Author Topic: Clintons Gave Ambassadorship to Man Who Told Them ‘Political Debt’ Was Owed  (Read 220 times)

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 Clintons Gave Ambassadorship to Man Who Told Them ‘Political Debt’ Was Owed
Posted By Elizabeth Harrington On October 14, 2016 @ 4:58 am In Politics | No Comments

Bill Clinton nominated his friend and adviser Derek Shearer to an ambassadorship after Shearer told Bill and Hillary he was owed a “political debt.”

Private letters sent to the Clintons reveal how Shearer worked with longtime Clinton confidante Sidney Blumenthal behind the scenes to “attack [their] enemies” during the 1992 campaign.

The Clintons have a reputation for attacking political foes and giving special treatment to their friends and donors, a reputation that continues to dog Hillary’s presidential ambitions.

Article printed from Washington Free Beacon:

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