Author Topic: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots  (Read 7075 times)

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #50 on: October 18, 2016, 04:55:34 am »

Every mail in/absentee ballot is counted if it qualifies.  A committee called the Early Voting Ballot Board meets two days or more before election day and they go through the mail ballot paper work to verify that person is a registered voter, and continue to qualify the ones as they come in after starting their work, and those ballots are given to central counting to be counted at the end of election day.  If you filled out the paper work correctly and you were a registered voter, your ballot was counted.

Thank you for the enlightenment. 

Offline Sanguine

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #51 on: October 18, 2016, 01:18:54 pm »
Thanks for that information, @Victoria33 .

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #52 on: October 18, 2016, 02:20:39 pm »
Apparently, there's plenty of stupid to go around. And Twitter seems to be the tool of choice for it.


Well,.........,the origin of the word Twitter IS "Twit",so why is anyone surprised at all the stupidity on display there? That's the equivalent of being surprised that water is wet.
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Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #53 on: October 18, 2016, 02:38:28 pm »
I did not make myself clear . lets say this is true and a person is using his position  to destroy  absentee  ballots  or  a person  or persons  rig a presidential election by massive voter fraud .what should the penalty  be

You were very clear. You reacted rather than thought things through. That behavior endemic to the entire Trump movement, and Trump himself. Thats why your entire belief structure is a danger to the Republic as a whole and to those around you.

Had you thought it through you'd realized that if in fact this was true,, laws already exist to address vote tampering. If you thought  a bit more you'd have realized that the reason Vote fraud in America is rarely addressed is because of electing principled people to ensure that it's addressed is what you refuse to do. Instead, you elect show ponies that make you feel good because you won. But even that fails a lot of the time because they don't win. BECAUSE they are show ponies and not principled people.

Instead you concoct conspiracy theories and then beat your psuedopatriotic chest about throwing people in prison to cover for your bad decisions and actual Americans that believe in the Constitution are stuck living the results of your vapid ideas about politics and justice.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 02:40:03 pm by Norm Lenhart »

Offline Victoria33

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #54 on: October 18, 2016, 02:50:16 pm »

Thought you would enjoy this:

BTW, your ping list is missing the @ for @XenaLee  so she doesn't get pinged.  I'm sure she would enjoy the info.
@RAT Patrol

Thanks, will fix XeneLee mistake now.

Offline goatprairie

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #55 on: October 18, 2016, 03:06:09 pm »
Absolutely, but I still think the post person stole the 20 bucks in cash I sent my son.

We used to call them mailmen but now they're personpersons.
I worked for the Postal Service for about 17 years. Most mail valuables are stolen by mail clerks who work indoors sorting the mail before the carrier receives it.   Carriers don't have time to go through the mail. They only have  a limited time to case their mail and get on the road.
Letter cases are where most letters carrying valuables are stolen by mail clerks. In many of  the places where they sort letters manually (less and less due to automation) there are overhead spy posts where postal inspectors can look down on clerks sorting letters manually.
I learned to forget about these overhead spy stations. But occasionally some dishonest postal workers who had worked in these letter cases long enough could tell if there was cash in an envelope. One such person was caught and fired at the facility where I worked shortly before I was hired.
The moral of the story is: NEVER!!! send cash through the mail. Not only is there the odd dishonest employee, the machines destroy a certain amount of letter mail as well.  Attempts are made to piece together the mangled mail, but it's not always possible. Believe it or not, many people do not put return addresses on their mail, and if it is ripped up by a machine, it's often very difficult to return the mail article to the sender or pass it along to the receiver. I used to have to try and do that, and during X-mas season it's well nigh impossible.
NEVER!!! send cash through the mail. And if you send gift cards, put added postage on so it doesn't get sent through the machines. Lumpy letter mail is many times considered non-machinable anyway, but don't take a chance....always add the postage for non-machinable mail.  The automated machines like nothing better than to rip up lumpy mail.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 11:38:42 pm by goatprairie »

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #56 on: October 18, 2016, 03:09:46 pm »
Can't believe in this day and age people use cash for anything other than vending machines and buying candy bars and small stuff.

