type of propulsion and is not, per se, intended to be artificial lighting but is merely a side effect of the propulsion.

Then there's the issue of them purportedly WANTING to be seen--to a degree--and in certain ways and areas.

It IS clear that WHEN the exotic 'other' craft WANT to disappear--they can literally do that lock, stock and barrel . . . as in "poof," GONE--at least from view in this dimension. There are cases where the craft disappeared from sight but not from radar. And there are cases where the craft disappeared "poof" from sight and from radar at the same instant.

And it is clear that some of the mile+ long craft can hang motionless or going very slowly in the night sky merely observable by the shape of the mass of stars blotted out by the very black craft--WITHOUT any 'running lights' whatsoever. Though, such craft also evidently have the capability to appear to be part of the star pattern, when they want to.

Am far from an expert on UFO lighting issues . . . but the above are the factoids from my reading over many years.

I certainly claim NO great insight into the 'critters' ' psychology re lighting and the uses of lighting. LOL.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 10:46:08 am by Quix »
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Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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The one I saw through the binoculars did have the lights in the 3 corners.

Occam's razor, bro. Maybe you saw a jetliner?
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 11:09:31 am by Weird Tolkienish Figure »

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Occam's razor, bro. Maybe you saw a jetliner?

Acxtually, I think that Occam's razor is more in my favor.

Through the binoculars--as the craft hung motionless in the late afternoon sky--there's no way the shape could be distorted into that of an airliner . . . and I know of no airliner that hangs motionless in the sky for 20 minutes.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Original source link:

UFO and alien disclosure by ex-NASA scientist .
--Jacques Vallee--
video at link
. . .

Valle codeveloped the very first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA. He is also noted for his work at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), where he helped create ARPANET, a technology that became the foundation for the modern day internet.
He also supports the extraterrestrial hypothesis as one explanation for the UFO phenomenon, meaning that some of these UFOs are indeed intelligently controlled, remotely or not, by extraterrestrial beings. One of his many published papers, written in the late 90s, appeared in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. Titled “Estimates of Optical Power Output in Six Cases Of Unexplained Aeriel Objects With Defined Luminosity Characteristics,” (source)(source) it offers a comprehensive look at the oddities military pilots encounter when they are ordered to intercept one of these UFOs. (Related CE Article: Here’s What Happens When A UFO Is Tracked On Military Radar.)
Valle’s latest work includes a recently published analysis of 500 UFO cases from biblical antiquity t0 1879 before the development of modern industry. That was published in his book Wonders of the Sky.
. . .

imho, It is VERY misleading to claim that Dr Vallee believes the critters are extraterrestrials. He believes that they are evil entities that come from an EVIL SPIRITUAL DIMENSION. That's very different than distant planets and galaxies etc.
Actually, Expert Dr J. Allen Hynek agreed with him.

BTW, for those who don't  know, in the movie CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE 3RD KIND--The French Scientist was based on Dr Jacques Vallee's life and research into the topic.
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« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 05:50:21 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Online bigheadfred

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I am getting your pings now @Quix.

One thing I would like to note re aliens being evil entities concerns the Veil. I believe the Veil exists as a double protection. It is there for us to experience this physical realm fully without our own self-inflicted hindrance by trying to access information "restricted for our use" from beyond it. It also protects us from hindrance by entities who wish us harm. The reason we haven't been openly "contacted" is because it isn't allowed. They can't break fully through the Veil.  Abduction stories may be accounts of people who are 'looking' for it by way of spiritual impurity.

So, when the bottomless pit is opened the Veil is torn asunder and welcome to hell on earth. With only those who have the spiritual readiness able to withstand it. Spiritually, but not necessarily physically.

It brings up the question as to the final result of operations at CERN. Breaking the ties that bind. I've seen things suggesting that their true intent is to break the Veil--open the seal to the bottomless pit. But they may not see it that way simply because they don't believe in it. But out of that unbelief comes a malice as exemplified by the videos Cern produces. Laughing in our faces, as it were.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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I am getting your pings now @Quix.

