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They Do This to Every Republican! And It's About Time for a National Backlash
October 14, 2016
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RUSH: Trump did his appearance in West Palm Beach yesterday, which we played part of live as it was going on, and he went to Cincinnati. Did you see this rally in Cincinnati Trump had last night?  There were 20,000 people in the arena.

There were 7,000 people that wanted to get in that couldn't, that were standing outside.  It was streamed. Facebook had... Yeah, 240,000 people were watching it online various ways, and whatever implications are on that.  I mean, it was huge last night, and Trump was on message 100%, and I had somebody send me a note that was watching it last night who said, "If the Drive-By Media would cover this, Trump would win by 10 points.  If this speech Trump's giving..." This rally that Trump had in Cincinnati last night." If these were being seen by the people in this country, he'd win by 10 points."

That's how excited people were about this, who were watching it. He was really on message, and now the Trump people and Pence are saying that evidence will soon be forthcoming to refute all of the allegations here that these various women are making.  One of the ways to put this in perspective... Folks, I just want to remind you again. I saw Power Line picked this up, and I'm glad they did.  John Hinderaker made a point of echoing something I've been saying here for a while.  All of you people demanding, "This shows we shouldn't have nominated Trump!

"Trump was a sitting duck for this kind of stuff."  You've got to remember, you've got to understand that they do this to every Republican nominee.  They did it to John McCain.  The New York Times ran a story about how he had an affair with somebody way back. I don't even remember the details.  They did it to Newt Gingrich in the 2012 primaries.  They went out and claimed that Newt's ex-wife claimed that he did this to his third ex-wife and the second ex-wife was mad, and the first ex-wife wanted to get...

It was so bad that Newt, if you remember in the South Carolina primary, John King of CNN opened the debate asking Newt to explain all this philandering and stuff, and his ex-wifes.  And Newt just destroyed the guy on the basis that how dare you denigrate what we are doing here by bringing it up anonymously like this.  Newt got three standing ovations in three-minute answer.  And then John King tried to say, "Hey, the story is out there. They reported over there."

"Don't do that, John.  You chose to open this debate with this filth.  You chose to do it.  Don't try to blame this on other people."  My point is, they did it to Mitt Romney, and I'm gonna keep saying this until some of you lug heads get the picture. Mitt Romney? You will not find a finer human being no matter how you define "fine human being" -- morality, virtue, manners, nice guy, harmless -- than Mitt Romney.  And look what they did to him!

They had people believing that he was cruel to animals. They had people believing that Mitt Romney didn't care when the wives of people who worked for him got cancer, that he didn't run in to help. He didn't increase their health benefits. He had no compassion for the families of people that worked for him whatsoever.  Then they ran a story how he bullied some kid and pulled his hair or whatever in prep school, for crying out loud, if you remember that.

They are going to do what they're doing to Trump to every Republican nominee, particularly now, when they have nothing to promote Hillary Clinton on.  They can't promote her on the basis that people love her, that people love her ideas and her policies.  This is a campaign that the media has to make Trump more disliked than Hillary is.  That's why this looks like a race to the bottom, and that's because the media, the best way that they know to get Hillary elected is to make Trump a bigger negative that she than she is because there aren't any positives.

I watched Obama this morning before the program. He's out there in Cleveland, and he's doing a rally trying to get everybody all focused on Hillary. But instead of doing that, he's running down Trump.  He's denigrating Trump.  Trump doesn't know anything, this nationalism!"  He said, "Trump would put the brakes on all the progress that I'm making," and I'm looking. I said, "What progress?"  Have you seen the latest with Obamacare?  The smartest thing I ever did was not buy it.  The smartest thing I ever did is pay the fine.

You will not believe what the cost increases are.  There are families who run farms whose premiums upcoming for next year premiums are gonna be $40,000, and their deductible is $13,000.  This isn't health insurance; this is a scam: $40,000 premium cost! But they're never gonna get their insurance covered because the deductible is 13 grand.  So they have to pay the first $13,000 if any health treatment that they get.  They can't afford it.  Nobody can afford it.  There's nothing affordable in the Affordable Care Act.

Now, this is all by design.  This is what people don't understand.  It's designed to fail.  It's designed to implode so that people will demand that the government fix it and "fixing" it will just be putting everybody on Medicare or single-payer. But there's Obama saying, "And Trump will bring end to all the progress, all the progress!"  What progress?  We don't have any progress!  That's the problem!  We're not making any progress in this country.

The only people making progress are the leftists in their attempt to transform and cut this country down to size or two.  There's no progress for anybody that is occurring.  We have a guy, Donald Trump: A-list celebrity, rich and famous, who's been surrounded by beautiful women all over the world for 30 years.  Women surrounded this guy, some throwing themselves at him for 30 years.  Not once, folks -- and all you progressives and leftists know. Not once in 30 years has any of these women claimed he assaulted 'em.  Yeah, that only happened three weeks before a presidential election in which he is running.  Same thing with Trump and racism. For 30 years in public life, nobody's ever called him a racist until he ran for president. 


RUSH:  Okay.  So Donald Trump, 30 years an A-list celebrity, 30-years, wildly rich, wildly famous, he's owned the Miss Universe pageant, he's been surrounded by beautiful women all over the world, 30 years.  And not once in those 30 years has any of them ever claimed that he octopused 'em and he assaulted 'em, not once.  Nope, not until three weeks ago before the presidential election.

For 30 years Donald Trump's been all over the world, all over the country, he's hosted TV shows.  Not once did anybody say he was a racist pig, until he began to run for president on the Republican ticket and then here came the catcalls.  You know what some conservative media are now saying?  Conservative media, folks. This is why we can't win.  Our own side doesn't even realize what they're doing.  So we have some conservative media out there who hate Trump.  You know who they are; I know who they are.

So here come these allegations by these women on Trump, and these certain areas of conservative media don't even question it, they accept it. And now you know what the narrative from conservative media is?  Damn that Trump, damn it, now he's just revived this whole idea that conservatives conduct a War on Women.

Now, what's wrong with that thinking?  That thinking is exactly the way the left thinks.  So here we have elements of conservative media -- this is very problematic -- thinking the same way liberals think, looking to make the same points liberals make.

There is no War on Women and Donald Trump is not an officer, commanding general, or grunt private in said nonexistent war.  But here comes conservative media reviving this whole narrative, thinking the way the left does and advancing the premise.  Sometimes I think conservative media's a circular firing squad.  I don't think there's any question about it.

I mentioned Newt Gingrich.  I want to go back just to try to illustrate this point.  This was January 19th, 2012, in Charleston, South Carolina.  It was a Republican primary debate.  John King the moderator for CNN.

KING:  Mr. Speaker, I want to start with that this evening.  As you know your ex-wife gave an interview to ABC News and another interview at the Washington Post and this story has now gone viral on the internet.  In it she says that you came to her in 1999 at a time when you were having an affair.  She says you asked her, sir, to enter into an open marriage.  Would you like to take some time to respond to that?

GINGRICH:  No, but I will.

CROWD: (cheers)

GINGRICH:  I think -- I think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office, and I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that.

CROWD: (cheers)

RUSH:  This is a standing ovation.  They came out of their seats.  This is how the debate began.  Newt is standing right next to Mitt Romney and Ron Paul is in there.  You remember the field.  But it wasn't through.  John King, he was gonna continue to bear in on this.

KING:  Is that all you want to say, sir?

GINGRICH:  Let me finish. Every person in here knows personal pain.  Every person in here has had someone close to them go through painful things.  To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything I can imagine.

CROWD: (cheers)

GINGRICH:  My two daughters, my two daughters wrote the head of ABC and made the point that it was wrong, that they should pull it, and I am, frankly, astounded that CNN would take trash like that and use it to open a presidential debate.

CROWD: (cheers)

RUSH:  Another standing O.  Now, when this was over, the standing ovations were not over.  When that applause ended, John King then said (paraphrasing), "Hey, Mr. Speaker, we didn't do it. Somebody else brought this up, but it's out there now, it's gone viral on the internet, and I just thought --" and Newt stopped him.  "No, no, John.  You and your producers chose to lead with this question.  Don't try to blame it on others.  Don't try to slough it off as not your responsibility.  You chose to do it."

And another standing ovation erupted.  I'm sure now that those of you who watched it remember it.  And I play this just to remind you that it doesn't matter who the nominee is, folks, at some point everybody on our side is gonna have to recognize this for what it is.  And it is about time there became a national backlash over this entire tactic.  It is never applied to the Democrat candidate.  It is never, ever.  It is never even used as a journalistic tool even after they win, and to hold them accountable. 

Here we have a president for eight years who actually did all of these horrible things, and his wife was his enabler.  And we still can't get any acknowledgment of that in the media, and we can't get any further investigation.  The women who to this day, I mean, they have just as much credibility if not more than this Leeds babe that says Trump octopused her.  You know, CNN, NBC, they've got this Leeds babe all over the place, and they're taking her statement as though it's testimony under oath.

They will not talk to Kathleen Willey.  They will not talk to Juanita Broaddrick. They will not talk to Paula Jones, but you let any woman who we've never heard of for 30 years bop up and say Trump octopused her or bop up and say Trump did this to her, did this or tried to do that, bammo, they're media stars. They have instant credibility.  The media acts as though they're telling the gospel.  And they're all over the place and they get to condemn Trump.

And, meanwhile, where it actually happened in the White House and home, by the way, of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton -- and for those of you saying, "Come on, Rush, this misses the point. Trump's going after Bill Clinton and Bill Clinton is not on the ballot."  Hillary is, and Hillary was part of it.  Hillary was the enabler.  Hillary ran the operation to sully, demean, impugn, and destroy the women who came forward to accuse her husband.

That's why she's relevant.  She's running around out there as somebody who's devoted her life to fixing things for women and children.  She has spent her entire 30-year -- you can't find any evidence of it, by the way.  I mean, if Hillary's done all this great work for women, how come women are still complaining about everything?  If Hillary's done all this great work for children, why are children in such need?  What is it that Hillary Clinton's done?  Hillary Clinton hasn't done anything!  And the proof of that is they can't cite anything.

Her campaign doesn't even cite her progress, doesn't cite her achievements, other than in generic form.  "Hillary Clinton came out of school and did whatever and went to the Children's Defense Fund working with Marian Wright Edelman to defend and protect children."  Well, fine.  But what is the difference that was made.  Hillary says she wanted to make a difference.  What is it?  Seems to me that everything Hillary Clinton complains about to this day are things Hillary Clinton's been trying to fix for 30 years.

And we're told that there's nobody more qualified than Hillary Clinton to fix these things and yet none of 'em are fixed, from the economy to foreign policy to relations with women to whatever it is, they can't cite very much when they start listing Hillary's achievements.  So the Hillary campaign is nothing but a destruction of Trump campaign.  That's all it is, because that's all they've got.

Do you know she's gone into hibernation again?  The next debate's not 'til Wednesday.  Barack Obama's out there for her, her daughter is out there for her, her husband is out there for her -- and, by the way, these WikiLeaks emails, apparently a bunch of people in the Hillary campaign have been worried about Bill being all there for quite a while.  He did a couple things at a couple campaigns and there were emails going back and forth, they're worried, is he losing it?

But she's not out there.  She's gone into hibernation.  Supposedly she is prepping for the next debate.  I don't think so.  I mean, she may be doing that.  The reason she goes into hiding is because the effort to destroy Trump is now proceeding at 150 percent and she doesn't want to distract from it by being out there, because she's a negative, too.  The less she is heard from the better she seems to poll.  Put the other way, the more she speaks and the more present she is, the greater damage potentially is done to her campaign.  So she's hiding as a positive.

Hillary Clinton has to go hibernate.  She has to go underneath, whatever she does to stay invisible because that's the best thing she can do for herself.  While everybody else is out there talking to us about how nobody's ever been more qualified while they cannot cite for us anything she's done for anybody other than care a lot.

And, meanwhile, all these rabid, continuing insults and assaults on Trump with women nobody ever heard of and now all of a sudden they are gospel.  But the women who were actually raped and assaulted and abused and mistreated by Bill Clinton can't get the time of day on the same networks that the Trump women have been made heroines.  It's about time the American people saw this for what it is, and it's about time that there was a huge backlash against the media and the Democrat Party because, for all this talk of what Trump is and Trump's that and doing this, it's the Democrat Party and the Drive-By Media, the mainstream media that's taken this country to the sewer.

