Author Topic: Everlasting Damage  (Read 1484 times)

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Offline Hondo69

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Everlasting Damage
« on: January 04, 2017, 09:40:49 am »
Pundits will soon be reflecting on the eight years of Obama, each twisting and spinning their own version of history.  Yet few will key in on the critical factors that will have longest lasting effects on the American public.  These critical factors can never be undone, reversed or modified. 

How many doctors quit the profession or retired due to ObamaCare?  These doctors are never coming back.  When you add in the number of medical students that switched from general practice to a specialty practice because of ObamaCare then voila, we're faced with a looming doctor shortage.  Although the effects will be devastating to the American public I doubt our intrepid journalist will ever bother to mention this key fact at all.

And where did the internet go?  That horse has left the barn.

We can also expect mountains of white noise from the chattering class concerning executive orders.  While those can be undone with a stroke of the pen it does not by any means their effects are not long lasting.  In addition, Obama initiated a whole basket of environmental regulations that have been passed down to the states.  The states have in turn revamped their own rules and regulations in order to comply.  Whether it be executive orders or agency directives both types of actions set in motion repercussions at the state level that may be next to impossible to reverse.  Setting aside the realities of politics and lawsuits at the state level, the main point is that state legislators are unlikely to review all the changes they have made then state, "Oh never mind".

Eight years is a long time to inflict permanent damage and Barack The Punisher had done more than his share.  All the companies that went out of business due to Operation Chokehold are not coming back.  The "stimulus" dollars spent approached nearly a trillion dollars with a promise of shovel ready jobs.  We can't just say, "Obama, you didn't build that", and ask for our money back.  It's long gone along with countless family-owned GM dealerships, small community banks, private college loan companies, jobs moved overseas, and shuttered factories. 

And that is just an abbreviated list of economic / financial losses that are never coming back.  We haven't even addressed issues like civil liberties, veterans lost due to neglect at the VA, or American lives claimed by illegals in exchange for future Democratic votes.

During this time in history we will be splattered with hundreds of stories reflecting back on eight years of Barack Obama.  Few if any of those stories will bother to address those cherished American entities we've lost forever.