Author Topic: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)  (Read 4916 times)

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Offline Ms. AntiFeminazi

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Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« on: June 05, 2016, 02:38:42 pm »
I live near and shop at the Target that made national news recently over the transgender bathroom issue.

Here's what's bothering me...

That Target hires handicapped people. Every checkout clerk is handicapped in some way.  They are the most pleasant checkers you'll find anywhere, yet THAT store has been targeted (sorry for the pun) for boycott because some degenerate teenager got caught peeping/videoing over a poorly built dressing area and the media totally misrepresented it as a transgender bathroom issue.

It's been seriously bothering me and I don't know what to do about it other than speak up and continue shopping there perhaps more than I normally would.  I'm speaking up here, too little too late, but I'm just a voice in the wilderness.

Thanks GOPBR for giving me the temporary platform.

Offline Ms. AntiFeminazi

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2016, 02:44:08 pm »
More info:  I guess I should have said Target has been targered because of an incident at that store.  From what I've seen, there have been NO protests here locally.  It just pisses me off at how the media spun that story and potentially harmed employment for those who already have a hard time making it through this life.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 02:44:47 pm by Ms. AntiFeminazi »

Offline sinkspur

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2016, 02:51:24 pm »
I went to my local Target yesterday and some numbnuts was handing out flyers implying that women and girls were not safe in their restrooms. I took one, tore it up in front of the guy and told him he was wasting his time.

All this hysteria over transgenders in restrooms is nothing but a dog whistle to prejudice. 

Good for you for continuing to support your local Target.  I have switched from Wal-Mart to Target to make sure they know they're getting my support.  Most people who were given the flyers yesterday threw them in the trash can by the door.
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Offline Ms. AntiFeminazi

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2016, 02:58:14 pm »
Thank God we live in Texas and for the most part rationality prevails.

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2016, 03:11:03 pm »
Thank God we live in Texas and for the most part rationality prevails.

Except that we have Dan Patrick in the Lt. Governor's chair who's decided he's willing to risk $10 billion in federal funding over some imaginary threat to women.  Does he not realize that transgenders go into the restrooms they want to go into NOW? 
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline Ms. AntiFeminazi

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2016, 03:14:56 pm »
I know! So stupid. NOTHING is going to change but now tye feds have their hands in our pockets.  He's on his way out (pissed off voterd) but the damage is done. Hopefully it can be undone.

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2016, 03:19:34 pm »
I've really been avoiding commenting on this because so many have sold themselves on what is happening, but one thing I noticed looking at their financials is their decline is not due to the so-called boycott. They were in financial trouble for a while. Their decline was actually due to very poor 1Q sales figures and their stock decline trend started before their made their policy. Their low point was actually in February. They had a bit of a peak right after that when they upped their dividend, but then they released 1Q numbers and it tanked again.{%22range%22:%226mo%22,%22allowChartStacking%22:true}
Target declared their bathroom policy and the boycott started April 19th- virtually no move.
Target reported 1Q results May 18th- stock crashes. 1Q ended 03/31- before the protest began.

Change the view to their 1 year performance and the current trend is following a low trend that actually began last September. (again, with the one spike in February with the dividend increase).{%22allowChartStacking%22:true}

Offline Ms. AntiFeminazi

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2016, 03:21:14 pm »
I'm not twisting anything and I REALLY resent you calling me dishonest when I give you a firsthand account about that store that made the dishonest news.  I don't know why Target chose not to publicize this part of their policy.  Nothing has or will change at that store regardless of what Target said (or did they?) to the media.

And I certainly don't care where you shop.  Be sure you check out all of their company policies first and good luck finding one you agree with completely. Walmart =China but you're okay with that.

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2016, 03:23:53 pm »

Offline Ms. AntiFeminazi

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2016, 03:31:44 pm »
Ha, you're going to block me but I'm the one who is sensitive? 

Text does not emote and trying to expree something without writing a book can easily cause misunderstandings.  I was talking local and specific. You were talking national amd general. Shrug.

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2016, 03:34:28 pm »
Ha, you're going to block me but I'm the one who is sensitive? 

Text does not emote and trying to expree something without writing a book can easily cause misunderstandings.  I was talking local and specific. You were talking national amd general. Shrug.

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Offline Ms. AntiFeminazi

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2016, 03:48:53 pm »

OTOH, sometimes an emoji works perfectly!  Nice to see you friend!

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2016, 03:58:32 pm »
OTOH, sometimes an emoji works perfectly!  Nice to see you friend!

It's great to "see" you too.