They are the ones focusing everybody on this stuff, not Donald Trump, not talk radio, not conservatism.  The Democrat Party and their buddies in the Drive-By Media are the ones focusing everybody's attention on what they're trying to tell everybody is smut, smut that we're told has gone on for 30 years but nobody ever knew about it because nobody ever accused anybody of it because nobody ever saw it for 30 years.

Now three weeks out from a presidential election we're learning all this stuff that Donald Trump's been doing that nobody's ever seen before and nobody's ever testified to before?  This stuff -- you know, the Democrats and the media used to tell us that the politics of personal destruction needed to come to a screeching halt. That all these negative ads and negative stuff, it was horrible, it was ruining our politics, voter turnout was being suppressed.  We need to raise ourselves up, they said.

We need to stick to the issues, they said, the very same people who live and take everybody down to the gutter with them in this campaign.  And it's about time there was a backlash against it.  It's about time the American people woke up and understood what's going on here, that they're being lied to, manipulated, and being set up for a woman to be elected president who is going to continue the decline of this country at a rate more rapid than anybody has ever seen or expects. 

Obama's out there saying (impression), "My God, this Trump guy, why, he doesn't know anything and just wants to end the progress."  There isn't any progress!  That's the whole point!  The only progress out there is the advancement of "progressive liberalism," which is not progress. 

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Offline dfwgator

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Look how they handled Romney, who is a saint, compared to Trump.   They would have done it regardless of who got the nomination. 

Offline dfwgator

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Yes.  That does not change the truth about Trump.  He is the first one who more than fits their criticisms.

Maybe.  But I don't buy it that any of the other Republican candidates would have beaten Hillary.    You have no idea of the fury the Media and the Government-Entertainment Complex would have had on the GOP Candidate, whomever it may have been.

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Just reading Limbaugh shilling for this lifelong NY liberal Democrat that FUNDED, SUPPORTED and CAMPAIGNED FOR the Clintons, the Schumers the DeBlasio's - is absolutely sickening.

To the point of wanting to vomit.

I will NEVER, EVER listen to that guy, or anything he ever says EVER again.

He's as phony as a $3 bill, and obviously conned us for years the same as his Golfing pal has.
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...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775


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Trump is a lowlife scumbag, he needs to be destroyed. He needs his past to be exposed, even if he jumps off his tower.

Trump is no Republican or conservative.

Offline endicom

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Maybe.  But I don't buy it that any of the other Republican candidates would have beaten Hillary. 

Yup. I was leaning Cruz while doubting his ability to win the election or be effective as POTUS.

Walker might have been a stronger candidate than would be expected. Rubio might have been a strong candidate if coached properly.


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Just reading Limbaugh shilling for this lifelong NY liberal Democrat that FUNDED, SUPPORTED and CAMPAIGNED FOR the Clintons, the Schumers the DeBlasio's - is absolutely sickening.

He's as phony as a $3 bill, and obviously conned us for years the same as his Golfing pal has.


Offline dfwgator

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Yup. I was leaning Cruz while doubting his ability to win the election or be effective as POTUS.

Walker might have been a stronger candidate than would be expected. Rubio might have been a strong candidate if coached properly.

I wished Walker had a longer run than he did.  Jeb sucked all the air out of the room in the beginning, and I think that was the opening for Trump.  Jeb should have never entered the race.

Offline ABX

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So Donald Trump, 30 years an A-list celebrity, 30-years, wildly rich, wildly famous, he's owned the Miss Universe pageant, he's been surrounded by beautiful women all over the world, 30 years.  And not once in those 30 years has any of them ever claimed that he octopused 'em and he assaulted 'em, not once.  Nope, not until three weeks ago before the presidential election.

For 30 years Donald Trump's been all over the world, all over the country, he's hosted TV shows.  Not once did anybody say he was a racist pig, until he began to run for president on the Republican ticket and then here came the catcalls.  You know what some conservative media are now saying?  Conservative media, folks. This is why we can't win.  Our own side doesn't even realize what they're doing.  So we have some conservative media out there who hate Trump.  You know who they are; I know who they are.

I know this is the meme going around, but it is utter bullshit.

All one needs to do is spend five minutes on Google news archives from the 80s-90s and early 2000s (also so you know it isn't politically motivated because of this run) and you'll see that Trump has been plagued with these type of accusations through his entire career, even from his wives.

