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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #150 on: October 28, 2016, 11:50:04 pm »
Here he come, running through the pole beans, through the fruits and vegetables...
Nekkid as a jay bird. And I hollered over t' Ethel, I said, "Don't
look, Ethel!"


Ray Stevens was nothing less than a gift to humanity.
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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #151 on: October 28, 2016, 11:55:04 pm »

Ray Stevens was nothing less than a gift to humanity.

Ahab the Arab was a classic.    It would be a safe space event today..

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #152 on: October 28, 2016, 11:55:20 pm »

Ray Stevens was nothing less than a gift to humanity.
Was?! He's still alive and still recording!
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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #153 on: October 28, 2016, 11:58:07 pm »
I got a better picture....

BTW, she claimed she was a libertarian so why does she care about Republican women?

Butterface IMO.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #154 on: October 29, 2016, 12:00:14 am »
I just reread my post and it does sound like I'm leaving because of this thread. I apologize for the wording. I was upset and sad and didn't express myself clearly.

Just within the past 24-48 hours there have been some things posted that were stunning to me. I didn't reply to them, but I was taken aback. Then when this thread turned into the kind of feeding frenzy that TOS engages in, I decided this wasn't the right place for me.
This is the craziest election season I think we've ever seen.  Family and friends have turned against one another because of it, so I think it's understandable that things sometimes get heated.  Honestly, TOS and this place are like night and day.  When I read there now, it's total batcrap crazy.

I also have disdain for feminism. In fact, I'm probably one of the most old-fashioned, conventional chicks on this board. But I'm a big fan of respect and boundaries, and that doesn't have a thing to do with anything but common decency. Although it was Republican men on display tonight, it's not just Republican men who behave this way.

How disconcerting it's been to watch men (and women) eager to defend Trump and his sorry shenanigans. It was pukeworthy when it was Dems defending Bubba, and our side was quick to point that out. It should be equally as pukeworthy when "one of ours" (using the term verrrrrrrrry loosely) does it.


Women who have been put upon by men are often at a loss of how to handle it. There is no class in school or college that gives you the tools to establish boundaries that, without any warning, you find have been breached. No man announces that he's going to cop a feel or stick his nasty tongue down your throat. All at once you're ashamed, embarrassed, angry, frightened, guilty (!), confused and wondering how to get out of the situation safely. Most women I know never say anything about these incidents because they are so shame invoking. There are some incidents that happened in the 70s that I never told anyone about -- not even my friends. Just too embarrassing. If, due to circumstances, I was forced to come forward and reveal what happened, what would be the first thing said about me? "Why is she just now coming forward? She's lying!" So, I'll go to my grave without revealing what happened.

Unfortunately, that would be a possibility.  I'm sorry for what happened to you.

This is not to say that I'm taking a position on whether those 11 women are telling the truth or not. I honestly don't know (although I do know Trump thought he had the privilege to grab or kiss them because of his station in life). I'm just explaining why keeping these things secret is something women do.

You don't have to be a feminist to understand that there is such a thing as sexism. When men treat a women as a sexual object to be ogled and lusted over, they're being sexist. Obviously, I made people mad when I complained about the disrespect shown to S.E. I was startled by that. I have spent far too much time (TOS class of '98) observing the piling on when someone goes against the flow. I've really had my fill of it.

Just keep in mind that this isn't TOS.  People are going to disagree, but there's no groupthink here.  You can express your opinion just like anyone else.

It's revealing to read that you believed you needed to make sure the readers knew you weren't a feminist. Are we so terrified that we might rub up against a "liberal" tenet that we have to offer up an explanation before we defend decency? What's up with that?

 I just have such disdain for feminists, and getting into "women's issues" is a strange place for me to be.  But you're right; it isn't a woman's issue.  It's a matter of simple decency.

I applaud you for this! For the most part (like you), I'm not into "women's issues," preferring to see issues as "human" ones instead of gender specific. But, for the most part, being grabbed, groped and forcibly kissed mostly happens to women.