My aunt and uncle had $9K cash sitting in their safe and hired out the bathroom remodel while they were on vacation, when they got back from vacation the bathroom was unfinished and the safe was gone. No way to prove which one of the subcontracters or employees stole the money. That is what Dave Ramsey calls a "stupid tax".

Use cash as little as possible.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 03:24:00 pm by Weird Tolkienish Figure »

Offline Sanguine

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #57 on: October 18, 2016, 03:22:59 pm »
I worked for the Postal Service for about 17 years. Most mail valuables are mostly stolen by mail clerks who work indoors sorting the mail before the carrier receives it.   Carriers don't have time to go through the mail. They only have  a limited time to case their mail and get on the road.
Letter cases are where most letters carrying valuables are stolen by mail clerks. In many of  the places where they sort letters manually (less and less due to automation) there are overhead spy posts where postal inspectors can look down on clerks sorting letters manually.
I learned to forget about these overhead spy stations. But occasionally some dishonest postal workers who had worked in these letter cases long enough could tell if there was cash in an envelope. One such person was caught and fired at the facility where I worked shortly before I was hired.
The moral of the story is: NEVER!!! send cash through the mail. Not only is there the odd dishonest employee, the machines destroy a certain amount of letter mail as well.  Attempts are made to piece together the mangled mail, but it's not always possible. Believe it or not, many people do not put return addresses on their mail, and if it is ripped up by a machine, it's often very difficult to return the mail article to the sender or pass it along to the receiver. I used to have to try and do that, and during X-mas season it's well nigh impossible.
NEVER!!! send cash through the mail. And if you send gift cards, put added postage on so it doesn't get sent through the machines. Lumpy letter mail is many times considered non-machinable anyway, but don't take a chance....always add the postage for non-machinable mail.  The automated machines like nothing better than to rip up lumpy mail.

I send mail maybe once or twice a year, if that, now.  Almost everything can be done by email.  Doesn't get lost and doesn't require me to go buy a stamp.

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2016, 03:44:30 pm »
How do they know who the vote is for anyways

Would need to open up and disqualify a lot of Hillary ballots to look for Trump ballots. I say this is  bogus.
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Offline Applewood

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #59 on: October 18, 2016, 04:07:22 pm »
Can't believe in this day and age people use cash for anything other than vending machines and buying candy bars and small stuff.

My aunt and uncle had $9K cash sitting in their safe and hired out the bathroom remodel while they were on vacation, when they got back from vacation the bathroom was unfinished and the safe was gone. No way to prove which one of the subcontracters or employees stole the money. That is what Dave Ramsey calls a "stupid tax".

Use cash as little as possible.

I would never let any contractor or worker into my home while I was on vacation.  When I had my bath remodeled a few years ago, I was at the house every day.  I would not even give them keys to my place.  When they wanted in, they had to wait for me.

I'm an old  fashioned gal.  I still pay for most items like groceries with cash.  Really can't stand being in line at the market behind someone fiddling with a credit/debit card or worse, a check.  I just want to get into the store, get what I need, pay for it and go. 

However, I never keep more than a hundred dollars on me.  $9,000 in cash is really not necessary. 

Offline sneakypete

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #60 on: October 18, 2016, 04:13:03 pm »

However, I never keep more than a hundred dollars on me.  $9,000 in cash is really not necessary.


I hate cash to the point I have never had much of it at any point in my life.

My goal since I was about 20 has been to die with something like 37 cents in my pocket,and owing millions to banks. I have nightmares about dying with money in the bank that I could have spent enjoying life.

So it's me and the credit card companies,competing to see who is going to come out on top.
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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #61 on: October 18, 2016, 04:14:17 pm »
Can't believe in this day and age people use cash for anything other than vending machines and buying candy bars and small stuff.