This didn't 'suddenly come out', this is what has defined Trump his entire life. It is what he used to brag about (listen to Howard Stern interviews or his own book 'The Art of the Comeback'). He brags about his affairs, he brags about being a womanizer like he is some baboon showing his orange ass to all the other baboons.

I and others here have been warning people on this site this dirt was out there and it was massive and never-ending since Trump declared over a year ago.

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I misjudged because I thought people were already aware of all of this stuff about Trump, especially the Stern interview, which has been out for months.   So I thought he was already inoculated somewhat.  Like Bill Clinton, people knew, but they really didn't care.

I was very very wrong.

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Look how they handled Romney, who is a saint, compared to Trump.   They would have done it regardless of who got the nomination.
Yep. Trump is just a yuge target. Trump is the best target, nobody is a better target than Trump. I really mean that. I mean, look at that Cruz guy he would have been a horrible low energy target. The media would have run out of maple leafs by know. Not like Trump; Trump has been the best target for years, everybody knows Trump is a really yuge target cuz nobody knows targeting like Trump does. Just ask Sean Hannity. 
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

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And the fact is, most people don't know what to think about something until somebody else tells them what to think about it.

That explains how all of this stuff about Trump was in plain sight for all of these years and yet when he was going for the nomination, people didn't care.

Then the media started telling people what they should think about it, and then they cared.

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  • Ride for the Brand - Joshua 24:15
And the fact is, most people don't know what to think about something until somebody else tells them what to think about it.

That explains how all of this stuff about Trump was in plain sight for all of these years and yet when he was going for the nomination, people didn't care.

Then the media started telling people what they should think about it, and then they cared.
Sheeple  ****sheep****
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

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Sheeple  ****sheep****


Ironically, that's what the Left accused Rush Limbaugh of doing. 

Offline Rivergirl

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I do recall GWB ranting and raving at the msm when they released his DUI for driving too slowly about 30 years prior.
Don't you recall him insisting the election was about to be rigged.
NO NO NO and he was right, they were going to try to rig the election.  He remained a patriot and a gentleman thru it all.

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  • Ride for the Brand - Joshua 24:15

Ironically, that's what the Left accused Rush Limbaugh of doing.
I'd almost forgotten that. I've been accused of being a mind numbed robot since I was a young skull full of mush. Maybe Limbaugh started to believe his own press reports when he starting playing the part of the Trump apologist.
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

Offline endicom

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I wished Walker had a longer run than he did.

Yeah, that was disappointing. I wanted to know how he handled himself and what he had to say.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2016, 09:26:34 pm by endicom »

Offline dfwgator

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I'd almost forgotten that. I've been accused of being a mind numbed robot since I was a young skull full of mush. Maybe Limbaugh started to believe his own press reports when he starting playing the part of the Trump apologist.
I have to laugh when people jump on Rush for either not endorsing or endorsing somebody.

Rush is an entertainer, period! He is a not a politician. He said it as clear as day in his first book.  "My Job is not to win elections,  it's to do the very best radio show I can."

Offline Smokin Joe

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I know this is the meme going around, but it is utter bullshit.

All one needs to do is spend five minutes on Google news archives from the 80s-90s and early 2000s (also so you know it isn't politically motivated because of this run) and you'll see that Trump has been plagued with these type of accusations through his entire career, even from his wives.

This didn't 'suddenly come out', this is what has defined Trump his entire life. It is what he used to brag about (listen to Howard Stern interviews or his own book 'The Art of the Comeback'). He brags about his affairs, he brags about being a womanizer like he is some baboon showing his orange ass to all the other baboons.

I and others here have been warning people on this site this dirt was out there and it was massive and never-ending since Trump declared over a year ago.
Precisely. Trump got a pass on much he did in his 'private' life because, aside from buying a few pols and favors, it didn't affect others.

If you want to be President of the United States of America, perspectives change. What makes the social columns or tabloids that might be good fare for a promoter and fairly high-profile developer who uses that for publicity for an ostentatious lifestyle (he's into selling luxury and dreams of wealth), suddenly becomes a potential liability when one moves into the big leagues and wants to make policy. It's a big jump to go from renting the occasional politician and getting media time with the denizens of the halls of political power to becoming one of the powerful, in a political sense. Suddenly, the way you behave(d) matters.

