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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #75 on: June 03, 2016, 03:01:20 pm »
I see one gal wearing a Che Guevara shirt, this kind of stuff can not be rationalized.

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #76 on: June 03, 2016, 03:03:24 pm »
I don't condone violence but agree with the above statement - Trump has consciously created the conditions that spawn such violence.   He relishes his reputation as a bully.   Some folks -  especially those specifically targeted by his insults - may choose to fight back.   Simply put, he is reaping what he has sown.

This is not justified; I'm glad some people see that and don't in effect, side with those wearing Che Guevara shirts.

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #78 on: June 03, 2016, 03:10:12 pm »
 'May 5, 1970: Reagan on Kent State: ‘If It Takes a Bloodbath, Then Let’s Get It Over With’'

So, now, I suppose this kind of talk according to some would have justified attacks on Reagan supporters.

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #79 on: June 03, 2016, 03:17:01 pm »
It is his bombastic and narcissistic approach to issues and his violent tone that has drawn citizens against each other; certainly he's not uniting the country.  The country is further divided than ever before.

Do you really think it is possible to "unite" with Bernie supporters who want to bring socialism here?  Or even with Hillary?  How about with BLM, or MECHA, or the militant feminists?  How about with the jihadi sympathizers?  Don't you think that Obama has been dividing the country since day 1 with his "bitter clingers" stereotyping, etc.?

The country has been divided for a very long time, and the left has made it much, much worse.  Everything from BLM, to MECHa, to the militant gays, to the campaign against the 1% -- everything.  The problem is that conservatives have been afraid to call out/challenge the left on much of that for fear of being called racist or divisive.  So in many respects, we've had a one-sided culture war because one side has refused to fight back.

Given that "unifying the country" is not possible, what we should be striving towards is that even if we cannot agree, we can at least disagree without getting violent.  And that's what the left cannot stand.  They are angry that someone is calling them out and deigning to speak that which shall not be spoken, and so feel justified in suppressing that speech with violence.  That's the bargain -- resolve our differences at the ballot box -- that so many on the left apparently refuse to accept.  And that is a much, much bigger issue than whatever dumb statement Trump happens to make on a given day.

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #80 on: June 03, 2016, 03:19:52 pm »
This is not justified; I'm glad some people see that and don't in effect, side with those wearing Che Guevara shirts.

That picture is misleading.  The Che Guevera shirt, the Socialism shirt, the "Stand Up and Fight Back" shirt -- they weren't wearing those when they came to protest.  They only ran out, bought them, and changed into them after some Trump supporter said something mean to them.  Then they tracked him down and beat him in the head.


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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #81 on: June 03, 2016, 03:20:19 pm »
I don't condone violence but agree with the above statement - Trump has consciously created the conditions that spawn such violence.   He relishes his reputation as a bully.   Some folks -  especially those specifically targeted by his insults - may choose to fight back.   Simply put, he is reaping what he has sown.

I can understand where you are coming from, but the problem is that it becomes arbitrary as to what "created the conditions" means. I will confess that there has been many times that I've wanted to resort to physical action because of what Obama and the other leftists say, and even sometimes what a Trump supporter has said to my face. I choose not to do it because then we cross the line to join the leftists who want to destroy our rights, and if we want those rights, we must afford those rights to those we disagree with as well. If we decide that violence is justified because of our feelings, then we end up in a dangerous place, which is why our founding fathers had the insight to tell us to allow all speech, even speech we may abhor to the point of physical illness.

I am sure some special snowflake will take my statement about us protecting our constitutional rights ourselves and turn that into "those damn tea partiers are getting ready for war", and say that it it incites violence. Fighting back against disagreeable statements is what we should all do, as long as it doesn't cross the line into that which prevents the free exercise of our rights.
The US constitution does not give rights, it limits government so we may freely exercise our rights.

Offline MBB1984

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #82 on: June 03, 2016, 03:20:30 pm »
This who election has become disgusting.  Anyway you look at it, it is Trump who has brought this on.

Are you serious?  Trump has the First Amendment right to say anything he wants to say to say in a public forum.  All Americans have this right and the right should be protected without reservation.   His right to speak and be heard should be protected and honored whether or not his views deserve respect.  The protestors are violent thugs who desire to silence rights granted to all Americans and criminally hurt those who disagree.

Whether you disagree with Trump should be irrelevant.  Don't join the thugs who desire to wipe their derriere with the United States Constitution!

Offline DCPatriot

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #83 on: June 03, 2016, 03:21:01 pm »
First, you have no right define what is conservatives. Its Conservatives who rejected Cruz in favor of Trump. We also are not the ones on the same side as the America haters. SHTF is coming no matter what, I will stand with the Americans who love America when that happens. People who support Foreigners and communists attacking Americans exercising their freedom of speech and assembly have no valid claim to call themselves Constitutionalists.