"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

Offline Neverdul

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2016, 10:07:00 pm »
@Ms. AntiFeminazi  @sinkspur

Here’s the thing. Even with a policy or absent one, transgender people having been using the bathrooms that matches their outward appearance for a long time.  I will also note that Donald Trump said that Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner could use the women’s rest room at any of his properties including Trump Tower (which she/he did) but yet I don’t see anyone calling for a boycott of Trump owned properties.

Wal-Mart doesn’t have an official policy as to their rest rooms one way or another and will not make a comment (sort of like a “don’t ask – don’t tell” policy) but recently added gender identity and expression to their non-discrimination policy. IIRC, Wal-Mart also extends benefits to same sex couples. So why not also boycott Wal-Mart? And FWIW, I’ve seen more freaks while shopping at Wal-Mart than I have at Target.  My niece’s husband and I were shopping at a Wal-Mart late one evening and saw more than one person who we could have snapped a picture of and submitted to the “People of Wal-Mart” site. 

Having a corporate policy prohibiting the use of bathrooms based on a person’s birth gender, while I think makes sense, it is going to be difficult to enforce unless the man is obviously male (and who is going to ask to see a birth certificate and or do a penis check before allowing someone to use the bathroom) and it is not going to necessarily keep pedophiles out of bathrooms. As to people who are transsexuals, in some cases it would be obvious, in other not so much. For instance, if a convincing looking tranny, say someone who looks like Ru Paul goes into the ladies’ room, most people would not take much notice.  But if he went into the men’s room?

I wrote this post on TOS a while back but it should be noted that this convenience store chain did not have a policy allowing anyone who identifies as “female” from going into the ladies’ room, but yet it happened.  My problem with the Target and other company’s policies, isn’t so much having to do with transsexuals but the part about “how the person identifies” as I explained in my post here:

While I don’t agree with Target’s policy, I would note that it is also the policy of many other companies so why just “target” Target, but that alone does not stop me from shopping there.

I have to confess I have a soft spot for Target.

I lost my job in early 2009 but as I was working as an independent contractor, I was not eligible for unemployment benefits. While I was sending out nearly 5-10 resumes out a day and pounding the pavement, but no one would hire me – I was either under qualified or over qualified but most didn’t give me a reason. After nearly a year of being unemployed I exhausted all my savings and ended up selling my townhouse in a short sale, moving in with my niece and declaring bankruptcy.

I interviewed for at least three jobs where I was turned down because of my negative credit report and pending bankruptcy as a result of my pre-employment background check. In desperation I started applying for part time retail jobs. Of all the retailers I applied to, Target gave me a job. I was so grateful to finally have a job and some income.

I was concerned about my negative credit report and pending bankruptcy and discussed this the beforehand with the Target HR rep. But she told me that while they did perform criminal background checks and that I’d have to pass a drug screen, they didn’t perform credit checks.  When I told her about my circumstances, she told me that she understood having had some friends and family members in the same boat.

I started working for Target in October and worked during the very busy holiday/Christmas season and beyond and I worked my butt off, worked all available hours including a 10-hour shift on Black Friday and an 8-hour shift on Christmas Eve, being paid time and half. Just after Christmas I was offered a permanent job that could become a fulltime job and was very tempted to take it – but I was offered a job in my field that offered a much better salary and benefits and M- F 9-5 hours and in my field.  I found however, that Target was a good company for which to work.

As to people going into Target and handing out flyers and in some cases harassing employees, here is something I wrote and posted on another web forum about a customer at Target I encountered while I worked there.  A friend of mine asked my permission and published it in his church newsletter:

I was working at my seasonal retail job today, (a big national retailer). I was working in the toy department which is near the seasonal section, when I saw an older lady who appeared to be looking for something and not all too happy.

The good worker that I am, I went up to her with a smile and asked, “Can I help you find something?”  She, while sporting a rather sour expression said, “Yes.  Do you have anything “True Meaning”?”

I'm thinking being that we are in seasonal, perhaps this is some type of collectible brand, so I politely ask, “What type of item are you looking for?” She with a big tisk, tisk says rather loudly, “Don't you know about “True Meaning”?  That is the real meaning of Christmas! The Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! You should be ashamed of yourself not to know that but this is to be expected from the type of people who work at this store.”

I wanted to say, “Hey lady that's just fantastic about Jesus' birthday and all that, but that doesn't tell me about what the heck are you looking for right now.”  But instead I smiled and taking a stab in the dark asked, “Are you perhaps looking for a Nativity set?” She curtly said “Yes,” and I with a smile said, “Ah great, let me see what we have.” I keyed in “Nativity” into the hand held scanner and voila! It came back with several hits and gave me a location that was several aisles away.

