Author Topic: Women's March organizers predict 200,000 will attend anti-Trump protest at inauguration  (Read 984 times)

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Offline SirLinksALot

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By DANIEL STRAUSS 01/03/17 07:30 PM EST

Organizers of the Women’s March on Washington estimate 200,000 people will participate in its inauguration weekend protest, according to a National Park Service's list of First Amendment permit applications.

The group organizing the protest (which was initially pegged as a “million woman march”) applied for a permit application under the name “The Gathering for Justice,” according to Mike Litterst, the chief of communications for the NPS’ National Mall & Memorial Parks. The application says the march’s purpose is “to come together in solidarity to express to the new administration & congress that women’s rights are human rights and our power cannot be ignored.”

The march grew out of a Facebook group planning to protest President-elect Donald Trump’s election the day after he’s sworn in. Over 100,000 people said on Facebook that they would participate in the march, set to start at the Lincoln Memorial and end at the White House on Jan. 21.

The march is one of many planned protests and events surrounding the inauguration. Other groups that applied for permits on Inauguration Day include the March for Life Education and Defense Fund 2017, requesting a permit for the National Mall to “march for life, to build a culture of Life on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.” The application said it anticipates 50,000 people will attend.

The Westboro Baptist Church, the Kansas religious group that has used anti-LGBQT protests at funerals for military members to draw attention to itself, also applied for a permit for John Marshall Park, near the National Mall, to “conduct a public demonstration/outdoor religious service regarding the judgement of God with respect to the dangers of promoting homosexuality-, same sex marriage [sic] and the filthy manner of life and idol-worshipping of the nation.”

Bikers for Trump, a group supporting Trump, applied for a permit for the day after the inauguration at the same location. The purpose of that group’s demonstration is “to celebrate president-elect, and encourage peaceful transition.”

Trump has repeatedly expressed interest in having a large crowd on Inauguration Day. In December, he tweeted “I hope the ‘MOVEMENT’ fans will go to D.C. on Jan 20th for the swearing in. Let’s set the all time record!”

Offline Frank Cannon

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Over 100,000 people said on Facebook that they would participate in the march

So 100k lazy do nothings thumbs up a Fakebook post and the zany organizers are doubling that number? Good luck getting a bunch of slugs to show up in the brutal cold without any Soros payments for service. I also laugh that these losers are doing it AFTER the inauguration when no one will give a shit.


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How do you get 200K women to show up in washington... in jan when the temps a 5 above and the 4 port-a-potty's seats are frozen solid, locked and upright position and the turds left from the homeless the night before are skating on the blue ice in the holding tank.

Offline musiclady

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The March for Life has been going on for decades and has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump (though perhaps it should since he's not pro-life at all).

My husband and I will probably attend this year, weather permitting.  We've been blizzarded out twice and really hope to make it this year.

The news will ignore it, of course, and anything mentioning it at all will grossly underestimate the crowd size, just as it will overestimate this Women's march.

I do understand why some women will be there, however, since Trump is a self-admitted sexual predator.
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.

Offline dfwgator

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Which means about 200 will show up.


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Which means about 200 will show up.

MSM video tight shots prove the crowd size to be half a million strong... And everywhere was a song and a celebration.

Offline mirraflake

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How do you get 200K women to show up in washington... in jan when the temps a 5 above and the 4 port-a-potty's seats are frozen solid, locked and upright position and the turds left from the homeless the night before are skating on the blue ice in the holding tank.

I wish I had your gift of words.


Offline mirraflake

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The March for Life has been going on for decades and has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump (though perhaps it should since he's not pro-life at all).

Trump has said he changed his views on abortion over the last years especially after his grandchildren were born, and other reasons (after he watched a late term abortion video) and he is now Pro Life.



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I wish I had your gift of words.


Thankfully you all don't deduct for speeling and gramur.