Author Topic: How Did You Meet Your Spouse? What Was The Attraction?  (Read 6704 times)

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Offline Joe Wooten

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Re: How Did You Meet Your Spouse? What Was The Attraction?
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2016, 11:34:48 am »
54 Year Old Catholic City Boy Married To A Country Cowgirl.

That's too funny. I'm a country boy who married a city Catholic girl........

Offline Jazzhead

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Re: How Did You Meet Your Spouse? What Was The Attraction?
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2016, 12:24:06 pm »
 I met Mrs. Jazz at a college mixer my freshman year.   I had been accepted to college,  but only off the waiting list, so I had to start my freshman year in January.   Six weeks later,  on Valentine's Day (!), was the fateful mixer.  Height of the disco era, mirror balls and smoke machines.   It was midnight,  I was hanging with friends and decided I wanted to see if I could get one last dance.   I approached a total stranger with long brown hair and a turtleneck.  A Mexican girl from SoCal.   We ended up chatting (just chatting!)  until the sun rose.   

She was only the second girl I ever dated,  but it probably took less than two months before I proposed (although we didn't marry for years later when I was in law school).   She'd gone back to Cali to start her career,  but pulled up stakes to join me back east,  and worked minimum wage jobs before she could get back into her chosen field.

In Mirraflake's other thread,  I quoted Neil Young - just around the next corner may be waiting your true love.    That's what gets me about the last 40 years  -  we'd have never met if I hadn't,  on a whim,  approached her as the night was winding down.  It was a huge school, we didn't go to the same classes and travelled in different social circles.   A total case of one moment in time changing absolutely everything.   Is that fate?   Luck?  Something else?   

 We're a mixed marriage when it comes to politics - she's a staunch liberal,  and this will be, sadly, the first year I won't be voting for the Republican for President.   Forty years of cancelling out each other's vote!   I think my marriage is where I get my pragmatic streak from.    I guess we're like Carville and Matalin  - we don't avoid politics, we hash it out,  we enjoy the give and take.   But I have to know when to stop and not push things too far.   And I can't say we've ever had a serious argument about the real important things like raising the kids.  Finally - and I can't stress this enough - THE key to a successful marriage - especially of the opposites-attract variety -  is to give each other lots of space and room to be alone with one's own hobbies and interests.

   All in all,  I'm a lucky man; I've got the greatest kids,  my wife is my best friend, and, damn, she's hotter than the night we met.   (Me, not so much)   
« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 12:27:06 pm by Jazzhead »
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Offline mirraflake

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Re: How Did You Meet Your Spouse? What Was The Attraction?
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2016, 04:48:29 pm »

 We're a mixed marriage when it comes to politics - she's a staunch liberal,  and this will be, sadly, the first year I won't be voting for the Republican for President.   Forty years of cancelling out each other's vote!   I think my marriage is where I get my pragmatic streak from.    I guess we're like Carville and Matalin  - we don't avoid politics, we hash it out,  we enjoy the give and take.   But I have to know when to stop and not push things too far.   And I can't say we've ever had a serious argument about the real important things like raising the kids.  Finally - and I can't stress this enough - THE key to a successful marriage - especially of the opposites-attract variety -  is to give each other lots of space and room to be alone with one's own hobbies and interests.

Wow, same here. my wife was liberal when we married and I staunch conservative.  I always joked I was going to tie her to the bed on election day so MY vote counted.

Over the years she has become more conservative (especially after running her own business)  and me more liberal-(I have no problem with gays or gay marriage now-I did at one time).
We are both voting for wife cannot stand Hillary


Offline Gefn

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Re: How Did You Meet Your Spouse? What Was The Attraction?
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2016, 11:47:03 am »
As a single gal, I really love this thread and reading all these beautiful stories.

Thank you.

G-d bless America. G-d bless us all                                 

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Offline jmyrlefuller

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Re: How Did You Meet Your Spouse? What Was The Attraction?
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2016, 12:04:26 pm »
As a single gal, I really love this thread and reading all these beautiful stories.

Thank you.

Seconded. (As a guy.)
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Offline Jazzhead

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Re: How Did You Meet Your Spouse? What Was The Attraction?
« Reply #30 on: November 04, 2016, 12:22:15 pm »
Wow, same here. my wife was liberal when we married and I staunch conservative.  I always joked I was going to tie her to the bed on election day so MY vote counted.

Over the years she has become more conservative (especially after running her own business)  and me more liberal-(I have no problem with gays or gay marriage now-I did at one time).
We are both voting for wife cannot stand Hillary

Politics can break a marriage apart, but it doesn't have to be that way.   We have certain boundaries,  such as no lawn signs or retail campaign work,  but I give to my candidates and she, I presume, gives to hers.   And,  of course what "Jazzhead" has to say on the internet is subject to no spousal filter.   

But ultimately,  I've been a politics and policy wonk for as long as I can remember,  and it's great fun to test my ideas and beliefs against someone who gives as good as she gets.   Like I said,  it's made me be more pragmatic,  and able to see areas of reconciliation that partisans who operate in echo chambers simply cannot.

Glad to see you won't be cancelling out your votes this year!     
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Offline Gefn

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Re: How Did You Meet Your Spouse? What Was The Attraction?
« Reply #31 on: November 04, 2016, 12:49:05 pm »
Yesterday would have been my parents anniversary. It's hard, dad isn't even gone a month.

Anyway, my folks met at a funeral of all places. You know after a funeral, you go back to someone's house to pay respects?

My dad had a friend who died when he was 27 from cancer. My mom knew his fiancé, who was 20. They met each other at this man's mothers house. Dad was smitten as soon as he saw her. He made another friend get her phone number and called her a day or so later.

That was March and they were married in November.

I'm just glad dad went before mom. If it was the other way around he would have died of a broken heart about ten minutes after her. I'm convinced of that.

I'm sorry I know this thread says "how did you meet your spouse" I needed to share I'm really hurting over my dad's death. Thank you
« Last Edit: November 04, 2016, 12:51:28 pm by Freya »
G-d bless America. G-d bless us all                                 

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Offline Jazzhead

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Re: How Did You Meet Your Spouse? What Was The Attraction?
« Reply #32 on: November 04, 2016, 01:21:55 pm »
Freya,  my dad almost did die of a broken heart after my mom passed.   I'd never seen the man cry,  but cry he did, like a fountain.  And he was a recluse for months after.   But then the fates smiled - he met a woman, a widow of the same age,  and the two found love again.   

My dad is now 88 and not long, I'm afraid, for this world.  But his dear bride is still by his side.  I'll be visiting them this weekend,  and like I always do,  tell his bride that she's the solid rock that saved him.

Freya,  my condolences for your loss.     
« Last Edit: November 04, 2016, 01:27:19 pm by Jazzhead »
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

Offline LateForLunch

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Re: How Did You Meet Your Spouse? What Was The Attraction?
« Reply #33 on: November 04, 2016, 03:45:47 pm »
I was working her (my future wife) to get to her hot friend.  Turns out her friend was a space cadet with serial killer tendencies.  The sex was good but it I learned early that there is no nookie in the world good enough to die for.

You and I may disagree on some things, but that is the funniest post I have read on any forum for a long time!! Kudos. Maybe it's hilarious because it's 1000% true.

Point of information: I once read that most men report that the best physical relationships (sex) they have had was not with the best-looking females they had been with. That matches my own experience. Also, when asked the most important thing that determines a woman's attractiveness most men answered "skin complexion" and "responsiveness/enjoyment of love-making".
GOTWALMA Get out of the way and leave me alone! (Nods to General Teebone)

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Re: How Did You Meet Your Spouse? What Was The Attraction?
« Reply #34 on: November 04, 2016, 04:58:53 pm »
Yesterday would have been my parents anniversary. It's hard, dad isn't even gone a month.

Anyway, my folks met at a funeral of all places. You know after a funeral, you go back to someone's house to pay respects?

My dad had a friend who died when he was 27 from cancer. My mom knew his fiancé, who was 20. They met each other at this man's mothers house. Dad was smitten as soon as he saw her. He made another friend get her phone number and called her a day or so later.

That was March and they were married in November.

I'm just glad dad went before mom. If it was the other way around he would have died of a broken heart about ten minutes after her. I'm convinced of that.

I'm sorry I know this thread says "how did you meet your spouse" I needed to share I'm really hurting over my dad's death. Thank you
Thanks for sharing @Freya that's quite a story. Hang in there.
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour