Author Topic: Oh My Gosh – About That Bloomberg Presidential Poll…  (Read 597 times)

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Offline Mechanicos

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Oh My Gosh – About That Bloomberg Presidential Poll…
« on: June 15, 2016, 03:58:05 am »
Oh My Gosh – About That Bloomberg Presidential Poll…

This coming Sunday Fareed Zakaria (CNN) will broadcast an interview with Russian leader Vladimir Putin; that might actually be worth paying attention to… this Bloomberg Poll, well, not-so-much.

The poll is not even worth using the bandwidth to create the pdf (you can see it here), because just like all Bloomberg polls, they are 100% pure agenda driven nonsense.

To give you evidence in that regard the last Bloomberg poll, the same Bloomberg poll, taken three months ago showed Clinton 54 / Trump 36.

Go figure.

You’ll note the CTH has never posted a Bloomberg Poll, because the pollsters who work for Bloomberg are 100% ideologues and don’t try to hide their agenda.  Even left-leaning PPP pollsters make fun of Bloomberg Polls.

[ *Note* Super Tuesday Bloomberg Polls had Trump losing in the primary races. LOL ]

In general, liberals are on their heels.  San Jose freaked them out.  Then comes the Orlando Terrorist attack which has essentially outed their entire ideological outlook as insufferably disconnected.

Specifically, President Obama and Hillary Clinton are in real trouble – which is evident from how they are lashing out trying to regain footing.

Americans, common sense Americans, the majority of America is uniting behind the common sense practical approaches of candidate Donald Trump.

Trump is resonating because Trump is America First.

President Obama is apoplectic because Trump has essentially pulled back the ideological curtain and shown Obama’s priorities, as outlined in his failed policies, to be Muslim sensibilities first, American security and sensibilities less-than…

Clinton is tied to Obama.  When Clinton loses, Obama loses.  When Clinton and Obama lose, goofball liberalism loses.  One of the Clinton/Obama special interest groups, the LGBT community, was just given a bucket of ice water upon their ideological head.

Awakenings are happening.

Candidate Donald Trump’s special interest group is America.

Yup, the pendulum is swinging back.

Bloomberg is simply trying to avoid the impact.

Nothing more.

Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

Offline RoosGirl

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Re: Oh My Gosh – About That Bloomberg Presidential Poll…
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2016, 04:19:10 am »
I like optimistic people.  Anyone willing to try to shine up this big fat 12 point lead turd, they get a gold star in my book.