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Jeff Sessions shunned, slandered by longtime Senate Democrat collaborators
 By S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Updated: 10:27 p.m. on Sunday, January 8, 2017

Senate Democrats are poised to throw away 20 years of friendship and a bipartisan working relationship with Sen. Jeff Sessions to wreak political vengeance on him this week as they consider his nomination for attorney general.

Highlighting the deep partisan divide and the bad blood between Democratic lawmakers and President-elect Donald Trump, the same senators who have socialized and co-authored reams of legislation with Mr. Sessions are under pressure from liberal interest groups to air accusations that he is a racist, a sexist and a homophobe.

Mr. Sessions, who has held an Alabama seat in the Senate since 1997 and has served as the state’s attorney general and as a U.S. attorney, is expected to win confirmation from his colleagues, including support from several Democrats. But it won’t be pretty.

Heading into two days of confirmation hearings that begin Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he serves as a member, liberal activist groups have gone so far as to label him a “white supremacist,” and his Democratic colleagues have expressed doubt about his ability to enforce the law without prejudice.

Mr. Sessions has weathered protests in Alabama by the NAACP, which joined other racial minority groups in urging senators to oppose the nomination.

“The question is what in his record over 40 years suggests that we can trust him to enforce the nation’s civil rights laws, and the onus is on Sen. Sessions to prove, in light of that record, that he is fit for this position,” said Sherrilyn Ifill, president of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, a New York Democrat who has described Mr. Sessions as a “gym buddy,” raised the specter of “troubling things” in the nominee’s past and promised tough questions.

Most of the opposition stems from accusations that in the 1980s, while serving as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Alabama, Mr. Sessions inappropriately prosecuted black voter rights activists and made racially insensitive comments and jokes.

Those accusations derailed his nomination to the federal bench in 1986.


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No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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Exclusive: Sources: Grassley to allow special panel for Sessions witch-hunt
By: Nate Madden | January 08, 2017

Sen. Jeff Sessions’ confirmation is shaping up to be a political circus act as sources indicate Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley R-Iowa, (D, 66%) is expected to announce a special panel “to examine Sen. Sessions’ history on civil rights.” But in reality, the panel will only serve as a platform for smears, rumor, and spin.

A special panel would go directly against the Iowa Republican’s previously expressed goal of avoiding the disaster confirmation hearings for President George W. Bush’s Attorney General John Ashcroft. In a statement in November, Grassley referred to Ashcroft’s confirmation hearings as a “reckless campaign that snowballed into an avalanche of innuendo, rumor and spin” and added Sessions’ confirmation hearings would not be a repeat.

Sources working with the Trump transition team and in the Senate, with direct knowledge of the situation, spoke with Conservative Review under the condition of anonymity and said that Chairman Grassley conceded to Senate Judiciary Democrat demands to allow a special panel on civil rights to cross-examine Sessions.

The announcement of the special panel could come as soon as Monday.

One source indicated that Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., (F, 22%) would be on the panel. For context, Lewis and Sessions both attended last year’s 50th Selma anniversary, but now Lewis will take part in the special panel to examine Sessions’ bona fides on civil rights.

What this panel will effectively do is give a congressional soapbox, sanctioned by the GOP Judiciary chairman, to conduct a prolonged smear campaign with the intent to paint Sessions as some sort of unrepentant neo-Confederate racist. The cardinal sins for which Democrats will try to convict him are believing that America should enforce its immigration laws, his support and assistance to President-elect Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign, and — above all — being a white, evangelical conservative from the state of Alabama.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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sources indicate Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley R-Iowa, (D, 66%) is expected to announce a special panel “to examine Sen. Sessions’ history on civil rights.”

If Grassley does this he should be destroyed.

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sources indicate Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley R-Iowa, (D, 66%) is expected to announce a special panel “to examine Sen. Sessions’ history on civil rights.”

If Grassley does this he should be destroyed.

