Author Topic: BROADDRICK: Hillary’s actions speak louder than Trump’s words  (Read 677 times)

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October 8, 2016
By Kyle Olson

Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick is weighing in on Donald Trump’s controversial comments from 2005 that are mysteriously resurfacing just hours before the second debate and weeks before the general election.

“How many times must it be said,” she tweeted Saturday morning.

“Actions speak louder than words. (Donald Trump) said bad things! (Hillary Clinton) threatened me after (Bill Clinton) raped me.”

    How many times must it be said? Actions speak louder than words. DT said bad things!HRC threatened me after BC raped me.

    — Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) October 8, 2016

Broaddrick’s dose of perspective comes as the mainstream media has been silent and uninterested in the ongoing accusations against Bill Clinton and Hillary’s attempts to silence his accusers.

But in the last 24 hours, they’ve reported ad nauseam about Trump’s 2005 locker room talk caught on a hot mic.

Last Friday night, Trump apologized for his banter with “Access Hollywood” host Billy Bush from a decade ago.

    Here is my statement.

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 8, 2016

“I said it. I was wrong and I apologize,” Trump says in his statement.

To date, neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton have apologized to Broaddrick.

She has accused then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton of raping her in a Little Rock hotel room in 1978. She says Hillary later confronted her in an attempt to intimidate and silence her.

UPDATE: Paula Jones weighed in as well, writing on Facebook, “I don’t recall that Bill or Hillary has ever apologized to me and Juanita Broaddrick or Kathleen Willey yet Bill was getting his wee wee sucked under the Oval Office desk and still won a second term, UNBELIEVABLE!


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Re: BROADDRICK: Hillary’s actions speak louder than Trump’s words
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2016, 09:51:22 pm »
Again, it ain't just words. That is how Trump behaves as a matter of course.


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Re: BROADDRICK: Hillary’s actions speak louder than Trump’s words
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2016, 10:05:31 pm »


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Re: BROADDRICK: Hillary’s actions speak louder than Trump’s words
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2016, 10:13:21 pm »
The opposition to a Donald Trump presidency is not one side of the political aisle, democrats.  The true opposition is the entire professional political machine which doesn’t actually have sides, the UniParty.

Donald Trump represents an existential threat to the corrupted political system.

There is only one party in Washington DC.  Donald Trump is opposed by it.

There is no substantive difference between Jeb and Hillary, and there is absolutely no difference between the current National GOP and National Democrats. Both parties are intent on the expansion of government, the diminishment of U.S. national interests (Main Street), along with the inflation of Wall Street interests (CoC) and capital markets (Koch Brothers).


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Re: BROADDRICK: Hillary’s actions speak louder than Trump’s words
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2016, 10:18:34 pm »
We are all being played by Hillary and the GOPe…

What isn’t being discussed because of this:
Hillary’s emails just released
Podesta’s emails
Hurricane Matthew bashing the East Coastline
Another quarter of Anemic job growth
Obamacare destroying our country
Illegal Aliens weekly killing our citizens
Hillary calling blacks Losers in emails
All of Hillary’s past F-bombs
Hillary’s Parkinson’s issues (yes, she does)
Comey – Lynch – Clinton – Obama collaboration
Lady Justice who has her blindfold off now…
Benghazi to this day never being resolved
Hillary Lying over the coffins of four Brave Dead Americans
Email Servers
GOPe acting “Shocked” at comments just as past Rep / Senators have been busted for same
Supposed “Christian” GOP leaders not remembering the word forgiveness
and on…and on…and on…