Author Topic: WSJ's Bret Stephens: "Hillary Clinton, As Awful As I Find Her, Is A Survivable Event. I'm Not So Sure About Trump"  (Read 2740 times)

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WSJ's Bret Stephens: "Hillary Clinton, As Awful As I Find Her, Is A Survivable Event. I'm Not So Sure About Trump"

Posted By Ian Schwartz

On Date June 17, 2016

WSJ's Bret Stephens: "Hillary Clinton, As Awful As I Find Her, Is A Survivable Event. I'm Not So Sure About Trump"
Wall Street Journal deputy editorial page editor Bret Stephens reiterated his view that Donald Trump will be destructive to the United States. However, he said a Clinton presidency would be a "survivable event."

Last month Stephens said Trump needs to lose decisively so that Republican voters "learn their lesson."

From Stephens' interview with nationally syndicated radio host Hugh Hewitt on Friday:

HUGH HEWITT: He is 12 points behind by the Reuters/Ipsos poll, and he does have to make changes, and I have laid them out. But let me put the question to you, Bret, as I’ll put it to everyone. If there is no mutiny, and there isn’t going to be a mutiny, because Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan aren’t leading one, and do you agree with me, absent McConnell and Ryan, there is not going to be a mutiny?

BRET STEPHENS, WSJ: Well, yeah, I think it would take Ryan. I don’t know if McConnell has the standing in the party. But you know, just quickly, Hugh, you know, politically, first of all, this should not be a time to politicize this event the way it has been. But there, you have the President blaming Christians, Republicans and everyone except…

HH: Yup.

BS: …radical Islamists for this attack. But this should have been a strong week for Donald Trump just to showcase the weakness of this administration and its first Secretary of State when it comes to fighting terrorists. Instead, he’s falling farther behind. So in a week that should have gone his way, he’s just committing such political malpractice, that it’s hard to see how he turns it around.

HH: I agree with that, and I am going to dedicate myself to trying to get him to turn it around. But Bret, if the choice is Clinton versus Trump, who is Bret Stephens going to vote for?

BS: Probably none of the above. I will never vote for Donald Trump. I have a very, very hard time voting for Mrs. Clinton. I have been, I have been writing about Hillary Clinton, I just actually looked this up, since 1998 when she was busy standing by when Suha Arafat was launching anti-Semitic tirades against Israel and the Jews. And Hillary Clinton’s record in office is dreadful. Her ideas are dreadful. They will make us less safe. So, but there is no way I’m going to vote for a guy who is just totally uninformed, un-presidential as Donald Trump is.

HH: So he brings along, let me make an argument to you, and I look forward to reading when you think and write through this, because I think you’re so influential that it will matter. He brings 3,000 people with him, a vice president, a secretary of Defense, a secretary of State, a head of the national intelligence community, a CIA director, etc., etc., He can keep Joe Dunford in, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who is widely regarded as the best in a long time, etc., etc. And so we elect 3,000 people, not just one. And it seems to me that as a civilian, this is Hugh Hewitt talking, not Bret, I owe the people who are on the front end of the spear, the people on the front line, the best commander-in-chief of the two. I owe them my informed judgment as to who will do the best by America. I can’t sit it out, because they can’t sit it out. They’re taking bullets and incoming. So how do you respond to that argument about having to make the choice? And if you’re obliged to make the choice upon pondering that, who would the choice be?

BS: Well, you’re asking me the same question twice. My answer is the same. The only person who counts in the administration is the president of the United States, Hugh. That’s the only person who counts. When George W. Bush decided to save the American position in Iraq by going against the advice of all of his wise men, of Jim Baker and the whole Iraq Study Group, and 90% of his administration, that was George W. Bush’s decision. So we have to bear in mind that this isn’t an administration we’re electing. It’s a person that we are electing. Who knows better than you what it means to have a commander-in-chief who lived his entire life, who lived throughout the entire Cold War, and doesn’t know what the nuclear triad is? It’s absolutely astonishing. And so it’s terrific to have Joe Dunford and you know, perhaps John Bolton and other people in positions of trust. But you have to have a president who bothered over the last 70 years to gain a cursory understanding of how the world works. And on so many issues, Hugh, on so many issues, I know not all of the issue, but on so many issues, this guy is just the antithesis of what I’d want a Republican president to be on foreign policy. When it comes to trade, when it comes to standing up to countries like North Korea, when it comes to standing up to guys like Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump is not a conservative. If you put…

HH: Bret, you don’t have to, I agree with you on all of that. I know the critique. Nevertheless, what about my argument that civilians owe people who are fighting the war the best of the two candidates for commander-in-chief. We don’t have the option to be conscientious objectors in the one part of the war that is part of our job, which is to pick a commander-in-chief.