Finally, don't get me wrong. I am just as quick to turn my head or pause the TV to get a better glimpse of a good-looking guy as the next woman. I'm not disapproving of finding someone beautiful or handsome or foxy or hot. It's when they're objectified, not taken seriously that gets my dander up. And that POV gets ridiculed here. Bummer.

Please keep in mind it's just one thread and one or two people who put forth the POV you describe.  I really hope you'll stay.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #155 on: October 29, 2016, 12:01:40 am »
Ahab the Arab was a classic.    It would be a safe space event today..

That,like many of his songs,was hysterical. I loved the part where Ahab would jump on his camel named Clyde and ride,and the part where he would go in the Sultan's tent and see Fatima.

"There she was friends lying there in all her radiant beauty.
Eating on a raisin, grape, apricot, pomegranate,
bowl of chitterlings, two bananas, three Hershey bars,
sipping on a "R C" Co-Cola listening to her transistor,
watching the Grand Ole Opry on the tube reading the
Mad magazine while she sung,
"Does your chewing gum lose it's flavor?" and Ahab
walked up to her and he said,
(imitate Arabian speech)
which is arabic for, "Let's twist again like we did last summer, baby."
(laughter) You know what I mean! Whew!
She looked up at him from off the rug,
give him one of the sly looks, she said,
(coy, girlish laugh) "Crazy baby".
'Round and around and around and around...etc."

That was hilarious back then,and it's hilarious today.

The oddest thing is that Ray Stevens was also a VERY good serious songwriter and musician,too. He just liked to goof around and have fun.
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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #156 on: October 29, 2016, 12:02:59 am »
Was?! He's still alive and still recording!


I am really happy to hear that,but he was a gift to humanity from the first time he walked into a recording studio.
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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #157 on: October 29, 2016, 12:04:08 am »

He changed his mind. Let's hold him to it.


Really?  In three years, he went from being a globalist to calling globalists the enemy?  Not to mention the 180 he did on the rest of his viewpoints?  At age seventy?  Just in time to run for president?

Lol, okay.

His own wives haven't been able to hold him to his agreements, so I wish you luck.


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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #158 on: October 29, 2016, 12:40:51 am »
Was?! He's still alive and still recording!

I am really happy to hear that,but he was a gift to humanity from the first time he walked into a recording studio.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 12:42:01 am by Wingnut »

Offline roamer_1

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #159 on: October 29, 2016, 01:43:44 am »
*I* pretty much agree with everything you say,but like you,*I* am a man,and I live a rural life. I shoot 308's and 12 gauges off in my yard,and nobody lives close enough to even notice it.

The part I quoted above is proof you agree with me and we have just been "talking past" each other. What you described is the rural equivalent of being rich because in YOUR position it is proof to the typical woman OF YOUR CULTURE that you can protect her and the children,and you can provide for them.

Almost, but not quite. My point up until now was to disabuse you of the idea that money is what women were after. You began in that notion. Now it turns out that, since 'protection and provision' are subjective, subject to vagaries which include culture and conditions, it can be no more than a modifier.

I admit fully that protection and provision are factors in a general sense of how a woman judges a man instinctively. It's what men DO. There is no doubt that a woman would prefer a bigger, badder dog on her porch that all the other dogs around. But that ain't *all*, any more than the physical attributes that attract a man to a woman are the point of the matter.

That beauty is fleeting. She'll get older. She'll probably hang a few pounds. That thick, rich hair will grow thinner, and turn gray. Will you love her still? If you're half a man, you'll say yes.

I can flat-out guarantee it won't impress a single model or beauty queen in NYC or Miami,though. One might even feel sorry enough for you to mention it,though.

Well, that ain't quite true - I had a beauty queen for quite some time... But I will accept the premise as a general rule. But just the same, I wouldn't be looking for such a woman, if we're speaking in general terms.

