Because Trump's essential appeal is to hatred and despair; that's how he got the nomination and the election.
Which is SOOO much more ethical and moral than identity politics in which whites, law enforcement, Christians, traditionalists, patriots and people who support immigration changes are all dehumanized. What an unfunny joke. Xenophobic? hah there is no one on the planet more xenophobic than a leftist - who generally use the most vile, incendiary rhetoric imaginable to demonize everyone who disagrees with them strongly as sub-human. Hell Hill-O-Lies even did it to Bernie Sanders and before that to the Eightball Obama (she is the one who started the Birther Movement, not Trump - he simply capitalized on it to grab more free media coverage and hold center stage).
The Democrat party has become the party of hate. Not the rational sort, the schizoaffective sort. Like Ahab or perhaps Jim Jones. Egocentric, megalomaniacal and deeply irrevocably unrepentantly detached from reality. Dangerous to themselves and far worse, to everybody else. Self-adoring, elitist Cacogens who have no place in the meritocracy.
The leftist strategery (sic) was to desperately portray the Republican candidate as worse in every way than the 'Crat - which has brought the nation to the brink of a national crisis where many are talking seriously about how LEOs deserve to be murdered and comparing the president elect to mass murdering despots (virtually all of them leftists or muzz).
Trump beat the leftists at their own game - using words as munitions to create a desired effect, instead of primarily as tools of communication. So what? Hill-O-Lies crimes and offenses and destruction of life, liberty and property are all existential, Trumps mostly all speculative, hypothetical or alleged.
PLEASE keep up this sort of idiocy. You are doing so much more damage the causes leftism espouses than if you had just been gracious, fair-minded, rational good losers. And wonderful job in defeating Tim Ryan (who was virtually the sole advocate for the latter accountability/soul searching) for Speaker by more than a two-to-one margin. Bravo! PLEASE KEEP POSTING AND EXPRESSING YOUR STRONG OPINIONS ABOUT EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING ELSE!!