Author Topic: Let her go? Giuliani, Christie throw cold water on Hillary prosecution (Watch Video)  (Read 7138 times)

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Offline SirLinksALot

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by: Ed Morrissey

Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie demurred Thursday when asked about the President-elect’s resolve to follow-up on his campaign promise to put Hillary Clinton in jail. More than once, Donald Trump suggested that Hillary should be prosecuted for Clinton Foundation operations and her exposure of classified information through a secret and unauthorized e-mail system. Supporters at his rallies often chanted “Lock her up!” as Trump hammered on her connections to corruption and influence-peddling.

Neither former federal prosecutor — both rumored to be on short lists in the upcoming administration — sounded all that enthusiastic about being part of that project. Giuliani did allow that a pass would make other prosecutions harder to sustain, but also suggested that Trump might let bygones be bygones. However, Giuliani also did suggest that Trump might ask for FBI Director James Comey’s resignation:


It’s worth noting, as Chris Cuomo does here, that the director of the FBI isn’t supposed to be a political appointment. Presidents do make the appointment, but the term is set for ten years, both to limit any one person’s access to that power and to keep politics at arms’ length from the nominee. Republicans hailed Comey’s selection at the time, so a GOP president demanding a resignation would raise eyebrows on a number of fronts. It sounds as though Giuliani plans to make the case for keeping Comey to Trump, and as he notes here anyway, the real issue was with the Department of Justice. Giuliani doesn’t sound enthusiastic about fixing that problem in regard to Hillary, but he’s not entirely ruling it out.

Chris Christie sounded downright dismissive when discussing the prospects for a Hillary prosecution with Today‘s Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie. He even used that most Clintonian of all scandal slogans — move on:


“I haven’t spoken to (Trump) about that. I will tell you they had an enormously gracious conversation with each other Tuesday night,” he said. “Again, politics are over now, people have spoken, time to move on.”

“People wanted (Clinton) to be locked up. Those are his constituents,” host Matt Lauer replied.

“Listen, but the people get to speak through their vote and they voted for Donald Trump to be president of the United States. It is now his job — and I am confident he will — to bring the country together,” Christie said.

If the incoming Trump administration wants to tackle a Hillary Clinton prosecution, don’t expect either of these two candidates for AG to quarterback it. The most politically safe move would be to appoint a special counsel rather than route it through the Department of Justice anyway, which would allow Trump to keep his hands off any final decision. (Perhaps Barack Obama should have considered that after Loretta Lynch’s tête-a-tête with Bill Clinton as Comey was wrapping up his conclusions.)

A bigger question will be whether it’s worth it at all. The Clintons are finished in politics, especially Hillary, who booted a winnable election in the most spectacular fashion in recent memory. Maybe Thomas Dewey’s stunning 1948 loss comes close. Their foundation isn’t going to have anywhere near its former cachet, since it’s clear that the Clintons will have no influence to peddle. Hillary might write a third memoir, but she won’t get anywhere near the $14 million advance she got on her last book, which sold miserably for that level of investment and raised a lot of questions about the publisher’s motives. They’ll live high on the hog, but stained forever by their own actions.

The only real value in pursuing Hillary is pour encourager les autres — to set an example to others about peddling influence and treating classified intelligence in such a shockingly negligent manner. That’s precisely why the DoJ does prosecute those cases when involving people not named Clinton. As a recommitment to the rule of law, it would matter in this case — and at least an independent counsel investigation would help settle those questions.

Offline Rivergirl

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Truth is that tRump never meant a word he said during the entire campaign.
No wall, no deportations. no ending NAFTA, no tariffs on imports...........oh, the list goes on. 
Wondering just what it was that snared so many voters into believing him.   Celebrity?
Fools gold?

Offline SirLinksALot

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Truth is that tRump never meant a word he said during the entire campaign.
No wall, no deportations. no ending NAFTA, no tariffs on imports...........oh, the list goes on. 
Wondering just what it was that snared so many voters into believing him.   Celebrity?
Fools gold?

That aside, here's my personal take --- Justice is must be blind and as much as I'd like to see Hillary be punished for what she did to the State department, I also like to see some healing in this divided country, half of who voted for her.

So here's my take (you and others are free to disagree) --- JUSTICE has to be served. You can't just let this go.

We need to investigate the Clinton Foundation and its ties to foreign donors ( especially those from countries in North Africa and the Middle east ), including how much quid-pro-quo using Hillary's state secretary position was given.