For city girls,nothing beats cash in the bank for proof a man can provide a stable and safe home life for her and any children she may have. Actually,many city girls in this day of AA hiring and quotas have enough money coming in to provide them for themselves and take care of a husband also if they want,but even if they won't admit it,most women will start want a man that brings in more than they do. 

I think that's part of the difference here - City vs. Country - What a man provides a woman, and a woman provides a man is corrupted n the city sense of things. Out here in the sticks its more plain, and because of it, more evident. Out here, a woman relies on a man to fix and do, and if he is capable in that regard, bestows honor upon him. And in the same way (only differently), a man relies upon a woman to fix and do, and if she is capable in that regard, bestows honor upon her.

An old woman, in off the ranch to do her shopping will receive honor from me as a matter of course, because here, such a woman has already proven herself and she wears her honor in her face. That she is ugly or old or fat has naught to do with it at all. I will tip my hat, I will open the door, and I will tote for her, as a matter of course, because societal norms here still demand it of me. And rightly so.

In the city, or at least in the jet set that those in the city try to emulate, honor is not a palpable thing, and perhaps not even existent, and the matter in which it is bestowed, if there at all, is fungible and subject to all sorts of petty exceptions.

But when you die, the only thing you'll bring with you is your honor, such as it is or isn't. And that, intrinsically tied to how you have honored others, is the whole shootin match.

Out here, we honor what we love, and there are sure fire ways of expressing that inbuilt into polite society.

It's just an ingrained part of nature . If men and women hadn't developed these traits that compliment each other to where two halves make a whole,mankind would have gone extinct long ago.

You are getting close here - but it is the interface that matters, not the fact of the matter. The contract between the two halves is based in love and honor, not in the explicit or implicit complimentary services that the two halves might provide.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #160 on: October 29, 2016, 02:00:44 am »
@Maj. Bill Martin  @roamer_1

Any woman who DOESN'T take such things into consideration when she is considering marrying and having children is a fool.
Love and lust are wonderful stuff,but they don't pay the bills.

@Maj. Bill Martin @sneakypete 

Then what is left for a beat up old cowboy like me? Oddly enough, poor as a church-mouse, largely incapable of getting along... Yet my dance card is full.
Go figger.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #161 on: October 29, 2016, 02:05:05 am »
Just for the record, I mostly agree with that. The only difference for me is if you are married, you shouldn't be talking about other women like that in public because I think it is disrespectful of your wife. But I'm old school...


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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #162 on: October 29, 2016, 02:08:44 am »
The problem is believing him.

The problem is believing him.


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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #163 on: October 29, 2016, 02:16:42 am »
Almost, but not quite. My point up until now was to disabuse you of the idea that money is what women were after. You began in that notion. Now it turns out that, since 'protection and provision' are subjective, subject to vagaries which include culture and conditions, it can be no more than a modifier.


Money is nothing more than a tool. I have no idea why you can't seem to accept this. It can provide anything and everything you can provide,even if the person that has the money has no skills or talents of his own.. It is every bit as much of a symbol of security as brawn or bullets because it can hire done anything the person that possesses it can't do for themselves.
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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #164 on: October 29, 2016, 02:18:10 am »
@Maj. Bill Martin @sneakypete 

Then what is left for a beat up old cowboy like me? Oddly enough, poor as a church-mouse, largely incapable of getting along... Yet my dance card is full.
Go figger.


You were obviously able to provide what your wife was looking for. What else is required to seal the deal if the emotional connection was already present?
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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #165 on: October 29, 2016, 02:22:39 am »

Money is nothing more than a tool. I have no idea why you can't seem to accept this. It can provide anything and everything you can provide,even if the person that has the money has no skills or talents of his own.. It is every bit as much of a symbol of security as brawn or bullets because it can hire done anything the person that possesses it can't do for themselves.