So I cheerfully asked her to follow me and I showed her the several very nice Nativity sets we had. Then she said, “No! I'm looking for something for outdoors!” What I wanted to say was, “Well you might have been a little more specific on what you were looking for because I failed mind reading in college.”  But no, no, no. Instead I looked at my scanner again and smiled and said, “I'm sorry but it appears that we don't carry any outdoor Nativity displays”.

“Is there anything else I can help you with?” To which she said, “Well next time You have one of your meetings, “You” can tell “Them” that “They” have a very unhappy customer”. What I wanted to say was, “Sure, I'm going to fly out to corporate headquarters in Minnesota first thing in the morning and let the board of directors know all about your concerns.” But instead I said, “I'm sorry we didn't have what you were looking for,” and I suggested a few local garden and home centers that might carry what she was looking for and then she just walked away in a huff, saying nothing. I went back to the toy department to continue stocking the shelves.

When I got there, there were four older ladies with two shopping carts completely full of toys, talking with one of my co-workers; a very nice young college student, also a seasonal worker who started the same week I did. One of the women said to me, “This guy is awesome!” to which another of the women said “Yes he is! He's wonderful!”  Another said, “He should get a raise”. I really thought they were going to hug and kiss him.

One of the women told me they were buying toys for a family who had a child in the hospital with cancer and who really needed help providing a nice Christmas.  They had a list of toys that this kid and his siblings had asked Santa for, that I presume either the parents couldn't afford to buy or with a very sick child in the hospital, didn't have time to shop themselves.

For the most part these ladies had no idea what the toys on the list were, let alone where to find them.  But my young co-worker helped these women find every single toy on their list.  They were so appreciative of his help and my help finding the last few items, and so happy that they had found everything on the list.

One of the ladies told us, “Remember this family on Christmas in your prayers and feel good that you helped make it a bit brighter for them.”  My co-worker blushed a bit and said “You're welcome, I was happy I could help you.” I don't know if the ladies were from a church or other organization or just neighbors or co-workers of the parents. They didn't say.

I briefly thought about finding the first sour pussed old hag and telling her, “If you are really interested in finding something “True Meaning” I can introduce you to four ladies and a nice young gentleman who can clue you in on it. A hint for you; it's not about finding the biggest lighted nativity scene for your front yard or a wreath with a Jesus is the Reason for the Season ribbon.” But no, I didn't. I really need this job right now. But when I clocked out for the night, I wrote up a “Team Member Appreciation” card for my co-worker.  He deserved it.

If any of you who disagree with Target’s or any number of other companies with similar policies, but decide to go to a Target to voice your opinion, please don’t take it out on the people working in the store. They didn’t make the policy, some may even agree with you, but they may just need their job. 
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Offline Ms. AntiFeminazi

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2016, 10:23:18 pm »
@Neverdul   :amen:

That describes what had me bothered about the media using a totally not newsworthy incident at this specific store that goes above and beyond hiring handicapped people to create a false story to fit a national political agenda.

The media still sucks.

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2016, 10:51:52 pm »
Even with a policy or absent one, transgender people having been using the bathrooms that matches their outward appearance for a long time.


This is a fabricated issue to make right-wingers of being intolerant knuckledraggers.

This, my friends, is a man...

You're traveling in some town you've never been to before, she approaches you at a bar, you have a few drinks. Her husky voice starts becoming strangely sexy and before you know it, you're making out like High Schoolers on Prom night, then...

It's The Crying Game all over.
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

Offline Ms. AntiFeminazi

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2016, 11:00:23 pm »
@Luis Gonzalez @AbaraXas Sure wish we had a "like" or "thanks" button. Sometimes that's all you need.

Offline IsailedawayfromFR

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2016, 01:55:27 pm »
I've really been avoiding commenting on this because so many have sold themselves on what is happening, but one thing I noticed looking at their financials is their decline is not due to the so-called boycott. They were in financial trouble for a while. Their decline was actually due to very poor 1Q sales figures and their stock decline trend started before their made their policy. Their low point was actually in February. They had a bit of a peak right after that when they upped their dividend, but then they released 1Q numbers and it tanked again.{%22range%22:%226mo%22,%22allowChartStacking%22:true}
Target declared their bathroom policy and the boycott started April 19th- virtually no move.
Target reported 1Q results May 18th- stock crashes. 1Q ended 03/31- before the protest began.

Change the view to their 1 year performance and the current trend is following a low trend that actually began last September. (again, with the one spike in February with the dividend increase).{%22allowChartStacking%22:true}

Did you happen to notice this article which pointed out that the stock has reached a 40 year low?

I do not believe in coincidences.
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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2016, 02:06:48 pm »

This is a fabricated issue to make right-wingers of being intolerant knuckledraggers.

This, my friends, is a man...

You're traveling in some town you've never been to before, she approaches you at a bar, you have a few drinks. Her husky voice starts becoming strangely sexy and before you know it, you're making out like High Schoolers on Prom night, then...