If you put a dollar bill in your wallet, and you wait 20 years to open your wallet, what have you got?  A dollar...and that just shows you in an allegory.  A rat is a rat no matter how you look at it.  You can conceal the can try to reintroduce the rat decades later...but it is still a stinking rat.  and a rat hates you, your family, the American Flag, and baby Jesus.

I've never been a fan of Senator Sessions, but he's earning points tonight through rat terror.  Make them pee their pants Jeff!!! :patriot:

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sources indicate Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley R-Iowa, (D, 66%) is expected to announce a special panel “to examine Sen. Sessions’ history on civil rights.”

If Grassley does this he should be destroyed.

Did we really expect anything that Trump does to not meet resistance from the left??  They are besides themselves that they lost and they intend to do everything that they can to ensure that Trump fails.  I'm hoping that Trump does so well that the American people hand the DEMS their walking papers again in '18.
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WWRB do?

(What would Robert Bryd do?)

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Liberals Attack Jeff Sessions’ Dead Father

By Erick Erickson  |  January 9, 2017, 12:24pm  |  @ewerickson

Jeff Sessions’s father was born in rural Alabama in 1913. When he was 72 years old, Ronald Reagan nominated his son to be a federal judge. The father gave an interview to a local newspaper and said that he believed in the separation of races, but that his son did not believe that and no one should attribute his views to his son. In fact, his son had been working to desegregate Alabama schools.

Fast forward to 2017. Now, liberal reporters who oppose Donald Trump nominating Jeff Sessions for Attorney General are using his father’s statement to attack him.

Let’s be honest — Barack Obama’s father had extreme views on race and society and these people were never interested in those. In fact, to bring them up at all was racist. But they are suddenly interested in the views of a man born in the rural South in 1913. It’d be a real stunner if Jeff Sessions’s father believed otherwise.

The founders of this country were specifically bothered by the idea of a father’s crimes being held against his son. In Article 3, Section 3, they prohibited holding a person’s treason against their descendants. It’s called “corruption of blood.”


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sources indicate Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley R-Iowa, (D, 66%) is expected to announce a special panel “to examine Sen. Sessions’ history on civil rights.”

If Grassley does this he should be destroyed.

What right have they to do this?
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sources indicate Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley R-Iowa, (D, 66%) is expected to announce a special panel “to examine Sen. Sessions’ history on civil rights.”

If Grassley does this he should be destroyed.

I understand that Sessions has an exemplary record on civil rights - Grassley won't get the result he's going for.

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Re: Jeff Sessions shunned, slandered by longtime Senate Democrat collaborators
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2017, 01:31:29 am »

The Case for Jeff Sessions

Barack Obama's Justice Department is out of control. America needs an attorney general who will enforce the law.

  By Ted Cruz
  | January 09, 2017


Senator Jeff Sessions’ nomination to be the 84th attorney general of the United States is fantastic news for those who revere the rule of law. For the past four years, I have had the pleasure of serving alongside Sessions in the Senate, where we worked closely together on both the Judiciary and Armed Services Committees. Having witnessed his integrity and passion for law enforcement firsthand, I have confidence that Sessions will be a superb attorney general.

Senator Sessions’ credentials are impressive. A former U.S. attorney and Alabama attorney general, he has ably represented the citizens of Alabama on Capitol Hill for the past 20 years, specializing in law-enforcement issues and earning tremendous respect among the hardworking men and women in blue across our great land. Few people could be considered more qualified than Sessions for the daunting task of leading our country’s largest and most influential law-enforcement agency. But Sessions’ impressive résumé alone is not why I endorse him.

I support Senator Sessions for attorney general for the very reason that many vehemently oppose him. Namely, I—and they—know that Sessions will enforce the law. The fact that this is controversial tells you all you need to know about the sorry intellectual state of our country’s elites, especially in the legal academy and federal bureaucracies. Senator Sessions believes in the foundational idea that we are governed by objectively knowable, written rules, and that we should not be subject to the interpretive whims of unelected, power-hungry bureaucrats. Sessions will instill this belief at the Department of Justice.

