Author Topic: 9 facts you should know about these 'Russian hacks'  (Read 391 times)

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9 facts you should know about these 'Russian hacks'
« on: December 14, 2016, 12:26:10 pm »
9 facts you should know about these 'Russian hacks'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah sees historical double standard among Dems, media
Published: 12 hours ago

May I be so bold as to present some key, undisputed facts with regard to the kerfuffle over allegations – including some by the CIA – the Russian government hacked into the computers of the Democratic National Committee to find embarrassing emails in hopes of swaying the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump?

    No one is alleging that the Russians hacked into election computers to change votes. Nevertheless, some of the hysterical rhetoric from Democrats seems determined to give that impression to their low-information voters.
    If the Russians did hack into the computers of the DNC, released documents embarrassing to Democrats and it impacted the election (something that could never be proved, of course) this would be exposing the truth of something the Democrats were trying to hide. Isn’t more information always better than less for those earnestly trying to make the right decision on how to vote?