It's amazing that we used to make fun of the Trump "cult".
This site right now? It's a "NeverTrump" cult.
Enjoy Hillary! You're working toward her power.
Now, that's where you lost it.
It is a site where there happen to be a group of people running the gamut from:
:blank: browbeating desperate Trump supporters so terrified of Hillary they don't know whether to defecate or go blind, lashing out at anyone who does not share that pant-pissing fear,
:blank: people who have decided to vote for Trump in the hope he will be at least less effective at damaging the country than Hillary and may even, by accident or design, actually do a little good
:blank: people who have decided they cannot support Hillary but for reasons of absent credibility and other deep character flaws, along with Trump's past positions can't support Trump either and remain undecided.
:blank: People who find Trump so repugnant to their values and who have no reason to believe he'd fulfill any of his promises (a Hillary in GOP clothing) who will not sanction him with a vote because it would effectively end any voice for Conservatives in the GOP and any semblance of moral high ground for the party (in essence, to try to save the conservative movement)
:blank: People who can't vote for her, but who realize that if he proposes identical programs with a GOP Congress they will be whisked through even faster than the GOP caved to Obama, and frankly, don't trust him not to (as he has already talked of for child care--a huge entitlement), so they won't vote for him either.
We all agree either of them will be a disaster, some think he will be marginally less so than she will, and will vote for him for that reason. Some of us believe he will so tarnish the brand, so to speak, that Conservatives will lose their place at the table completely.
Many of us will vote for third party candidates or write them in if they aren't on the ballot in our state, candidates with either a platform we find credible and can vote for, or to build another party, anticipating the demise of the GOP. The GOP has made it clear there is no place for conservatives in the party, repeatedly since Reagan (who was a fluke, frankly), by paying lip service to us during the campaign and throwing us under the bus as the ballots were counted. Now, this time, it has gone beyond that. By ensuring the party rules will have open primaries allowed next time, the GOP is open to the same crossover vote influence in the future which has helped make this mess we're in.
Me, after nearly 40 years of being a Republican, I'm done with it. I'm voting my conscience. If enough good people would, we'd stop the liberals in their tracks.