I am in the Majority of conservatives. #neverTrump is in the fringe category, which by now is probably in the single digits. Unless by your definition of majority you included the Democrats you partnered with.

I am so very proud to share the same POV with newer members here such as yourself, well as @Maj. Bill Martin and @Mesaclone 

Please keep up the good fight.

Funny....first thing I do when logging on here is scanning the threads looking for you guyz!

Make America Great Again! 

"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

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Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #84 on: June 03, 2016, 03:22:52 pm »
I am so very proud to share the same POV with newer members here such as yourself, well as @Maj. Bill Martin and @Mesaclone 

Please keep up the good fight.

Funny....first thing I do when logging on here is scanning the threads looking for you guyz!

Make America Great Again! 


Again, just want to clarify that I am not a supporter of Trump.  I am an opponent of leftist thuggery.

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #85 on: June 03, 2016, 03:28:50 pm »
Again, just want to clarify that I am not a supporter of Trump.  I am an opponent of leftist thuggery.

Understand, sir! 

Speaking about the manner in which you debate/interaction with members who are #nevertrump.
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #86 on: June 03, 2016, 03:35:07 pm »
And we mobs of Trumpists making outlandish, over-the-top sweeping generalizations.


Such as?  I was just arguing with some in another thread who were making that exact comparison.

Offline Meshuge Mikey

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #87 on: June 03, 2016, 03:36:50 pm »
Actually I don't support fascism from either side. It is revolting. Remember when Trump told his followers to punch out people who threatened to disrupted his rallies? And that he'd pay their legal fees? Fascism isn't pretty from either side. Did these Trump supporters deserve what happened to them, hell no. Will Trump profit from it, hell yes. Makes you wonder if that's not the plan...

The Doonys Pal George Soros the owner and operator to RENT A MOB..U.S.A....and The Donny are of COURSE profiting form this fiasco.  the Soros....never does anything where he doesn't profit greatly!

A racial fiasco in Baltimore,....occupy Macys in NYC....Trump Rallies across the nation. he sets em up,  and the authoritarian leftists move one step ahead! 

Beat the crap outta em" IS NOT WHAT A RESPONSIBLE SANE ADULT would be Presidential Candidate tells a crowd of already frenzied supporters. THIS PREPOSTEROUS GASBAG knows all too well how to ENFLAME a crowd...PRO...OR CON!! 

Most certainly the INDIVIDUAL  RIOTERS bear responsibility for their actions AND SO DO their "SPONSORS"  Mr Soros Mr Trump AND COMPANY!!!    reap the whirlwind???
Have Indentified as a Male since birth!

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #88 on: June 03, 2016, 03:45:46 pm »
Understand, sir! 

Speaking about the manner in which you debate/interaction with members who are #nevertrump.

I can understand those who are "NeverTrump."  He certainly hasn't done anything to earn their votes.  On the other hand, the fact that someone is NeverTrump shouldn't mean that they take the anti-Trump position on every single issue reflexively, just as Trump supporters should not defend everything he does just because he's their guy. 

I get equally frustrated by those NeverTrumpers who think the emphasis here should be on Trump being "divisive", as I do by Trump supporters who try to justify the personal insults Trump made during the primary by saying that others criticized him first.  Which means I get alternatively tagged as either a hack for Trump, or a hack against him.

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #89 on: June 03, 2016, 03:49:20 pm »
Again, just want to clarify that I am not a supporter of Trump.  I am an opponent of leftist thuggery.

We have several here that make excuses for this leftist thuggery. To them "we wouldn't be having this violence, if Mr. Trump wasn't involved; if Mr. Trump didn't take a firm stand like Mr. Reagan once did."

It is refreshing to see somebody found the quote whereby Reagan took a firm stand, even if there are weaklings and crybabies here that blame Trump, and not the leftists.
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Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #90 on: June 03, 2016, 03:53:52 pm »
We have several here that make excuses for this leftist thuggery. To them "we wouldn't be having this violence, if Mr. Trump wasn't involved; if Mr. Trump didn't take a firm stand like Mr. Reagan once did."

It is refreshing to see somebody found the quote whereby Reagan took a firm stand, even if there are weaklings and crybabies here that blame Trump, and not the leftists.

That Reagan quote was great.  Our system doesn't guarantee that your view will prevail, but it does guarantee that you are at least free to make your case.   And if force needs to be used to preserve that, so be it.  Not our choice.

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #91 on: June 03, 2016, 03:55:08 pm »
I want to support Trump, I really do. Everytime I seem to get on board the Trump Train he does something that makes me want to jump off as fast as I can.

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #92 on: June 03, 2016, 03:59:48 pm »
I want to support Trump, I really do. Everytime I seem to get on board the Trump Train he does something that makes me want to jump off as fast as I can.

That is exactly where I am.  And I think there are a few million of us in that boat.

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #93 on: June 03, 2016, 04:00:35 pm »
Thanks for posting this stuff.  I think Trump is a buffoon, but those are American citizens who have the right to peaceably assemble in support of a buffoon if they so desire.  But because it is Trump, many of those who should be speaking out about this remain silent.

Truly disgusting.


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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #94 on: June 03, 2016, 04:01:59 pm »
Which means I get alternatively tagged as either a hack for Trump, or a hack against him.

I find your comments consistently to be thoughtful, even-handed, and well-stated.
James 1:20

Offline musiclady

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #95 on: June 03, 2016, 04:10:20 pm »
This is not justified; I'm glad some people see that and don't in effect, side with those wearing Che Guevara shirts.

Could you please point out where anyone here has 'sided with" the thugs doing this?

Because if you have seen it, I would like to see where.  And if no one has said it, then I would be very circumspect about implying or stating outright that someone has.

There have been a couple of people who said that Trump "asked for it," but even if that isn't true, saying that is a far cry from supporting thugs.

There is truth in the statement that Trump has advocated violence.  It is a valid opinion that his doing so has agitated others.

But the leftist thugs who are doing this, most likely funded by Soros, et al, are completely in the wrong.

I would be shocked if anyone on this board agrees with violence against Trump supporters.  That element just isn't here.
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #96 on: June 03, 2016, 04:11:44 pm »
'May 5, 1970: Reagan on Kent State: ‘If It Takes a Bloodbath, Then Let’s Get It Over With’'

So, now, I suppose this kind of talk according to some would have justified attacks on Reagan supporters.
Yes. We have several weaklings and appeasers here, that would give in to the leftist thuggery; even after admitting the same thing would happen with Cruz, Kasich etc.

To them it seems their position regarding the Trump supporters that are assaulted: 

"we support free political speech, but.... (always the but) serves them right, for supporting Trump. If they didn't try to go to his rally, this wouldn't happen.

The ONLY correct answer SHOULD be full throated condemnation of the violence, period. No ifs, ands, or buts.

And repeating the Reagan quote: "May 5, 1970: Reagan on Kent State: ‘If It Takes a Bloodbath, Then Let’s Get It Over With’'

I was serving in the US Army in Germany on May 5, 1970. My thoughts then and now, how crappy for one American to put those guardsmen in the position of having to shoot at their fellow Americans. Guardsmen 100%- Students 0%

There were professional agitators behind the Kent State violent protests, btw. Same likely true for San Jose, too. Something Jazzhead, Libertybele and others fail to grasp.

We are all free to pick a side, but trying to be on both sides at once, is bullshit.
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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #97 on: June 03, 2016, 04:12:22 pm »
My feelings arent hurt at all. Im glad you lot exposed yourselves for what you are. And judging by your collective actions yesterday allowing your fellows to be mauled by the hard left, You might want to start preparing yourselves for defending yourselves from them. Alone. Without us evil Cruz supporters, SoCons and Bible Thumpers, rather than posting inane comments with emoticons. 

I'm going to say this as respectfully as I can .. @Norm Lenhart:  What the hell are you babbling about?

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #98 on: June 03, 2016, 04:13:30 pm »
That is exactly where I am.  And I think there are a few million of us in that boat.

I am well past the point where I "want to" support Trump.

He burned all those bridges long ago with his thuggish behavior, his immaturity, his vulgarity, his immorality, his complete disregard for every principle this country was founded, his support of abortion, and the obvious fact that he has never even looked at the Constitution, and is clueless as to what it says.

He doesn't want Constitutional Conservatives OR social Conservatives in his camp.

I'm completely at peace with obliging him and not voting for him.
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

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Re: NOW: #Trump supporter attacked and left bleeding in San Jose (video)
« Reply #99 on: June 03, 2016, 04:14:55 pm »
Yes. We have several weaklings and appeasers here, that would give in to the leftist thuggery; even after admitting the same thing would happen with Cruz, Kasich etc.

To them it seems their position regarding the Trump supporters that are assaulted: 

"we support free political speech, but.... (always the but) serves them right, for supporting Trump. If they didn't try to go to his rally, this wouldn't happen.

The ONLY correct answer SHOULD be full throated condemnation of the violence, period. No ifs, ands, or buts.

And repeating the Reagan quote: "May 5, 1970: Reagan on Kent State: ‘If It Takes a Bloodbath, Then Let’s Get It Over With’'

I was serving in the US Army in Germany on May 5, 1970. My thoughts then and now, how crappy for one American to put those guardsmen in the position of having to shoot at their fellow Americans. Guardsmen 100%- Students 0%

There were professional agitators behind the Kent State violent protests, btw. Same likely true for San Jose, too. Something Jazzhead, Libertybele and others fail to grasp.

We are all free to pick a side, but trying to be on both sides at once, is bullshit.

Please name one and support that accusation with a link.

I'm obviously not here 24/7, but NO one has supported leftist thuggery here.  NO one.
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.