 If we don't do this and simply let it go, we will have DOUBLE STANDARD system where only the lower level corrupt peasants are prosecuted and the higher ups are let go off. With this, we will in effect become a banana republic.

 Emotion is not and should not be the way the legal system, nor the constitution works. It is in fact dangerous to let emotion rule justice. That's why by definition, justice must be blind and impartial and if we punished someone for a similar crime in the past ( e.g. General Cartwright) , why should we let someone else get away simply because of the CLINTON family name?

So, WE DO NEED AN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATOR ( someone not beholden to any political party ) and such a person must be appointed. We did it with the so-called "outing" of Valerie Plame ( where Scooter Libby was unfairly indicted).

If the Clinton's are found guilty of influence peddling, I'd like to see them sentenced by a court of law. We have big time politicians in New York like our Assembly Speaker, Sheldon Silver and our Senate Majority Leader, Dean Skelos, indicted and sentenced for crimes similar to what Hillary is accused of.

Now here's where I differ from other people (and I am going to be framed for this) --- we have a chance to heal the divisions in this country and regardless of how we feel, the divisions are real. That's HALF of the electorate that needs to be appeased.

Justice can be tempered with mercy, perhaps, after they have been found guilty by a grand jury, Trump can exercise this mercy by using his executive power of pardon. This will stop whatever strife and division that is SURE to occur with a guilty pronouncement. Being pronounced guilty and sentenced and pardoned should be enough to SHAME the Clintons and their legacy ( assuming they are capable of having a sense of shame ).

And with that -- I will wish Hillary a long and healthy life with her daughter and  grandchildren  ( and what ever is left of Bill she can stand ) as long as she is FAR FAR AWAY from government, NEVER TO RETURN.

That is my idea of a happy ending. Whether it will come to pass or not remains to be seen ( I am not optimistic ).
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 11:14:52 pm by SirLinksALot »

Offline montanajoe

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Comey needs to resign, glad even Trump can see that..

Offline Cripplecreek

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Strange..I heard Giuliani say last night on BOR that they would most definitely recommend a special prosecutor...
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Comey needs to resign, glad even Trump can see that..

all he has to do is say nice things about Trump and he's golden again, even if convicted of rape or something.

Offline sneakypete

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by: Ed Morrissey

The only real value in pursuing Hillary is pour encourager les autres — to set an example to others about peddling influence and treating classified intelligence in such a shockingly negligent manner. That’s precisely why the DoJ does prosecute those cases when involving people not named Clinton. As a recommitment to the rule of law, it would matter in this case — and at least an independent counsel investigation would help settle those questions.


Which is the prime reason it needed to be done to start with.

As for Giuliani and Christy,it's no surprise that a couple of professional pols would want to play the "professional courtesy card". They would expect it to be played for them,too. At most,a quick surface glance,and then an announcement that nothing was found and the charges were dropped. In other words,business as usual. Those two aside,you can bet your bippy that EVERY professional pol in DC is advising Trump to "let it go. Just let it go".

Trump might even try to do that,but IMHO the LOUD public outrage if he does will snap him back in line. He may want,and even need to get the professional pols in DC on his side because he needs them,but he needs NOTHING like he needs to be loved and admired.

So,what will likely happen is he will draw back from essentially giving her a pardon,appoint a special investigator,and the special investigator will "discover" that "there is not enough evidence to prosecute."  You can bet your bippy that not ONE single Dim will be of any help whatsoever. Even if subpoenaed. Not even the ones she screwed. "Professional courtesy",again. They all know if it becomes known you testified against one,it means you might testify against any of them,and you are shunned until ran out of office.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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Truth is that tRump never meant a word he said during the entire campaign.
No wall, no deportations. no ending NAFTA, no tariffs on imports...........oh, the list goes on. 


And your evidence is........?
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Sanguine

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Trump needs to be very careful who he lets advise him now.  Left leaning NY liberals might not be the best choice.

Offline sneakypete

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So, WE DO NEED AN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATOR ( someone not beholden to any political party ) and such a person must be appointed. We did it with the so-called "outing" of Valerie Plame ( where Scooter Libby was unfairly indicted).

If the Clinton's are found guilty of influence peddling, I'd like to see them sentenced by a court of law. We have big time politicians in New York like our Assembly Speaker, Sheldon Silver and our Senate Majority Leader, Dean Skelos, indicted and sentenced for crimes similar to what Hillary is accused of.

Now here's where I differ from other people (and I am going to be framed for this) --- we have a chance to heal the divisions in this country and regardless of how we feel, the divisions are real. That's HALF of the electorate that needs to be appeased.

