Author Topic: Why Islam is Violent  (Read 718 times)

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Why Islam is Violent
« on: June 12, 2016, 03:15:12 pm »
Greenfield has some very good ideas (as usual).

Islamic civilization is unstable and unsustainable.
June 7, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

 Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

Islamic violence is nearly impossible to deny. But why is Islam violent? The usual answer is to point to Koranic verses calling for the conquest and subjugation of non-Muslims. That certainly covers the theological basis for Islamic violence. But it fails to explain why Muslims continue to practice it. Even against each other. Violence has become the defining form of Islamic exceptionalism.

Optimists speak of reforming Islam. But such reforms had over a thousand years in which to take place.

Islam is an ideology. Its violence is a strategy. That strategy fit the needs of Mohammed. Mohammed chose to use force to spread his ideology. He needed to recruit fighters so he preached the inferiority of non-Muslims, the obligation for Muslims to conquer non-Muslims and the right of his fighters to seize the property and wives of non-Muslims as incentive for them to join his fight. Furthermore he even promised them that if they should fall in battle, they would receive loot and women in paradise.

The strategy was barbarous, but quite effective. Mohammed had created a new super-tribe in a tribal society....


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Re: Why Islam is Violent
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2016, 04:38:37 pm »
camel crabs

Online goatprairie

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Re: Why Islam is Violent
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2016, 10:29:27 pm »
Islam is violent because its doctrines attract the most stupid and violent males of the world. ISIS proves that daily.
Some people point out that many Muslims are not violent. That might be true. In fact I had a very kind Muslim prof. in college.
 But the facts are the doctrines of Islam through the Koran okay/advocate violence and mysogyny. Therefore, violent, stupid, and sexually screwed-up males are attracted to it.
People of Arab origin have been unfairly characterized as being naturally violent. But the Christian Arabs I've known are just like everybody else.
It's the violent and regressive culture of Islam that turns many people in violent misanthropes.