Author Topic: Why I will/will not vote for Trump  (Read 8229 times)

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Offline RetBobbyMI

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #75 on: June 04, 2016, 02:17:56 am »
Of course he has.  The future of the Supreme Court.  You decide if that's important enough for you.
The GOP controlled Senate had opportunities to block Obama's nominees too, but just rolled over and let him have what HE wanted. The GOP has abdicated it's advice and consent role and it's morals. So why trust the GOP with anything? There is no guarantee Trump won't nominate some crony either. I'd rather trust Darrell Castle.
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"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.� ? Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy


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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #76 on: June 04, 2016, 02:41:52 am »

Nope.  There no excuse for conservatives not sending their leader (whoever the hell that is) to sit down face to face with Donald Trump and negotiate the role Conservatives will have in the Trump administration. 

Principles are not negotiable.

Trump won't change, you cannot make an agreement with this clown prince.

Offline Hoodat

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #77 on: June 04, 2016, 05:26:34 am »

Quote from: Hoodat
So you finally separate Trump from Conservatives and tacitly admit that Trump is not one of them.

Absolutely wrong @Hoodat.  I have read for months from so many posters that Donald Trump is not a conservative.

Let's review, shall we?  Here again is your statement:

Quote from: Right in Virginia
There no excuse for conservatives not sending their leader (whoever the hell that is) to sit down face to face with Donald Trump and negotiate the role Conservatives will have in the Trump administration.

Note how you define two sides here, pitting Donald Trump on one side and Conservatives on the other.  The obvious conclusion here is that Trump is not on the Conservative side.

Care to take a stab at defining conservatism and explaining how Donald Trump's proposals disappoint this philosophy?

Conservatism - a political ideology marked by individual freedom, personal responsibility, self-reliance, and using the Constitution as the model for limited government.  Conservatives believe that the members of a society have a role and responsibility in establishing the framework of that society.  Conservatives hold fast to the belief that the individual can best determine what is best for that individual, as the essential ingredient of liberty which allows American exceptionalism to thrive.

Now let's take a look at Donald Trump's positions:

Federal funding for Planned Parenthood - Not only does this violate the very essence of limited government, it also violates the first of the very rights handed down by our Creator - life.  Members of a society choose to support life, yet their livelihood is taken away (at the point of a gun) and given to an organization which murders the most innocents of life and sells their body parts for profit.  Nothing even remotely Conservative about that.

Universal Health Care - Donald Trump says that under his plan, everyone will be covered.  On top of that, anyone without insurance will have their medical bills paid for by the taxpayer.  This violates the Conservative tenet of self-reliance, and usurps the freedom to choose one's own health care needs.  It also further expands the role of government even beyond what Baraq Obama has done.

Property rights - Donald Trump believes that property rights belong to government, and that in any dispute government gets to arbitrarily decide upon whom to bestow ownership based upon which party has more influence.  This directly contradicts the most basic ideals of liberty set forth by John Locke in the 17th century and championed to this day by Conservatives (and even some liberals).
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #78 on: June 04, 2016, 06:20:24 am »
Conservatism - a political ideology marked by individual freedom, personal responsibility, self-reliance, and using the Constitution as the model for limited government.  Conservatives believe that the members of a society have a role and responsibility in establishing the framework of that society.  Conservatives hold fast to the belief that the individual can best determine what is best for that individual, as the essential ingredient of liberty which allows American exceptionalism to thrive.

Donald Trump is just another flavor of big government. He doesn't say government is too big with too much overreach. He doesn't talk about the constitutional limits on the federal government and states rights. He says it is run by idiots and with him in charge he'll make everything great again because of his brilliance. The issue is not who's in charge of it all but instead that it has grown far exceeding its constitutional boundaries. To make America Great again the only way is putting the federal government back into the limits set forth by the constitution. No other path will get us there. And since Trump has no intention of taking this route I cannot support him. His path will not work. It is flawed from the start.

His approach is like the typical socialist. Socialism didn't fail, they say, it's the last guy did it wrong. Put me in charge and I'll make it work because I'm brilliant. Never mind the premise is flawed from the beginning. Big government is no different. Big government consumes the economy and freedom. It is its very nature. No amount of brilliance will fix it.

Trump and health care is an excellent example of this. Nowhere in the constitution is health care enumerated as being in the federal domain. All those things outside the federal government's domain belong to the states. The federal government has no business being involved with our health care. None whatsoever.