Justice can be tempered with mercy, perhaps, after they have been found guilty by a grand jury, Trump can exercise this mercy by using his executive power of pardon. This will stop whatever strife and division that is SURE to occur with a guilty pronouncement. Being pronounced guilty and sentenced and pardoned should be enough to SHAME the Clintons and their legacy ( assuming they are capable of having a sense of shame ).


And doing so would firmly establish,if it's not already established,that we officially have a two-tier justice system in this country. One were someone who notifies the authorities via the press (Julian Assange) that some powerful connected politicians are committing treason can be tracked down to the end of the world to try to arrest and put him on trial,and the people who  actually commited the crimes get off scot-free and even get to keep the profits they made from it.

What sort of message does THAT send?
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline montanajoe

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And your evidence is........?

It's up to Trump to produce the evidence right out of the gate. I don't cut him any slack based on what he said he is going to, it's thread hitting the pavement time...

Offline sneakypete

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It's up to Trump to produce the evidence right out of the gate. I don't cut him any slack based on what he said he is going to, it's thread hitting the pavement time...


Are you also Rivergirl?

Rivergirl made the claim like it was a fact,so it is her/your responsibility to produce the evidence that led her/you to that conclusion.

This is America. Not even Trump has to prove he innocent of doing something corrupt in the future.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline montanajoe

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Are you also Rivergirl?

Rivergirl made the claim like it was a fact,so it is her/your responsibility to produce the evidence that led her/you to that conclusion.

This is America. Not even Trump has to prove he innocent of doing something corrupt in the future.

Say what?

Sorry you lost me, Trump needs to act as conservative and back it up with action, from the time he was elected is what I'm saying...

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Locking up a woman half the country voted for not a way to bring country together.

Offline Sanguine

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Locking up a woman half the country voted for not a way to bring country together.

1/2 the country didn't vote for her.  A small portion of the electorate voted for her. 

And, letting a person go who committed egregious crimes sure as hell isn't a way to bring the country together!

Offline Cripplecreek

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1/2 the country didn't vote for her.  A small portion of the electorate voted for her. 

And, letting a person go who committed egregious crimes sure as hell isn't a way to bring the country together!

Something like 44% of registered voters didn't even vote at all and registered voters are a fraction of the total population of the country. Some 7 million fewer people voted this time than last time and both candidates got less votes than last time.

Politicians must be subject to the same justice as you or I.

Offline GtHawk

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Locking up a woman half the country voted for not a way to bring country together.
Why is it that every time the Republicans gain the upperhand on the democrats they are supposed to back down? For the good of the country, for fairness, to be bipartisan. Screw it! The Republicans will always be reviled and hated by the democrats no matter what they do for the good of the country. It's time for the Republicans to quit being Charlie Brown and be a lot more Lucy! And I don't want the Clintons, yeah both, locked up I want they're so called charity and all the illicitly gotten cash pulled completely out of their families control.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 03:30:42 am by GtHawk »

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We'll see, but you start a vicious circle, I think Newt did that a bit when they impeached Bill Clinton.

DC has never worked as well since then and it has been dog eat dog.

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We'll see, but you start a vicious circle, I think Newt did that a bit when they impeached Bill Clinton.

DC has never worked as well since then and it has been dog eat dog.

You do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

Offline TomSea

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Truth is that tRump never meant a word he said during the entire campaign.
No wall, no deportations. no ending NAFTA, no tariffs on imports...........oh, the list goes on. 
Wondering just what it was that snared so many voters into believing him.   Celebrity?
Fools gold?

No, and it is spelled Trump.

He is America First, he is going to revamp things, no one is perfect, we are lucky to have a Republican in the White House to begin with.

A Republican Senate and Republican House.

That's for starters.

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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I don't know which side is crazier, the Trumpists or the NeverTrumps.

Having a maniac like Trump in charge is bad enough, if he prosecutes Clinton things just get scary in this country.

He turns into Hugo Chavez.

Offline TomSea

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Yes, all these people who denigrate Trump as often as possible are the ones who think they are being so principled and expecting so much; and reminded us at every moment, they were not voting for him.

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I don't know which side is crazier, the Trumpists or the NeverTrumps.

Having a maniac like Trump in charge is bad enough, if he prosecutes Clinton things just get scary in this country.

He turns into Hugo Chavez.

WTF?  You really think she shouldn't be prosecuted for committing crimes that you and I would and others have gone to jail for?  Really?

Offline musiclady

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You do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

What a concept!

Pretty outdated idea, doncha think??
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

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Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.