Author Topic: Senate blocks GOP bill targeting water rule  (Read 241 times)

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Senate blocks GOP bill targeting water rule
« on: May 21, 2016, 06:43:39 am »

Welcome to the Trump Senate, where the conservatives always get killed.

YOU HAVE TO PURIFY YOURSELF IN THE WATERS OF LAKE MINNETONKA: Senate Democrats beat back Thursday a Republican measure to block a major Obama administration water rule.

Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) proposed an amendment to the chamber's energy and water spending bill designed to block funding for the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Clean Water Rule, or "waters of the United States." The measure fell four votes short of the 60 required to overcome a Democratic filibuster.

Though a federal court has already put the rule on hold, Republicans say ending it legislatively is important as well. Opponents of the rule -- Republicans, rural interests and the agriculture industry -- have long argued the rule is executive overreach.

"The EPA wants to now define 'navigable waters' as all the water basically in the country, because they want to say it's any water that can run into any water that can run into any water. I don't know how many reiterations of that there could be," Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said. "It could run into any water that eventually runs into navigable water."

Most Democrats have defended the rule, which establishes federal control over small waterways. On Wednesday, the White House said Obama would veto any spending bill that included measures blocking the water rule.