Author Topic: Check Your Ballots Voting Machines Malfunction  (Read 945 times)

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Offline Quix

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Check Your Ballots Voting Machines Malfunction
« on: November 04, 2016, 04:13:40 pm »

By Samantha Clove

Posted Monday, October 31, 2016 at 12:18pm EDT


. . .
When this happens it is known as “vote flipping,” and is supposed to only happen rarely. With millions of votes cast, there have supposedly only been a few hundred reports of vote flipping every year for the past decade. These are the ones reported so you do wonder whether this happens unnoticed much more often. I’m just saying I’m seeing reports of this specifically happening all around the country so cast your vote and double check. Check your ballot after you cast your vote and if it happens to you call on a poll worker to help get it fixed. Remember Voting Machine malfunctions do happen.
There are reports of this happening already in North Carolina, Texas and Nevada with machines vote flipping in the last couple weeks.
. . .
{All the more a concern given that Soros orgs fund and provide many thousands of the machines--particularly in some states}
. . .
In Texas voters reported attempting to vote a straight Republican ticket, but found the Clinton/Kaine ticket selected instead. This can be found specifically in voting districts where they use the old, rotary-style voting machine.

If you select one candidate and the other appears on the screen or if you’re looking at the summary screen and it just isn’t right voters should notify the poll workers. They can cancel out your session so you can do it over.
Poll from 10/28/2016

    Hillary Clinton (13%)
    Donald Trump (44%)
    A third party candidate (25%)
    None (18%)

Soros is on record as asserting that Trump will win in a landslide of the popular vote. However, he's asserted that all the electors to the Electoral College have been bought off and will give it to Shrillery.

I don't know that even massive grass roots efforts will win a lot but we are obligated to do all we can in behalf of our Nation and what's right.

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Offline Applewood

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Re: Check Your Ballots Voting Machines Malfunction
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2016, 05:58:07 pm »
Natural News is a conspiracy nut job site, among other things. It dislikes pharmaceuticals -- thinks drug companies are trying to kill us -- so it promotes supposedly natural remedies of dubious effectiveness which can also be potentially dangerous.   

I'm not saying voter fraud isn't occurring -- it is -- but I would be skeptical about using NN as a source. 

Offline Quix

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Re: Check Your Ballots Voting Machines Malfunction
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2016, 03:28:53 am »
Natural News is a conspiracy nut job site, among other things. It dislikes pharmaceuticals -- thinks drug companies are trying to kill us -- so it promotes supposedly natural remedies of dubious effectiveness which can also be potentially dangerous.   

I'm not saying voter fraud isn't occurring -- it is -- but I would be skeptical about using NN as a source. 

I don't track them a lot . . . I have read some things there which have been congruent with the great benefit I've personally received from supplements.

I'm very thankful to not have to put up with blood pressure meds and all their horrid side-effects, for example.

I don't trust the medical profession near as much as I used to. My wife was an RN.

Most of the RN's I know now are not all that supportive of the routines of the medical profession, either.
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Offline Applewood

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Re: Check Your Ballots Voting Machines Malfunction
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2016, 02:26:34 pm »
Not slamming supplements -- I take some myself -- but the problem is when a person, website or publication tells you that this supplement or substance will cure dangerous illnesses when they don't and by not utilizing conventional medicine, you can die. 

When I was diagnosed with diabetes, some well meaning friends and family sent me articles promoting various natural "cures" for diabetes.  While a diabetic can manage the disease effectively to the point where he or she might not need insulin or oral medicines, the disease is never really cured.  A cure implies that you don't need anything for the diabetes and you can go back to your old eating habits and being a couch potato.  That is not so.  And if you continue to take this "natural" supplement, but don't adopt a healthier lifestyle, diabetes will kill you. 

You also have to be wary of certain "natural" supplements that can really be harmful.  Just because a substance is "natural" doesn't mean it's safe.  Arsenic is a natural substance, but I wouldn't want to take arsenic to cure or treat a disease.  And some natural supplements will clash with medication you may be taking, or render the medication ineffective.  That's why, when you go to a doctor these days, he wants to know everything you are taking -- prescription and non-prescription drugs AND supplements or other substances. 

I apologize for preaching, but I just want you to be careful of what you read on the internet and be sure before you follow any such advice on "natural cures" that the recommendations are safe.  And I don't know about getting news on national and world issues from a publication that specializes in promoting alternative medicine.  Rolling Stone was fine as long as it stuck to music, but it got into some serious legal trouble when it delved into political issues. Natural  News might want to learn a lesson from Rolling Stone and stay out of issues it knows nothing about.

« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 02:27:13 pm by Applewood »

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Re: Check Your Ballots Voting Machines Malfunction
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2016, 04:20:40 pm »
Not slamming supplements -- I take some myself -- but the problem is when a person, website or publication tells you that this supplement or substance will cure dangerous illnesses when they don't and by not utilizing conventional medicine, you can die. 

When I was diagnosed with diabetes, some well meaning friends and family sent me articles promoting various natural "cures" for diabetes.  While a diabetic can manage the disease effectively to the point where he or she might not need insulin or oral medicines, the disease is never really cured.  A cure implies that you don't need anything for the diabetes and you can go back to your old eating habits and being a couch potato.  That is not so.  And if you continue to take this "natural" supplement, but don't adopt a healthier lifestyle, diabetes will kill you. 

You also have to be wary of certain "natural" supplements that can really be harmful.  Just because a substance is "natural" doesn't mean it's safe.  Arsenic is a natural substance, but I wouldn't want to take arsenic to cure or treat a disease.  And some natural supplements will clash with medication you may be taking, or render the medication ineffective.  That's why, when you go to a doctor these days, he wants to know everything you are taking -- prescription and non-prescription drugs AND supplements or other substances. 

I apologize for preaching, but I just want you to be careful of what you read on the internet and be sure before you follow any such advice on "natural cures" that the recommendations are safe.  And I don't know about getting news on national and world issues from a publication that specializes in promoting alternative medicine.  Rolling Stone was fine as long as it stuck to music, but it got into some serious legal trouble when it delved into political issues. Natural  News might want to learn a lesson from Rolling Stone and stay out of issues it knows nothing about.

Thanks. My supplements are all entered into my computer VA file by my local Doc at the clinic.

And, my best friend's nurse wife is also well read on such things.

Actually, I have a handful, 6-8, people who are better read on it than I.
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Offline Applewood

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Re: Check Your Ballots Voting Machines Malfunction
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2016, 11:16:56 am »
Ok, thank you.  And I live in a community that is 99.99% Democrat, so I will make sure my vote isn't changed. 

Offline Quix

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Re: Check Your Ballots Voting Machines Malfunction
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2016, 09:15:39 pm »
Ok, thank you.  And I live in a community that is 99.99% Democrat, so I will make sure my vote isn't changed. 

God only knows how effective such alertness might be . . . but it has to be better, on average, than ignorant, pay-no-attention cluelessness . . . imho.

Soros and all the other DIMRAT vote rigging, ballot box stuffing and voting machine hacking has to be at outrageous levels this SElection.

Thanks for your kind reply.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2016, 09:16:01 pm by Quix »
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