The information has been on supermarket endcaps for decades, glaring out at the passing shopper getting ready to set things on the belt. Just now, though, it matters.
Ironically, those same endcaps held much of what the Clinton's sins were, too.
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Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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You know, it is time for a backlash, it is time for a backlash against people like Trump, Hillary, Rush, and everyone else who goes around telling us to think and what we should be outraged over. it is time for a backlash against the absolute worst of society leading us. It is time for a backlash against the script of Idiocracy becoming reality.

We can't blame this one on the dems or the media when we put the absolute worst candidate we could at the top of the heap because he played to people's desires. We need to look in a mirror to know where the blame lays.

Offline ABX

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Precisely. Trump got a pass on much he did in his 'private' life because, aside from buying a few pols and favors, it didn't affect others.

If you want to be President of the United States of America, perspectives change. What makes the social columns or tabloids that might be good fare for a promoter and fairly high-profile developer who uses that for publicity for an ostentatious lifestyle (he's into selling luxury and dreams of wealth), suddenly becomes a potential liability when one moves into the big leagues and wants to make policy. It's a big jump to go from renting the occasional politician and getting media time with the denizens of the halls of political power to becoming one of the powerful, in a political sense. Suddenly, the way you behave(d) matters.

The information has been on supermarket endcaps for decades, glaring out at the passing shopper getting ready to set things on the belt. Just now, though, it matters.
Ironically, those same endcaps held much of what the Clinton's sins were, too.

Rush had a big column in the late 90s titled 'Character Matters'. I wish could find a copy of that.

Offline dfwgator

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Rush had a big column in the late 90s titled 'Character Matters'. I wish could find a copy of that.

I think it's a bit disingenuous to attack people who merely saw the only two choices as the bad choice and the even worse choice, and tried to figure out which one would do the least amount of damage.

In my book, that would have been Trump, because he wouldn't have had the benefit of a fawning media, as Hillary would, to get away with his shenanigans.

Offline LadyLiberty

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I know this is the meme going around, but it is utter bullshit.

All one needs to do is spend five minutes on Google news archives from the 80s-90s and early 2000s (also so you know it isn't politically motivated because of this run) and you'll see that Trump has been plagued with these type of accusations through his entire career, even from his wives.

This didn't 'suddenly come out', this is what has defined Trump his entire life. It is what he used to brag about (listen to Howard Stern interviews or his own book 'The Art of the Comeback'). He brags about his affairs, he brags about being a womanizer like he is some baboon showing his orange ass to all the other baboons.

I and others here have been warning people on this site this dirt was out there and it was massive and never-ending since Trump declared over a year ago.

This pisses me off to no end.  How could people NOT know what kind of a person Trump is?  How could anyone be surprised by these allegations?  Hillary should have been so easy to beat, it was ours for the taking, all we needed was a decent candidate and there were several who could have done the job.  Instead, we have a con man / predator who is going to be beat by a weak Hillary.

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It was fine with Trump when his long time friend at the National Enquirer did it to Cruz. The big difference is Cruz had no history of it - while Trump's is filled with it.

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I know this is the meme going around, but it is utter bullshit.

All one needs to do is spend five minutes on Google news archives from the 80s-90s and early 2000s (also so you know it isn't politically motivated because of this run) and you'll see that Trump has been plagued with these type of accusations through his entire career, even from his wives.

This didn't 'suddenly come out', this is what has defined Trump his entire life. It is what he used to brag about (listen to Howard Stern interviews or his own book 'The Art of the Comeback'). He brags about his affairs, he brags about being a womanizer like he is some baboon showing his orange ass to all the other baboons.

I and others here have been warning people on this site this dirt was out there and it was massive and never-ending since Trump declared over a year ago.

Exactly - and Limbaugh had to know it all as well AND STILL he pushed this guy and lauds this creep.

Limbaugh KILLED any credibility he ascribed to himself as far as I am concerned. 

Dr. of Democracy?  Hardly.

He's essentially become exactly what he railed against the Libs doing for Bill Clinton all these years, except now he does it for Trump because the NY Liberal Democrat is running as the nominee in his party.

Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775