It's The Crying Game all over.

Googled and found out she's transsexuals. Now, remember, not all transgenders are transsexuals. Caitlyn Jenner still has "her" twig and berries.

Of course if you've had your junk cut off you can pass for a woman, and with hormones, you can pass for a very attractive one.

It's dishonest to imply all "transgenders" are post-op transsexuals though. Many merely declare themselves as women, and voila, instant women! (according to the media).

This issue doesn't affect me one bit. I'm a man, I know that female to male transgender won't be pretending to be transgenders so they sneak a peak at dude's junk. Hell they can go into a bar and probably get a dozen takers for said quest.

This affects women primarily. Remember that being "exposed" in front of women is a real fetish among some men. And this exact thing happened in Seattle: a biological dude got completely exposed in front of teen and pre teen girls in a swimming changing room in Seattle. When people told the staff the staff replied that they could not do anything, because this was now a "right".

I understand that transgenders are less than 1% of  the population, I understand that many probably use the restroom right now without incident, but I just don't know how the transrights people are going to square the above with how people are liable to feel about it. I don't think it will ever, ever, ever be supported among the public, especially as more of these incidents come into play. If you want your daughters exposed to partially or fully nude biological males, well then you will have to realize that you will probably be in the extreme minority.

I'm an open minded guy. I have gay friends, and have even been to a gay wedding (cousin). Homosexuality doesn't bother me at all and prior to the transgenderism hysteria I considered myself open minded on the subject. I was always aghast at the homo-hate at FR. And yet, I just cannot get into accepting this, because to me, at least unlike gay marriage, this actually affects other people.

Replies are welcome, because I'm genuinely curious to see how the above is responded to and defended. Please don't characterize me as some knuckle dragging homophobe, because I'm simply not.

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2016, 02:09:29 pm »
When they do, they make people uncomfortable.  They can pee in the correct bathrooms.  No one is saying they can't pee.  People just think that the comfort of the 90% matters more than the comfort of the 1% (actually less than that).  There is a percentage of the population that does not care, but that does not make the large percentage that does care disappear.

I don't want to share the women's room with men.    There was one of these crossdressers as a customer where I used to work.  EVERYONE could tell.  EVERYONE.  The bathrooms were single, so it was only an issue of convenience for women when he hogged use of their room.  In bathrooms where there are multiple stalls it would have been a big issue.  He always got stares because EVERYONE could tell.  The rolling of the eyes happened behind his back, but it happened.  He looked dressed for Halloween.

The agenda here is about not just permitting those who wish to go in a bathroom of their choice, but to make it a right to do so. 

So if you have a 7 year old daughter who goes into the bathroom and you notice a man goes in behind her, you can be prosecuted for barring him from that bathroom.

You have given up your rights to defend your family, so a pervert can do as he wishes.

Further degeneracy to take this country down, one step at a time.

Oh, and BTW, the chief diversity officer of Target who implemented its policy is on the board of Denny's, so watch for that company to undertake the same actions,
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington


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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2016, 04:44:39 pm »
Backlash forced Gay-C Penny to change their CEO, TARGET needs to feel that

Offline IsailedawayfromFR

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2016, 08:33:57 pm »
Backlash forced Gay-C Penny to change their CEO, TARGET needs to feel that

There are some on this site that believe social issues like abortion, gay marriage and religion are of low priority.

In actuality, they are the fundamental moral issues upon which all else are planted as conservatives.  Our Founders recognized this very well and created this marvelous country we live in with documents which embodied that principle.

Once cannot be a conservative if one avoids being a social conservative, eg - Arnold Schwarzenegger or Donald Trump.
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2016, 03:12:56 am »
If I were in the restroom at any store and someone who is obviously a man enters the women's room I would immediately leave and report it to management.  If the response was that they had a "right" to use that rest room because they "identified" as a women then I would not shop at that store anymore.  Target chose to make a clear statement that it was a right, and they stood behind that statement.  I don't shop there anymore.
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Offline IsailedawayfromFR

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Re: Something That's Been Bothering Me (Target)
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2016, 12:56:17 pm »
If I were in the restroom at any store and someone who is obviously a man enters the women's room I would immediately leave and report it to management.  If the response was that they had a "right" to use that rest room because they "identified" as a women then I would not shop at that store anymore.  Target chose to make a clear statement that it was a right, and they stood behind that statement.  I don't shop there anymore.

Once the Targets of the world get it ingrained in the law that you are the aggressor for complaining about a man's right to enter a restroom, there will be no place for you to go in public and be safe.

and the door is open for opportunistic perverts who are now free to roam the stalls at their leisure.
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington