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Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« on: October 24, 2016, 05:53:15 pm »

I've Never Seen Anything Like This
October 24, 2016
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RUSH: I have never in my life, and I really have struggled to remember, I wasn't old enough in 1964 to be aware of such things.  I knew who Goldwater was.  I even went to a Goldwater whistle stop.  My dad put us in the car, took us over to Southern Illinois where Goldwater was going through. I knew it was a landslide. I didn't know why. I didn't know anything about the conservative movement, knew nothing of any of that. But that aside, I have never in the rest of my life from 1964 forward, I don't think I have ever seen anything like we are witnessing today where our side has already conceded defeat.

Our side has given up. Our side has concluded that we are going to lose and in a massive landslide, and they are already making plans for recriminations after the election.  A bunch of people you never heard of are preparing to sort out the blame and responsibility for those who made this all possible.  And I'll give you three guesses who they are zeroing in on.  That's right, my friends, your beloved host is to blame for all of this.  Your beloved host is to blame for the other conservative hosts doing what they're doing.

I'm to blame for Trump being a candidate.  I am to blame for it all, and they're all lining up getting prepared to exonerate themselves, of course.  I'm talking about Republicans; I'm talking about conservatives, people that are quasi-conservatives. Think tank people you've never heard of are lining up now, already conceding that it's over, conceding that it's a landslide.  They are conceding we've lost the House.  They're conceding they've lost the Senate.

It's almost like they want that to happen.  I've never seen anything like this before.  But we're in the midst of it, and for all that that is worth and while that's all going on, there's a whole lot of people that have not given up, mainly you.  There are a whole lot of people not willing to concede any of this yet because there's too much that doesn't make any sense, as we will explore in great detail on the program today.

The WikiLeaks document dump has produced an email from Podesta with go-to instructions on how to create polls that show an overwhelming Democrat majority for the express purpose of dispiriting and depressing Republican opposition.

Now, just to be clear, I have no idea what's going on.  I have no idea who's gonna win.  I don't have the slightest bit of inside information, and I don't feel confident giving you a straight up and down opinion on this.  There's too much we don't know.  There are too many things that we have learned that make me question all kinds of conventional wisdom.  But I'll be the first to tell you I haven't the slightest idea what's gonna happen.

I'm like you, I watch everything that's going on. Some of it makes sense and some of it doesn't.  And, like you, I have questions about things that you question.  The fact that so many others do not have any doubt whatsoever, don't have any questions whatsoever, it's over, Trump is gonna lose in a landslide like which we have never seen, maybe Goldwater proportions, and we've got evidence here that that may not be the case and that evidence is being ignored and discounted by some, and it's being desperately clinged to by others.  If you look at the behavior of the candidates, it doesn't make any sense.

Trump's out there everywhere he can go drawing massive crowds.  Hillary's hibernating.  Kaine and Obama and a bunch of others are sitting in for Hillary.  She's nowhere to be seen.  The others, her surrogates, are out there and even her surrogates are not drawing crowds. There's not a whole lot of excitement.

And Obama, when he shows up to do a campaign he can't stop talking about conservative media.  He can't stop talking about it.  Here's a guy who has mastered and succeeded with practically every agenda item that he had to one degree or another, and he's not even happy.  He's still bent out of shape that I'm here.  He's still bent out of shape that there's a Fox News. He's still bent out of shape that there's a conservative media. 

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2016, 06:00:47 pm »
everyone involved in propping up Trump is to blame

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2016, 06:18:58 pm »
Our side has given up. Our side has concluded that we are going to lose and in a massive landslide [...]

It isn't about 'giving up', It's a 'no confidence' vote.

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2016, 06:26:11 pm »
Rush is delusional, as he has been this entire campaign.

Why would anybody vote FOR Trump?  He's all over the place (including dropping his requirement that Mexico pay for a wall; now they will "reimburse" us for the wall) on his policies, and he can't stop attacking women and Republicans. 

This election has been over since the first debate, and maybe even before then.  Trump's constant talk about rigged elections (he's out there again today doing it) will drive down Republican voting, though he seems not to be aware of that.

And, #NeverTrump told everybody this was going to happen.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.


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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2016, 06:27:45 pm »
Rush is delusional, as he has been this entire campaign.

Why would anybody vote FOR Trump?  He's all over the place (including dropping his requirement that Mexico pay for a wall; now they will "reimburse" us for the wall) on his policies, and he can't stop attacking women and Republicans. 

This election has been over since the first debate, and maybe even before then.  Trump's constant talk about rigged elections (he's out there again today doing it) will drive down Republican voting, though he seems not to be aware of that.

And, #NeverTrump told everybody this was going to happen.

Of course he's aware of it. That is almost certainly part of the scheme he cook d up with Bill when they talked just before Trump announced. 

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2016, 06:32:25 pm »
He says he hasn't seen anything like this, yet he was friends with William F. Buckley who predicted/warned us about this almost to the letter (including calling out Trump as the candidate) in 2000.  If he just read Buckley's waning, he would have known exactly where this came from, where this is going, and the sad results to the Republican party.

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2016, 07:40:55 pm »
Reminds me of the end of Casino when the entire crooked structure comes crumbling down and they arrest everyone or they get murdered.

Limbaugh will be the first to fall.

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2016, 08:14:11 pm »
Reminds me of the end of Casino when the entire crooked structure comes crumbling down and they arrest everyone or they get murdered.

Limbaugh will be the first to fall.

Even if Trump loses, he, Hannity, and others won't fall. Look at how they've created a loyal following and set up expectations early they are being cheated. I would predict their following will become even more loyal because they'll think they are mutual victims of a grand conspiracy and unite.

