Author Topic: VIDEO: Anti-Trump Protest Rips up Flag: ‘America Was Never Great! F*** Donald Trump and His Hate!’  (Read 506 times)

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VIDEO: Anti-Trump Protest Rips up Flag: ‘America Was Never Great! F*** Donald Trump and His Hate!’

SAN JOSE — A group of about 100 anti-Trump protesters tore up an American flag and chanted obscene slogans against the United States and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

“America was never great! F*** Donald Trump and his hate!” they chanted, interspersed with shouts of “Mexican power!” and obscene chants in Spanish.

One man held a sign declaring “This is Mexico! You are not welcome on Native/Mexican Soil” (original emphasis) and accusing Trump of white supremacy.

Later, as attendees left the venue, demonstrators attacked some of them, leaving one man bleeding.

Breitbart News asked demonstrators why they were claiming America was not great — and whether they were afraid that doing so would cause more people to vote for Trump. Most refused to answer. Some made threats. One woman said that the fact that Trump was the Republican nominee proved that America was not great. Another demonstrator, holding a handmade “America was never great” sign and a communist T-shirt, said he was not interested in discussing his views.

Some Trump supporters attempted to stage small counter-demonstrations, including a small Hindu group holding a sign reading “Indians for Trump.” One woman shouted at the anti-Trump protesters through a megaphone, and was asked by beleaguered police — who were standing between the two groups — to move a distance away.

Inside the San Jose Convention Center, several thousand Trump supporters cheered loudly in a cavernous tent with a deafening PA system as Trump took the stage.

“Is this more fun than the basketball game?” he asked, referring to Game 1 of the NBA Finals, featuring the local Golden State Warriors.

He noted that he expected victory in the June 7 California primary, but that it was important to maximize Republican turnout, to establish a “mandate.”

He added that his vision of making America great included Latinos — that it would be “inclusive.”

When a protester heckled him, Trump said: “Now, leave him alone. We’ve gotta be nice.”

“Don’t hurt him. See the way I say that? I’ve learned. Don’t hurt him.”

Trump also took the opportunity to respond to his likely Democratic rival, who attacked him in a speech in San Diego this morning that was billed as a foreign policy address.

He reminded the audience that the Clintons had once “hated” Barack Obama, but were doing his bidding on the Iran deal and other topics because they feared prosecution.

“The only reason she’s behaving like this, and the only reason she’s leaning so far left, is that she doesn’t want to go to jail over the e-mails!”

Later, he repeated: “Hillary Clinton has to go to jail. She’s guilty.”

He complemented Sen. Sanders, “Crazy Bernie,” for having the “second-biggest” audiences at his rallies.

Trump added that he intended to put traditional Democratic states, such as California and New York, in play in November. “I think we can win California,” he said, to loud cheers.

Trump also made an appeal to party unity against Clinton.

“Ted Cruz is no longer a liar. We don’t say ‘Lyin’ Ted’ anymore. We love Ted,” he said, to cheers.

No, Trump said — now it was “Lyin’, Crooked Hillary.”

Interspersed with somewhat new attacks — such as listing price increases in Obamacare premiums — Trump also repeated familiar themes, such as his pledge to build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it.

He closed with his signature line — and with the crowd chanting along: “Make America Great Again!”

Update: The clashes between pro- and anti-Trump people continued as attendees exited the rally, including assaults by anti-Trump activists against Trump supporters:

[More videos and tweets here]

The face of the #neverTrump.
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

Offline Cowboyway

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I wonder how many of these 'proud Mexicans' are getting American taxpayer assistance?
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