BS: Listen, I think that for the United States, Hillary Clinton, as awful as I find her, is a survivable event. I’m not so sure about Donald Trump.

HH: Wow.

BS: And let me tell you why. Let me add one more point to that, Hugh. The United States survives so long as at least one of its major parties is politically and intellectually healthy. I don’t think the Republican Party, or I should say the Republican Party as the vehicle for modern American conservative ideas, survives with Donald Trump. I think a Donald Trump presidency sets up an Elizabeth Warren ascendancy. And it not Elizabeth Warren, someone of her ilk. And I think that’s dreadful. I think a Donald Trump presidency raises a new kind of version of conservatism which more closely resembles a kind of Father Coughlin, America first populism and nativism and isolationism, than the confident, modern, cosmopolitan, thoughtful, engaged conservatism of Ronald Reagan and Paul Ryan.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline Mechanicos

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Still pushing Conservatives to vote for Hillary...
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

Offline Victoria33

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WSJ's Bret Stephens: "Hillary Clinton, As Awful As I Find Her, Is A Survivable Event. I'm Not So Sure About Trump" WSJ's Bret Stephens: "Hillary Clinton, As Awful As I Find Her, Is A Survivable Event. I'm Not So Sure About Trump"

I agree with Bret Stephens - the country will not survive as a representative form of government if Trump is president.  I was a psychological examiner for over 20 years.  I will not vote for Trump as, in my opinion without testing him, but evaluating his behavior from a child forward, I believe he has a mental disorder, beginning in his early years of life.  He physically attacked his music teacher when he was 9 or 10 years old.  His father said he was a difficult child at an early age.  His behavior was so bad, the father said he sent him away to military school at age 13, to try to change his behavior.   I won't go into other behaviors of his since it would take pages - the bottom line is, I do not trust him to be commander in chief.  I would vote for Hillary before I would vote for him.   

His behavior now is worse than it was when he started this campaign.  His comments and speeches make it difficult to know what his agenda really is.  He rambles and changes his positions by the hour and from day to day.  He is an unknown quantity - a disaster waiting to happen.  I hope he reveals enough of his confused personality before the election so the voting public knows not to elect him;  I want to see a complete Trump melt down so voters will see what he truly is and know he must not be president.  This post is my personal opinion.
@Norm Lenhart   

Offline RoosGirl

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Still pushing Conservatives to vote for Hillary...

Why not comment on specifics you disagree with?


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This is what I've been saying all along.

Right down to his transforming the GOP into a vessel for the likes of Father Coughlin.

Offline livius

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This is what I've been saying all along.

Right down to his transforming the GOP into a vessel for the likes of Father Coughlin.
Father Coughlin started out okay and then got extreme, and in any case, Trump is known for his liberal anti-Catholicism. He sometimes disguises this under announcements that he's a "good Presbyterian" - I realize the Presbyterian Church has gone downhill and is almost meaningless, but I would not consider him and his approach to life "Presbyterian" in any traditional sense of the word - it simply means that he considers himself a WASP. His mother was a Scottish immigrant and his father was of German descent.  And of course until he suddenly realized that being anti-abortion was important in the GOP, he was perfectly fine with it, and then issued a few confused statements changing his position (after saying he'd arrest women who had had abortions, because he thought that was what conservatives wanted). He appears to be saying now that states should handle it and he refuses to express any concrete position.

And now he is experiencing a "transformation" on "gay marriage" as a result of Orlando, so whether you're Catholic or orthodox Protestant, don't look to him for any help.

His anti-Mexican schtick also touches on this from time to time. That said, I'm sure not defending our lousy bishops in the area of immigration!!!  But in reality, Mexican immigration, legal or illegal, is way down, partly because Obama has taken numbers off the Latin American legal quota to give them  to (literally) "Muslim lands."  As for Mexican illegals, they are having more opportunity in their own country, which, naturally, is where they would prefer to live, so fewer are coming.  The big upsurge is among Muslims.

But my concern about Trump is the same, he's canny but not very smart, not very knowledgeable and doesn't want to know anything more, he's a show-pony just like Obama, and is consolidating Obama's authoritarian form of executive order government.  And for the foolish people who think he's going to be on their side...he won't be. He'll "walk back" all of his statements, particularly those about Muslims, partly because they're unenforceable and partly because he just did them for effect and to convince the gullible in the first place.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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I actually see Trump as more of a Peron, Chavez caudillo type. That scares me more than some obscure radio personality from the 30's. I get scared with Hillary winning then I get scared with Trump winning too.

Flame away but I"m hoping with Hillary the economy will meltdown and voters will finally turn on the Dems... if at all. Maybe just a hope.


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The Wall Street Journal did nothing to try and stop Trump in the primaries.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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The Wall Street Journal did nothing to try and stop Trump in the primaries.