My aunt and uncle had $9K cash sitting in their safe and hired out the bathroom remodel while they were on vacation, when they got back from vacation the bathroom was unfinished and the safe was gone. No way to prove which one of the subcontracters or employees stole the money. That is what Dave Ramsey calls a "stupid tax".

Use cash as little as possible.

Normal people hide their cash in their mattresses.   :smokin:

Offline Applewood

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #62 on: October 18, 2016, 04:19:18 pm »

I hate cash to the point I have never had much of it at any point in my life.

My goal since I was about 20 has been to die with something like 37 cents in my pocket,and owing millions to banks. I have nightmares about dying with money in the bank that I could have spent enjoying life.

So it's me and the credit card companies,competing to see who is going to come out on top.


I had an unmarried uncle who would joke that when he died, we should turn him upside down.  Any change that fell out of his pocket would be our inheritance.

Actually, when he passed, he had a life insurance policy that paid his final debts and tbat was it.  If anyone was looking for big bucks, they were out of luck. Smart man.

Offline Sanguine

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #63 on: October 18, 2016, 04:21:25 pm »

I hate cash to the point I have never had much of it at any point in my life.

My goal since I was about 20 has been to die with something like 37 cents in my pocket,and owing millions to banks. I have nightmares about dying with money in the bank that I could have spent enjoying life.

So it's me and the credit card companies,competing to see who is going to come out on top.

Who's going to come out on top?  The banks. 

You'll be pushing up daisies and the banks will pass on those losses to other customers. 


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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #64 on: October 18, 2016, 04:36:56 pm »
Who's going to come out on top?  The banks. 

You'll be pushing up daisies and the banks will pass on those losses to other customers.

You are supposed to find an island off the coast somewhere... declare it an independent nation (a la Sealand)... and the file for UN development aid, as your nation is an economic basket case.

Then squirrel the money into Swiss bank accounts and ruthlessly oppress your non-existent subjects until France offers you a villa on the French Riviera to abdicate.

Then you retire to the French Riviera with the millions you took from the UN... and hob-nob with the world's most despotic rulers.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 04:38:32 pm by HonestJohn »

Offline sneakypete

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #65 on: October 18, 2016, 04:40:24 pm »
You are supposed to find an island off the coast somewhere... declare it an independent nation (a la Sealand)... and the file for UN development aid, as your nation is an economic basket case.

Then squirrel the money into Swiss bank accounts and ruthlessly oppress your non-existent subjects until France offers you a villa on the French Riviera to abdicate.

Then you retire to the French Riviera with the millions you took from the UN... and hob-nob with the world's most despotic rulers.



DAMN! Why didn't someone tell me this decades ago! I suspected I needed a better plan,but didn't know what it would be.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #66 on: October 18, 2016, 04:43:01 pm »
You are supposed to find an island off the coast somewhere... declare it an independent nation (a la Sealand)... and the file for UN development aid, as your nation is an economic basket case.

Then squirrel the money into Swiss bank accounts and ruthlessly oppress your non-existent subjects until France offers you a villa on the French Riviera to abdicate.

Then you retire to the French Riviera with the millions you took from the UN... and hob-nob with the world's most despotic rulers.


Why expend that much effort?

Get a twitter account, say you'll build a wall if elected president and pocket the millions of dollars people send you. Despots will seek your counsel and invite you to all the parties. When terrorists attack France again, Sue America for supplying their arms and retire a billionaire.

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #67 on: October 18, 2016, 04:43:53 pm »
I voted absentee once when I was very ill. Then I was told that, unless the race is close, absentee ballots would not be counted.  Don't know if that's true or not, but from then on, I've made sure I voted in person, even if I have to be carried to the polls.

I'm curious what state that is. 