One thing I would like to note re aliens being evil entities concerns the Veil. I believe the Veil exists as a double protection. It is there for us to experience this physical realm fully without our own self-inflicted hindrance by trying to access information "restricted for our use" from beyond it. It also protects us from hindrance by entities who wish us harm. The reason we haven't been openly "contacted" is because it isn't allowed. They can't break fully through the Veil.  Abduction stories may be accounts of people who are 'looking' for it by way of spiritual impurity.

So, when the bottomless pit is opened the Veil is torn asunder and welcome to hell on earth. With only those who have the spiritual readiness able to withstand it. Spiritually, but not necessarily physically.

It brings up the question as to the final result of operations at CERN. Breaking the ties that bind. I've seen things suggesting that their true intent is to break the Veil--open the seal to the bottomless pit. But they may not see it that way simply because they don't believe in it. But out of that unbelief comes a malice as exemplified by the videos Cern produces. Laughing in our faces, as it were.

Excellent points, imho.

Researcher, minister-to-abductees Guy Malone . . . asserts after 400 cases . . . that he's never come across anyone who was abducted who had not FIRST open a spiritual door to the occult by occult doings . . . at least a horoscope obsession/fascination. He's also not come across anyone who was an authentic, active Christian at the time of the abduction.

Interesting times, for sure.

I, too, think that CERN is more than a little dark, occultish, satanic. Their opening ceremony was hideous.

And there have been whistle-blowers saying such things about the place, as well.
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I do some sky watching. Mostly in the early mornings, before work, when I am out stretching the legs. I've seen some curious lights, but don't pursue any quests in that direction. The only object I have seen was in a group. in the daytime. I've thought about it and decided I don't really want to see any through my own volition.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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I do some sky watching. Mostly in the early mornings, before work, when I am out stretching the legs. I've seen some curious lights, but don't pursue any quests in that direction. The only object I have seen was in a group. in the daytime. I've thought about it and decided I don't really want to see any through my own volition.


I say a prayer telling such entities to go away, in the Name of Jesus, whenever anything even appears to be in the ballpark of such craft. I don't want them near me, actually.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Triangle UFO's Over New York State
They are big, black and triangular in shape. They’ve been reported to be 75-100 feet long and 45-60 feet wide. Some witnesses suggest that they are two stories high. These are triangle UFOs over New York state.
   Many people think the triangle UFOs are strictly occurrences reported in the 20th and 21st centuries. Yet in Charles Fort’s 1919 work The Book of the Damned, there are accounts of triangle sightings from various far-flung parts of the world from the early as 1880s. The earliest-known sighting in New York state dates from June of 1962 in Bethpage in New York’s Nassau County.
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Any New Yorker's hereon who have seen such things recently?
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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NOTE: Original source is behind a subscription wall. This is via Nexus.
Possible UFO sighting over the Gold Coast on New Year's Day.
. . .
UFO Research Queensland President Sheryl Gottschall told the Bulletin over the past four years activity on the Gold Coast had increased to cover about 50 per cent of all reports received in Queensland.

She said many sightings went unreported.

Interesting comment about the increase the last 4 years.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Rod-shaped UFO's Glide Over Florida--See Time-lapse Footage!
10 JAN 2017
Pensacola Florida
Two rod-shaped UFO's speed through sky
Original formatting kept below
On the evening of Tuesday, January 10, 2017, at around 18:47:00 CST I was recording time lapse (night lapse) footage on my GoPro HERO5 Black camera of the moon and the surrounding cloud cover looking towards NE Pensacola Florida I was using a short exposure and capturing at 3 fps. The event happened in less than one minute. While editing the footage I noticed two long cylindrical objects close to the center of the screen, one and then the other as if one was chasing the other. At first, I thought these to be meteors, but based on the reflection and shadows it appears that the objects enter the frame and exit in a distinct arch. when I zoom in on the second object and frame that shows the object permanently I see a clearly defined cylindrical object. I then realized that I may have captured something incredible and unidentified. I lost sight of the objects when they exited the frame after having momentarily entered the frame.

The video is at the link.
Sounds sincere/genuine, to me.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Think trump will make disclosure?
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley