Concerning the silly assertion that there are more than two choices. There are only two choices that can win. I suppose that someone will now try to refute that as well.
Yes, I will refute that. Simply look at our history of elections. Based on our electoral history, there is an 8% chance neither major party candidate reaches the 270 electoral votes and the election then goes to the House to decide. If you then add into this the history of third party or non affiliated candidates coming up and overtaking the existing party structure, those odds (based on electoral history) go up to around 12%. Yes, it is a stretch, but it also is possible.
A presidential election is not about voting for the "best candidate" unless you are some sort of lame idealist or desperate for an excuse to endorse your fanatical rejection of both candidates.
That's all anyone has really is their 'ideals' (funny how that is now looked at as a negative). If you don't vote your ideals and who you think best represents those ideals, then you are doing nothing more than playing a game. That is the exact reason we are in this Idiocracy-lite situation now. People continuing to reject more and more of their ideals until we are left with the crap sandwich in front of us. I would rather stand on my ideals than accept this joke of a game being thrust upon us. I'll stand for what's right, even if I am standing alone.
There is no way that anyone can possibly convince me or any other normal human being that there is absolutely no decent chance that Trump will be a significantly better president than Hill-O-Lies.
Trump gets a lot of criticism from so many hammer-heads because he is "capricious, unpredictable" - yet these same angry critics insist in the same breath that Trump's actions as president can be predicted with absolute certainty. Help me out - WHICH IS IT???? Is Trump so predictable that his behavior can be foreseen with absolute precision or not !? ! If not, then there is at least some chance that he may do something that cannot be predicted such as make better choices than Hill-O-Lies ? WHICH IS IT !?! Pick a position and stay with it for at least one post!
Actually, the criticism of Trump is that he is a liar, BS artist, corrupt cronyist whose entire empire is built on the very things Conservatives should reject; cronyism, bailouts, debt, corruption, rejection of private property rights, etc.. the list can go on for a mile. Nothing in his history supports the rhetoric he is using now. Without evidence, his words are nothing more than expelling CO2.
If you want to bring up who is worse, him or Hillary, I'll submit they are just two sides of the same coin. For every politician being bought for political favors, there is someone doing the buying. The political class isn't just the politicians, it is those who buy them off- something Trump was/is the king at. One example for you, in New York, he started an anti-gambling PAC. Not because he didn't believe in gambling, but because he wanted to use politicians to FORCE New York to not allow competing casinos in to help give him a monopoly for his New Jersey casinos (aka, eliminate competition coming from New York). That is not free market conservatism in the least. That is cronyism bordering on fascism (in the Juan Peron sense).
Trump's predictable behavior, based on his business history, is liberal behavior that does not match his rhetoric. He never put America first in his own businesses. He constantly relied on bail outs. He constantly grew regulations (such as the example above) and destroyed private property.
That makes him not even slightly reasonable to most of us and just the flip side of what makes Hillary corrupt.