Can't agree with that. They opposed him every step of the way.

Offline Jazzhead

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Still pushing Conservatives to vote for Hillary...

Hillary's horrible, but she's not an existential threat.  Trump is.   

It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

Offline Mechanicos

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Hillary's horrible, but she's not an existential threat.  Trump is.   

NO Conservative speaks like this. This is democrat operative talk. Not voting for Trump is one thing, Pushing Conservatives to vote for Hillary with this crap is democrat operative talk, not anything a conservative would say.

Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

Offline Emjay

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Still pushing Conservatives to vote for Hillary...

When conservatives think Trump is worse than Hillary, it's gotta make you wonder.  Does it?
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.

Offline Emjay

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The Wall Street Journal did nothing to try and stop Trump in the primaries.

Right on.  There are a lot of people and newspapers and TV stations that have much to answer for.  You know they knew that Trump was crazy but wanted to appeal to trumpers and boost their ratings.
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.

Offline Emjay

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NO Conservative speaks like this. This is democrat operative talk. Not voting for Trump is one thing, Pushing Conservatives to vote for Hillary with this crap is democrat operative talk, not anything a conservative would say.

Odd that you would say that on this forum ... where the majority of us conservatives think that Donald Trump is scarier than Hillary.

You might consider saving that kind of remark for Free Republic.
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.

Offline Mechanicos

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When conservatives think Trump is worse than Hillary, it's gotta make you wonder.  Does it?
Not really since Conservatives are by definition mature emotionally and #neverTrump is emotional.
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

Offline ScottinVA

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I hope he reveals enough of his confused personality before the election so the voting public knows not to elect him;  I want to see a complete Trump melt down so voters will see what he truly is and know he must not be president.  This post is my personal opinion.

He's not going to be elected.  This country is far more of the mindset like yours and Stephens' -- that Clinton, though thoroughly evil, is the known entity, is seen as preferable, because she's the demon they know.

Offline Mechanicos

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Odd that you would say that on this forum ... where the majority of us conservatives think that Donald Trump is scarier than Hillary.

You might consider saving that kind of remark for Free Republic.
Its a fact. Sorry if that bothers you. No Conservative would act like a Democrat Op. They know better.
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17


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Offline RoosGirl

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Not really since Conservatives are by definition mature emotionally and #neverTrump is emotional.

There's nothing emotional in my stated reasons for NeverTrump.  In fact, when I have asked for facts from RegardlessTrump about *why* I should support him I have yet to be given any.

Silver Pines

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NO Conservative speaks like this. This is democrat operative talk. Not voting for Trump is one thing, Pushing Conservatives to vote for Hillary with this crap is democrat operative talk, not anything a conservative would say.

I'll tell you what else isn't conservative---supporting a lifelong liberal like Trump.

Offline Mechanicos

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I'll tell you what else isn't conservative---supporting a lifelong liberal like Trump.
Know what else is not Conservative, not being honest about Trump like that.
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

Offline LadyLiberty

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I agree with Bret Stephens - the country will not survive as a representative form of government if Trump is president.  I was a psychological examiner for over 20 years.  I will not vote for Trump as, in my opinion without testing him, but evaluating his behavior from a child forward, I believe he has a mental disorder, beginning in his early years of life.  He physically attacked his music teacher when he was 9 or 10 years old.  His father said he was a difficult child at an early age.  His behavior was so bad, the father said he sent him away to military school at age 13, to try to change his behavior.   I won't go into other behaviors of his since it would take pages - the bottom line is, I do not trust him to be commander in chief.  I would vote for Hillary before I would vote for him.   

His behavior now is worse than it was when he started this campaign.  His comments and speeches make it difficult to know what his agenda really is.  He rambles and changes his positions by the hour and from day to day.  He is an unknown quantity - a disaster waiting to happen.  I hope he reveals enough of his confused personality before the election so the voting public knows not to elect him;  I want to see a complete Trump melt down so voters will see what he truly is and know he must not be president.  This post is my personal opinion.
@Norm Lenhart   

@Victoria33  It seems that many others agree with you:

Offline RoosGirl

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Know what else is not Conservative, not being honest about Trump like that.

Yes, @CatherineofAragon You should have said lifelong notConservative.

Silver Pines

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Know what else is not Conservative, not being honest about Trump like that.

Trump has been a liberal all of his life.  He says he mended his ways, conveniently just in time to run for president.   Yes, at age 70...a complete 180 on his life's views and stances.

He has not one single achievement for the cause of conservatism under his belt.  Only cheap, empty talk.

And, despite the talk, he has made countless slips of the tongue during his campaign which revealed his core liberalism.  He almost always walked them back, though, after some advisor explained to him why he couldn't go around saying such things and expect to win Republican votes.

It stuns me daily that anyone could fall for his con job.

Silver Pines

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