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2016, 08:27:42 pm »
He says he hasn't seen anything like this, yet he was friends with William F. Buckley who predicted/warned us about this almost to the letter (including calling out Trump as the candidate) in 2000.  If he just read Buckley's waning, he would have known exactly where this came from, where this is going, and the sad results to the Republican party.

Obviously.....Rush is in just as deep denial of reality as is Trump's supporters.  Rush's credibility has gone the way of the dodo bird.  As has the credibility of many formerly considered "conservative" icons this year.  2016 = Historic many, many ways.
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.


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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2016, 08:38:23 pm »
Even if Trump loses, he, Hannity, and others won't fall. Look at how they've created a loyal following and set up expectations early they are being cheated. I would predict their following will become even more loyal because they'll think they are mutual victims of a grand conspiracy and unite.

I wonder if their ratings have fallen...

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2016, 08:40:58 pm »
Even if Trump loses, he, Hannity, and others won't fall. Look at how they've created a loyal following and set up expectations early they are being cheated. I would predict their following will become even more loyal because they'll think they are mutual victims of a grand conspiracy and unite.

You're probably right. For one thing, what the hell else is there to listen to on these AM radio stations other than Rush or Hannity?

I do think their relative influence will dramatically decline.

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2016, 08:47:01 pm »
Even if Trump loses, he, Hannity, and others won't fall. Look at how they've created a loyal following and set up expectations early they are being cheated. I would predict their following will become even more loyal because they'll think they are mutual victims of a grand conspiracy and unite.

Upthread Quote> 
Quote from: Weird Tolkienish Figure on Today at 02:40:55 PM

Reminds me of the end of Casino when the entire crooked structure comes crumbling down and they arrest everyone or they get murdered.

Limbaugh will be the first to fall.

Even if Trump loses, he, Hannity, and others won't fall. Look at how they've created a loyal following and set up expectations early they are being cheated. I would predict their following will become even more loyal because they'll think they are mutual victims of a grand conspiracy and unite.

Talking heads like Rush and Hannity will actually thrive with another dem in the White House.

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2016, 08:53:08 pm »
I wonder if their ratings have fallen...

I think talk radio type programs across the board are seeing drastically declining ratings just due to demographic shifts and changing technology.

One thing that has struck me lately though, are the type of advertisers on Hannity and Rush. The quality of advertisers have been declining greatly. Rush, for example, used to have power-house advertisers like Snapple,, ProFlowers, Quicken Loans, Citrix.

Lately, advertising seems to be dominated by fantasy football and internet gambling. Local buys are mostly used car lots and people hawking diet pills.

Most of this is because major advertisers try to avoid controversy that would alienate half their audience, and the left has been hitting Rush advertisers hard. But that will wouldn't account for this sudden shift to low tier type advertising that one would  usually find on a third-rate clickbait website.

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2016, 08:55:41 pm »
I think talk radio type programs across the board are seeing drastically declining ratings just due to demographic shifts and changing technology.

One thing that has struck me lately though, are the type of advertisers on Hannity and Rush. The quality of advertisers have been declining greatly. Rush, for example, used to have power-house advertisers like Snapple,, ProFlowers, Quicken Loans, Citrix.

Lately, advertising seems to be dominated by fantasy football and internet gambling. Local buys are mostly used car lots and people hawking diet pills.

Most of this is because major advertisers try to avoid controversy that would alienate half their audience, and the left has been hitting Rush advertisers hard. But that will wouldn't account for this sudden shift to low tier type advertising that one would  usually find on a third-rate clickbait website.

Rush's snake oil sponsors have cracked me up since the Sandra Fluke fallout.

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2016, 08:57:00 pm »
I think talk radio type programs across the board are seeing drastically declining ratings just due to demographic shifts and changing technology.

One thing that has struck me lately though, are the type of advertisers on Hannity and Rush. The quality of advertisers have been declining greatly. Rush, for example, used to have power-house advertisers like Snapple,, ProFlowers, Quicken Loans, Citrix.

Lately, advertising seems to be dominated by fantasy football and internet gambling. Local buys are mostly used car lots and people hawking diet pills.

Most of this is because major advertisers try to avoid controversy that would alienate half their audience, and the left has been hitting Rush advertisers hard. But that will wouldn't account for this sudden shift to low tier type advertising that one would  usually find on a third-rate clickbait website.

Has Rush been reduced to shilling for I rarely listen to him. I do remember his shilling for Life Lock.

Remember the brouhaha he got when he called that slut a slut? Advertisers left in droves. I guess the big names never came back.

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2016, 09:00:37 pm »
Has Rush been reduced to shilling for I rarely listen to him. I do remember his shilling for Life Lock.

Remember the brouhaha he got when he called that slut a slut? Advertisers left in droves. I guess the big names never came back.

At one point the guy was earning $100 mil a year wasn't he? But he still has to sell Rush Revere books and his iced tea?

Why?  :shrug:

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2016, 01:32:18 am »
Rush, you're being delusional!


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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2016, 01:33:20 am »
Has Rush been reduced to shilling for I rarely listen to him. I do remember his shilling for Life Lock.

Remember the brouhaha he got when he called that slut a slut? Advertisers left in droves. I guess the big names never came back.

That's called the free enterprise system,

Hombre! This country is really turning to the left; who will be criticized next? Ron Paul?


« Last Edit: October 25, 2016, 01:44:49 am by TomSea »

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Re: Rush: I've Never Seen Anything Like This
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2016, 02:51:22 am »
Has Rush been reduced to shilling for

Yep, and Goldline is one of the worst ripoffs too, 35% spread off buy/sell rates.