When I was a Judge of Elections in PA, the Majority and Minority Inspectors and I opened and counted them after the polls closed.   They were then reported on our ballot totals along with the ballot boxes.
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Offline Victoria33

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #68 on: October 18, 2016, 05:18:29 pm »
I worked for the Postal Service for about 17 years. Most mail valuables are mostly stolen by mail clerks who work indoors sorting the mail before the carrier receives it.   Carriers don't have time to go through the mail. They only have  a limited time to case their mail and get on the road.
The moral of the story is: NEVER!!! send cash through the mail. NEVER!!! send cash through the mail.

I knew someone who dated a woman who retired as a postal carrier.  She said the same as you - don't send cash through the mail.  She said it is stolen all the time.

We also now have people, during holiday time, who travel around streets looking for packages left at the door of houses, and they steal them.  That was happening at a town in Ohio where our family members live.  I sent them packages/gifts from Amazon and would tell them when Amazon told me the packages would be delivered. The wife would make sure she was home that day so she could get the packages when they arrived.  Since they are direct family, their packages cost a significant amount of money and I didn't want some crook stealing their gifts. 

Jesus Christ changed the behavior of people across the world.  He uplifted women, gave them worth as well as teaching poor people had worth - he taught Christian behavior which includes doing good works for others.  People began to help other people instead of thinking only of good for themselves. 

I am so old I remember when Christian behavior was the norm for people's behavior. We didn't lock our houses and didn't lock our cars when in town.  Most people in the area were at church on Sunday and most went to the church on Wednesday night.  By the time I was in high school, I was the church pianist.  I couldn't stay out late on Saturday night because the preacher (we went to a Baptist church) would pick me up early on Sunday and go to Kilgore, Texas, where he did a radio broadcast.  My job was to play him on the air and off the air.

What happened to this Christian behavior?  If you check out churches these days, there are more older people there than younger people.  As a country, we have lost the majority of people being Christians.  Behavior has returned to behavior before Christ.  Most people do not know where the dating of our calendar came from.  Our date of 2016 means it has been 2,016 years since the birth of Christ (yes, I know there is some discrepancy about the actual year date he was born).  I am surprised there hasn't been a movement from nonbelievers to change calendars because it is a Christian dating. Israel uses a different calendar as do some countries but the majority of countries use the Christian calendar. 

When one removes Christian behavior, we have chaos and that is what is happening to our country.  That is why postal workers are stealing money from envelopes.  It is why packages are not safe to be left at the door of a house.  It is why you lock your house and your car.  It is why a Republican office had a bomb thrown into it a few days ago.  It is why people kill other people.  A human life doesn't matter to non-Christians - people think of only what they want and will kill others to get it.

Will this country move back to Christian behavior?  No.   
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 05:21:52 pm by Victoria33 »

Offline sneakypete

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #69 on: October 18, 2016, 05:31:12 pm »

>>When one removes Christian behavior, we have chaos and that is what is happening to our country.  That is why postal workers are stealing money from envelopes.  It is why packages are not safe to be left at the door of a house.  It is why you lock your house and your car.  It is why a Republican office had a bomb thrown into it a few days ago.  It is why people kill other people.  A human life doesn't matter to non-Christians - people think of only what they want and will kill others to get it.<<

Yeah,cause we all know that no Christian would do anything like that,right?

Do you actually KNOW any preachers,rabbi's,or priests?

Ever heard the expression "I am as excited as a Priest at a Cub Scout meeting!"?
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Offline Victoria33

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Re: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots
« Reply #70 on: October 18, 2016, 06:17:58 pm »

Yeah,cause we all know that no Christian would do anything like that,right?
Do you actually KNOW any preachers,rabbi's,or priests?
Ever heard the expression "I am as excited as a Priest at a Cub Scout meeting!"?

That is correct - no Christian would do anything like that.  If a person says he/she is a Christian and commits terrible acts, he/she was only voicing words when he/she said he/she was a Christian.   The Bible says: 

"Matthew 7: 15-16:  Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits."

Persons claiming to be one thing may actually be another.  We are to discern people by their "fruits" which means their actions. 

I have known preachers all my life.  The present priest at our Catholic Church was an army sniper before he entered Catholic seminary to become a priest.