Author Topic: FLASHBACK: NRA Helps ObamaCare  (Read 281 times)

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FLASHBACK: NRA Helps ObamaCare
« on: May 21, 2016, 07:25:55 pm »

By: briansikma (Diary)  |  June 28th, 2012 at 08:23 PM  |  0

It’s tough to accuse the National Rifle Association of being left-wing, but events on Thursday highlight just how useless the organization can be to the conservative movement at large. On the day that the Supreme Court found the most odious provisions of the Affordable Care Act – ObamaCare – constitutional, the House of Representatives took the historic step of holding a sitting attorney general in contempt of Congress.

Just prior to the contempt vote, which centered on Attorney General Eric Holder’s refusal to cooperate with the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into Fast and Furious, a gun-trafficking sting operation that has resulted in the death of a Border Patrol agent and countless Mexican nationals, the National Rifle Association announced it would include the vote on its political scorecard. For candidates looking to earn the support of 2nd Amendment voters, the NRA scorecard brings both bragging rights and the likelihood of an endorsement.

At least if you are an incumbent it is likely to bring an endorsement.

As other conservative and right-of-center groups have come to realize the folly of endorsing Democrats – even marginally conservative ones – because the party as a whole is dedicated to radical progressive values, the NRA has insisted on endorsing pro-gun incumbent Democrats. In addition to allowing the NRA to claim the charade of “bipartisan,” the tactic also pads the NRA PAC’s endorsement/win ratio, always a key thing for establishment operatives playing an insider’s game.