Not by a long shot. None of the things that matter have anything to do with mere mammon.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #166 on: October 29, 2016, 02:23:24 am »

You were obviously able to provide what your wife was looking for. What else is required to seal the deal if the emotional connection was already present?

Apparently not, or she'd still be here.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #167 on: October 29, 2016, 02:25:32 am »
Not by a long shot. None of the things that matter have anything to do with mere mammon.


Maybe not in your alternate universe,but in the world the rest of us live in money is essential.
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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #168 on: October 29, 2016, 02:29:13 am »
Apparently not, or she'd still be here.


Those things are NEVER as simple as any one thing.  I once had a women break our engagement and leave me because she said she could do "better",whatever that meant to her. Here it is 6 husbands later for her,and she still calls me and sometimes follows me around when she sees me shopping.

I quit trying to figure that crap out decades ago. It makes my head hurt. The one thing I am certain of is you can't unring a bell. Once trust is gone you have nothing left worth worrying about.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 02:30:19 am by sneakypete »
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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #169 on: October 29, 2016, 02:33:05 am »

Maybe not in your alternate universe,but in the world the rest of us live in money is essential.

Money is for putting food in your belly. It doesn't even figure into honor, trust, loyalty, truth, justice, beauty, knowledge, love, joy... and on and on.

I live on less a month now than I used to spend on coffee. And I live good. Money ain't all that.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 02:38:39 am by roamer_1 »

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #170 on: October 29, 2016, 02:35:09 am »
Those things are NEVER as simple as any one thing.

Sure it is. Either you honor your commitment, forged 25 years ago, or you don't. simple as that.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #171 on: October 29, 2016, 11:26:16 pm »
@AllThatJazzZ Please keep in mind it's just one thread and one or two people who put forth the POV you describe. 

You have a PM.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #172 on: October 30, 2016, 01:37:15 am »
Money is for putting food in your belly. It doesn't even figure into honor, trust, loyalty, truth, justice, beauty, knowledge, love, joy... and on and on.

I live on less a month now than I used to spend on coffee. And I live good. Money ain't all that.

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #173 on: October 30, 2016, 04:26:31 am »
The thing is, though, that it's not just them.

Consider Mary Katharine Ham, a woman who is (no offense if you're reading this, Mary, since you'd be more than good enough for me) quite a bit more modest and homely, and yet her distaste for Trump is quite the same. I've been paying some attention to Ham, never knowing what she even looked like until I came across her Twitter account a few days ago, since she was helping out with Hugh Hewitt's blog a decade ago. She's one of the best and most insightful female pundits out there, and yet she comes to the same conclusions many of us here do: Trump's not the right man for the job, and it's not just the sexual stuff, although the sexual stuff doesn't help, either.

Then you have other people who have used their looks to advance their media careers—Tomi Lahren, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham—and many of them are on the Trump train.

I used to listen to Laura Ingraham on the radio ... it's been quite a while.  But even though she was fairly conservative, she somehow came across as a nut case.  She had some weird agenda and now I don't remember what it was.
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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #174 on: October 30, 2016, 04:31:20 am »
Ok,so you are flying your Oprah "You go,gurl!" flag and are blind to both reason and common sense. I get it. I will stop trying to reason with you after asking this last question to see if there is any honor or honestly left in you.

Is it POSSIBLE you have never been to or seen social affairs where virtual or even actual strangers meet and are introduced to each other and then give and get light hugs and kisses to the cheeks?

WHO THE HELL asks for permission to kiss someone on the cheek they have just been introduced to at social events?

Can you HONESTLY claim this not only happens,but is an accepted thing at social events?

If not,I am done with you. You need to join the Hillary/Oprah "You GO GURL!" Brigade and be done with it.

Stop it, Sneaky.  You are generalizing.  Or you live in a societal strata with which I am not familiar.  It never occurred to me to look for a rich man.  I didn't know any and anyhow I wanted a cute guy and I got one.  Unfortunately, he never got rich but he was a good man who loved me.
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.