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Offline EasyAce

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Last Night, Donald Trump Showed Why He's Dangerous
« on: September 27, 2016, 11:23:58 pm »
His insistence that NATO could be obsolete is music to Vladimir Putin's ears
By David French

Last night, it became crystal clear. The GOP nominated a dangerous, unfit man to be president of the United
States. When it came to foreign affairs, where the president’s power is at its peak, Trump is showing himself to be
ignorant, unprepared, and impulsive. Indeed, it’s hard to think of three worse qualities in a potential commander-in-

In presidential elections, Americans understandably tend to focus on domestic policy. It has a more immediate effect
on their lives, and the issues are far more familiar. Yet domestic policy is precisely the arena where the president faces
his or her most profound limits. For all his undeniable expansion of presidential power, not even Barack Obama at his
“pen and phone” worst has been able to implement vast segments of his domestic agenda. He’s ending two terms without
cap and trade, without comprehensive immigration reform, and without new gun-control measures. His worst bureaucratic
initiatives can be undone by any subsequent president.

But in foreign policy, the modern American president has become a virtual monarch. He or she can launch military
actions without congressional approval (just ask Presidents Clinton and Obama), reach agreements with foreign nations,
and establish or rescind diplomatic relations. The Constitution is supposed to check the power of the president to declare
war or to enter treaties, but presidents have been shedding those restraints for generations. The president holds the
power of war and peace in his or her hands, and the entire world — including our enemies — pays attention to the
president’s every word and deed.

If you’re a geopolitical rival of the United States, Trump is a delight. He’s America’s leading Putin apologist, wasting
several agonizing turns in the debate defending Russia from the charge of meddling in U.S. elections and bizarrely
wondering if a “400-pound” man “sitting on their bed” hacked Democratic National Committee e-mails. He said he
hasn’t “given lots of thought to NATO” and then went ahead and proved the truth of that statement by fundamentally
misunderstanding the alliance. He treats it as a glorified protection racket whereby NATO countries allegedly pay us
to defend Europe and they’re not paying what they owe. He even doubled down on his claim — an incredibly bizarre
claim given Russia’s military resurgence — that NATO “could be obsolete.”

This is of course music to Vladimir Putin’s ears, but it’s deeply threatening to American national security. America
isn’t in the NATO alliance out of altruism. Since the founding of this nation, each and every time there has been a
general European conflict, America has been pulled into the fray. The Napoleonic wars were key in triggering the
War of 1812, a stalemate of a conflict fought largely on American soil. The two world wars collectively cost more
than half a million American lives, and our toll was light compared with that of our European allies. During the Cold
War, NATO helped preserve the very existence of the free world, and now it is the primary check on Russian
aggression. Obsolete? Hardly. It has saved countless American lives.

But Trump was hardly finished. Not content with defending Russia and trashing NATO, he went on a rant about Japan,
South Korea, and, bizarrely, Saudi Arabia:

Nuclear is the single greatest threat. Just to go down the list, we defend Japan, we defend Germany, we defend South
Korea, we defend Saudi Arabia, we defend countries. They do not pay us. But they should be paying us, because we
are providing tremendous service and we’re losing a fortune. That’s why we’re losing — we’re losing — we lose on
everything. I say, who makes these — we lose on everything.

Once again: We don’t enter into treaties merely out of the goodness of our hearts. We have established defense
relationships with Germany, South Korea, Japan, and other nations (we don’t have a collective defense treaty with Saudi
Arabia) in large part because American national security and the American way of life depend on global peace and
security. In a connected world, we simply can’t retreat behind our borders and expect to remain safe or prosperous.

And while many of our allies can and should provide more resources for their own defense, they will always allocate
a lower percentage of their gross domestic product for their militaries than the U.S. does, because they don’t have
the same international reach. Given history, do we really want Japan and Germany to become global military superpowers?
But that doesn’t mean our allies don’t have skin in the game. In the event of a second Korean conflict, the South
Korean military would bear the brunt of the fighting — and take the vast majority of the allied casualties. Europeans
make up the great majority of actual NATO boots on the ground in Europe, and our own deployment is a fraction
of its former strength.

Treaties aren’t business deals, nor are they protection rackets. They have been the hallmark of bipartisan American
foreign policy since 1945, because liberals and conservatives alike have understood the profound risks of true American
disengagement. Even the Obama administration, for all its fecklessness, hasn’t raised the specter of American retreat
to the same extent as Trump has.

Trump has been running for president for 15 months. Businessman or not, that’s more than enough time to understand
our treaty obligations — including the reasons for the relationships that have helped keep America out of a catastrophic
war. If Trump truly believed that “nuclear is the single greatest threat,” he’d be wary both of nuclear proliferation and
of discarding key allies. Geopolitics, like nature, abhors a vacuum, and American retreat almost always triggers a rival’s

A loud ignorant man is still ignorant. A blustering impulsive man is still impulsive. Last night an unprepared Trump
proved that he’s not ready to be commander-in-chief. He’s most dangerous where he has the most power, and that
should send a chill down every American spine.

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Offline sinkspur

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Re: Last Night, Donald Trump Showed Why He's Dangerous
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2016, 11:27:25 pm »
Ace, this has already been posted.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline EasyAce

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Re: Last Night, Donald Trump Showed Why He's Dangerous
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2016, 11:33:25 pm »
Ace, this has already been posted.

I must have missed it ;)

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.