Author Topic: System that produced German terror thrives in U.S.. Obama's 'countering violent extremism' promotes rights of Muslims over protection of homeland  (Read 491 times)

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System that produced German terror thrives in U.S.
Obama's 'countering violent extremism' promotes rights of Muslims over protection of homeland
Published: 11 hours ago. Updated: 12/21/2016 at 8:56 PM

What appears from the outside to be a bungling of basic law-enforcement operations in Germany – allowing a known illegal alien with a criminal and terrorist past to move about freely in German society for more than a year – may not be a bungling at all.

Rather, it’s part of a coordinated strategy also being used by open-borders globalists in the Obama administration, says a retired Homeland Security officer.

Philip Haney, co-author of the whistleblower book “See Something Say Nothing,” explains how a Muslim migrant was able to stay in the country long enough to plan an attack that killed 12 and injured nearly 50 at a Berlin Christmas market Monday. Anis Amri, a Tunisian national, was allowed to float about undetected by German authorities for more than a year, even though he was a known terror threat who had his asylum bid rejected and had spent four years in an Italian prison for burning down a school.