That’s a welcome change from the past eight years.

The Obama Department of Justice openly ignored the laws it didn’t like. While Senator Sessions condemned so-called sanctuary cities, the Obama DOJ funneled hundreds of millions in grant money to them—despite these cities’ brazen refusal to abide by our country’s immigration laws—and it endangered Americans all over the country by itself repeatedly refusing to enforce these laws. Furthermore, the Obama DOJ routinely preferred to act as a quasi-legislature, attempting to rewrite straightforward laws—and even the Constitution itself—to fit its radical agenda, as when the DOJ had the temerity to argue before the Supreme Court that the First Amendment could be interpreted to allow the government to dictate to a church which ministers it could hire and fire. This startling position was rejected by all nine Supreme Court justices, including the two appointed by President Barack Obama. And this was a trend, not a glitch: In stark contrast to his predecessors, Obama lost more than half of his cases at the Supreme Court, including nearly 50 unanimous rulings.


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Re: Jeff Sessions shunned, slandered by longtime Senate Democrat collaborators
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2017, 03:15:17 am »
Ted Cruz said it all and this attempt to discredit him is disgraceful.
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.

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Re: Jeff Sessions shunned, slandered by longtime Senate Democrat collaborators
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2017, 11:32:45 am »
The Case for Jeff Sessions

Barack Obama's Justice Department is out of control. America needs an attorney general who will enforce the law.

  By Ted Cruz
  | January 09, 2017


Senator Jeff Sessions’ nomination to be the 84th attorney general of the United States is fantastic news for those who revere the rule of law. For the past four years, I have had the pleasure of serving alongside Sessions in the Senate, where we worked closely together on both the Judiciary and Armed Services Committees. Having witnessed his integrity and passion for law enforcement firsthand, I have confidence that Sessions will be a superb attorney general.

Senator Sessions’ credentials are impressive. A former U.S. attorney and Alabama attorney general, he has ably represented the citizens of Alabama on Capitol Hill for the past 20 years, specializing in law-enforcement issues and earning tremendous respect among the hardworking men and women in blue across our great land. Few people could be considered more qualified than Sessions for the daunting task of leading our country’s largest and most influential law-enforcement agency. But Sessions’ impressive résumé alone is not why I endorse him.

I support Senator Sessions for attorney general for the very reason that many vehemently oppose him. Namely, I—and they—know that Sessions will enforce the law. The fact that this is controversial tells you all you need to know about the sorry intellectual state of our country’s elites, especially in the legal academy and federal bureaucracies. Senator Sessions believes in the foundational idea that we are governed by objectively knowable, written rules, and that we should not be subject to the interpretive whims of unelected, power-hungry bureaucrats. Sessions will instill this belief at the Department of Justice.

That’s a welcome change from the past eight years.

The Obama Department of Justice openly ignored the laws it didn’t like. While Senator Sessions condemned so-called sanctuary cities, the Obama DOJ funneled hundreds of millions in grant money to them—despite these cities’ brazen refusal to abide by our country’s immigration laws—and it endangered Americans all over the country by itself repeatedly refusing to enforce these laws. Furthermore, the Obama DOJ routinely preferred to act as a quasi-legislature, attempting to rewrite straightforward laws—and even the Constitution itself—to fit its radical agenda, as when the DOJ had the temerity to argue before the Supreme Court that the First Amendment could be interpreted to allow the government to dictate to a church which ministers it could hire and fire. This startling position was rejected by all nine Supreme Court justices, including the two appointed by President Barack Obama. And this was a trend, not a glitch: In stark contrast to his predecessors, Obama lost more than half of his cases at the Supreme Court, including nearly 50 unanimous rulings.

So tell me, is Ted Cruz lying?
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-