Author Topic: Millionaire Communist Tom Morello From Rage Against The Machine Vows To Disrupt GOP Convention  (Read 533 times)

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Millionaire Communist Tom Morello From Rage Against The Machine Vows To Disrupt GOP Convention

June 4, 2016| by Brian Anderson

Tom Morello is famous for being the guitarist in Rage Against The Machine and a millionaire communist agitator. He has a new “super group” that is all of the musicians from RATM with Public Enemy’s Chuck D and Cypress Hill’s B Real on vocals called Prophets Of Rage. In an interview with establishment media Bloomberg Politics, Morello vowed that he and his fellow millionaire ragers will stick it to the man by disrupting the GOP convention in July.

The Prophets Of Rage announced themselves to the world with a sold-out show at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go in West Hollywood this week. They played to a crowd that seemed to be made up entirely of white douches, hipsters, and bros. So much for diversity and inclusion. Adding to the odd revolutionary optics, the band did a pre-show interview with some stuffy white guys in suits from a billionaire’s news/propaganda outlet.

Morello was asked why he formed this super group.

“The times demand a band like Prophets Of Rage to rise,” said Morello. “Our nation and our world is on the brink of absolute, insanity. Electoral insanity at home. Environmental insanity across the globe.

Morello was then asked what he thought the state of the union is.

“Martin Luther King famously said there is no hotter place in hell than for people who remain neutral in times of moral conflict. This is a time of moral conflict. So we are escaping the hot pit of hell by bringing some rock ‘n roll hip hop fury,” replied Morello.

Chuck D, the blackest guy in the band, told the interviewers that he doesn’t see any difference between the democratic and Republican parties. Then, Tom Morello took issue with the media portraying outsider candidates Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump as outsider candidates.

“One of the things that has irked me greatly is, is the way that the media has talked about both the Trump campaign and the Sanders campaign as both of them are raging against the machine. We’re going to set that record straight once and for all what it really means to rage against the machine,” Morello said.

Morello then characterizes Trump as a “racist demagogue” Sanders as a “great dreamer” and Hillary Clinton as “the lesser of three evils.” Way to rage against the machine by selecting the most establishment candidate in the race as the clear choice for a revolution, Tom. That’s like saying driving a Volvo station wagon makes you an anti-establishment rebel.

And despite saying democrats and Republicans are all the same and expressing a certain level of displeasure with all of the presidential candidates, it’s really just Trump and the GOP that gets hatred from the Prophets Of Rage. When asked what they are doing in July, Morello unveiled his big revolutionary plans.

“Well there’s a thing called the Republican National Convention in July and that’ll be a perfect place for a band like Prophets Of Rage to cause a ruckus. And we will be there on the streets, in the field, and in the concert,” replied Morello.

Asked if he would also be disrupting the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Morello replied, “Anything is possible.” In other words, no they won’t mess with the democrats; they just want to cause mayhem for the Republicans, because at heart they aren’t radical revolutionaries; just millionaire liberals.

To sum things up, a bunch of guys that have sold millions of records and headlined sold-out stadiums are pretending like their lives are shitty and want to spark a revolution by supporting the democrats who have been in power for the last 8 years and are largely responsible for the sad condition of our country. Fight the power! Take the power back! Spend a hundred dollars on a ticket to see Prophets Of Rage and vote Hillary!


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