In addition Trump has said he's against the mandate (after he was for the mandate) requiring the purchase of health insurance and at the same time says he's going to require health insurers cover preexisting conditions. That's a logical fallacy. You can't force coverage of preexisting conditions without the requirement of purchasing health insurance. No one would buy it if health care providers have to take you after you get sick. You would only buy coverage after the fact. His supporters say nothing about those glaring little details... But the larger point is, they've already conceded the premise that the federal government should be involved - which it should not. And his supporters keep telling us what conservative he is... No, he's not... He's just another big government master who knows what is best for us - just ask him.

Offline montanajoe

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #79 on: June 04, 2016, 06:57:25 am »
There is an old saying and true saying, "If his wife(s) in Trump's case, can't trust him why should I."

My conservatism is based on my personal moral code. I don't cheat on my wife, I don't wish I could date my daughter, I don't consider promiscuity in any way my personal Vietman.

Even though I'm an geezer I still have young kids and everyday I am aware of how they and thier friends look to me for guidence on how to live their lives. I still remember when the President was revered and looked up to by our youth, and his character was an ideal for them to aspire to.

I would never want my kids to have anything but revulsion for the amoral Mr. Trump.

I try to be honest with my kids, they have asked, "Daddy who are you going to vote for for President?" I won't start lying to them now so my reply has to be NeverTrump.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2016, 07:16:35 am by montanajoe »

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #80 on: June 04, 2016, 07:09:06 am »
I have such fear with Trump. I fear that if we elect him he'll be a Caudillo/Chavez type and that will be the first step of our march to a Third World banana republic. I read the alt-rights on Twitter and not a few of them disdain even the Constitution. Then maybe some Trump protests happen and I say to myself I'm on board with Trump. Then the next day he has an asinine interview, calling a federal judge out for having a "conflict of interest" because he has "Mexican heritage", or the insane fact that he wants to reopen Trump U after the election.

Trump would need to get some VP in there who knows what they're doing like Gingrich and basically openly admit that he'll let Newt run things. I don't trust Trump or his judgement at all.

Anyway, all this may be moot because it looks like Trump's deficit with Hillary is widening. Hope the GOP keeps the Senate.

Offline RetBobbyMI

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #81 on: June 04, 2016, 01:04:52 pm »
I have such fear with Trump. I fear that if we elect him he'll be a Caudillo/Chavez type and that will be the first step of our march to a Third World banana republic. I read the alt-rights on Twitter and not a few of them disdain even the Constitution. Then maybe some Trump protests happen and I say to myself I'm on board with Trump. Then the next day he has an asinine interview, calling a federal judge out for having a "conflict of interest" because he has "Mexican heritage", or the insane fact that he wants to reopen Trump U after the election.

Trump would need to get some VP in there who knows what they're doing like Gingrich and basically openly admit that he'll let Newt run things. I don't trust Trump or his judgement at all.

Anyway, all this may be moot because it looks like Trump's deficit with Hillary is widening. Hope the GOP keeps the Senate.
I wouldn't trust Trump no matter who he picks as VP. The VP doesn't mean squat until the POTUS is out.
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"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.� ? Euripides, The Bacchae
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"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.� ? Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy

Offline sneakypete

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #82 on: June 04, 2016, 01:07:50 pm »
.... I will not be essentially blackmailed into a "lesser evil" candidate because other people like a "more evil" candidate.

Well stated,but a waste of time. Party People are going to do what Party People always do and logic is not even a consideration.
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Offline sneakypete

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #83 on: June 04, 2016, 01:16:56 pm »
Yes, of course.  This strategy has worked so well for the past eight years.  Keep yapping from the sidelines while the country is fundamentally changed.  Don't raise a hand to stop the change, don't put yourself in a position to actually affect the course of events.  Just keep your hands clean and keep on yapping.

Good plan.  Good, good plan.

edited for personal attacks

The only thing worse is your plan to join the enemy in the destruction of America,in the name of "winning".
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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #84 on: June 04, 2016, 01:18:51 pm »
Ahh, you mean like the way the term 'conservative' can be changed by wrapping it around a NY City liberal?
That kind of fundamental change?


Well,he and his kind had no trouble at all wrapping the "conservative label" around a bunch of Connecticut Yankees living in Texas known as the Bush Crime Family,so why would it be surprising when they line up behind a NYC trust fund child?
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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #85 on: June 04, 2016, 01:20:54 pm »
No, @roamer. Your post is too clever by half.   I'm talking about the fundamental change that Obama has implemented and Hillary will expand. 

WHAT changes? Other than making it socially acceptable to hate and attack white people,you couldn't tell it wasn't still the Bush Crime Family or McLunatic in the WH if Bathhouse Barry didn't keep showing up for photo ops.
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Offline sneakypete

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #86 on: June 04, 2016, 01:24:19 pm »
Trump's political agenda has been, on record, consistently conservative for 35 years. Sorry you feel his table manners aren't sufficiently genteel. But there are regional differences in the US in speech patterns and mannerisms. Too, he comes from a business culture that prizes tough can-do work ethic and achievement – and Trump has that in spades.

We're not interviewing the man for a debating society. Mr. Trump's political agenda is, and has been conservative – on record, consistently, conservative.

You can't possibly even believe that HorseHillary yourself. You must be a paid operative of the Trump Campaign.
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Offline sneakypete

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #87 on: June 04, 2016, 01:25:49 pm »

Absolutely false. One wonders what passes for conservative back east.

Do NOT confuse the northeast with the rest of the east.
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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #88 on: June 04, 2016, 01:29:30 pm »

Yes,Bubbette! is all that,and even worse.

She is STILL better than Trump,though. She may be dishonest and mean,but she isn't insane.
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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #89 on: June 04, 2016, 01:32:08 pm »
Of course he has.  The future of the Supreme Court.  You decide if that's important enough for you.

What makes you think his sister would be a good SCJ?
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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #90 on: June 04, 2016, 02:41:58 pm »
The only thing worse is your plan to join the enemy in the destruction of America,in the name of "winning".

You misunderstand me @sneakypete.   I'm asking you NOT to join with the Democrats in your effort to win against Donald Trump.

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #91 on: June 04, 2016, 02:43:36 pm »
What makes you think his sister would be a good SCJ?

I think you're trying to be clever, @sneakypete.  But you're obviously out the loop.  Trump published a list of 11 potential SC Justices -- and you'll be happy to know his sister's name did not make the list.   ^-^

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #92 on: June 04, 2016, 05:21:26 pm »
You misunderstand me @sneakypete.   I'm asking you NOT to join with the Democrats in your effort to win against Donald Trump.

You are the one with the misunderstanding because you are encouraging people to vote for a Dim elitist from NYC named Trump. You know the one I am talking about,the one that is friends with the Clintons,Mini and Major Mario,Bloomberg,etc,etc,etc.
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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #93 on: June 04, 2016, 05:23:01 pm »
I think you're trying to be clever, @sneakypete.  But you're obviously out the loop.  Trump published a list of 11 potential SC Justices -- and you'll be happy to know his sister's name did not make the list.   ^-^

Nope,once again,YOU are out of the loop. Everything he says now is just a suggestion,open to negotiation.

Then again,I could be wrong about that because I am quoting Trump,and we all know what a liar Trump is.
BTW,he is still sticking to his claimed plan to put all his financial affairs into a "blind trust" (?) managed by his daughter and sons.  You ok with that?

« Last Edit: June 04, 2016, 05:24:09 pm by sneakypete »
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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #94 on: June 04, 2016, 07:26:54 pm »
Well,he and his kind had no trouble at all wrapping the "conservative label" around a bunch of Connecticut Yankees living in Texas known as the Bush Crime Family,so why would it be surprising when they line up behind a NYC trust fund child?


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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #95 on: June 04, 2016, 07:30:14 pm »
Do NOT confuse the northeast with the rest of the east.

No worries - I have a pretty good demarcation zone - It's called the Mason-Dixon line.

Offline Hoodat

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #96 on: June 04, 2016, 07:56:08 pm »
No worries - I have a pretty good demarcation zone - It's called the Mason-Dixon line.

Technically, 'south of the Mason-Dixon line' includes the People's Republic of Maryland.  Just sayin' . . .
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #97 on: June 04, 2016, 09:12:59 pm »
Technically, 'south of the Mason-Dixon line' includes the People's Republic of Maryland.  Just sayin' . . .

The exception proves the rule.  :beer:

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #98 on: June 04, 2016, 10:50:46 pm »
Nope,once again,YOU are out of the loop.

Nonsense @snekypete.  You got called on it and you're rightfully embarrassed.   ^-^

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Re: Why I will/will not vote for Trump
« Reply #99 on: June 04, 2016, 10:51:51 pm »
You are the one with the misunderstanding

Nope.  Once again, you are wrong @sneakypete.  Once again.