Author Topic: 'Van drivers, campaign flaks and failed novelists' are US foreign policy advisers  (Read 454 times)

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May 18, 2016
'Van drivers, campaign flaks and failed novelists' are US foreign policy advisers
By Ethel C. Fenig

While President Barack Hussein Obama (D) worries about the supposed restroom problems of a guesstimated .001% of the population he apparently was not as concerned about the real problems of the lives of Americans while dealing with a nuclear Iran.

Oh?  Interviewed on Hugh Hewitt's radio show, Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark, the state that brought you the Clintons) bluntly explained how the incompetent White House foreign policy team aided and abetted Obama in endangering this country’s national security with the notorious Iran Deal.

     HH:  How did you become public enemy number one at the White House?

    TC: Just a few things happened. I guess I became public enemy number one at the White House, Hugh, because I’m telling the truth about the Iran deal. Look, what you just played, and some of the coverage of Ben Rhodes is what happens when you put van drivers and campaign flaks and failed novelists in charge of foreign policy and national security. And that chump may think that subsidizing Iran’s nuclear program with millions of dollars is a laughing matter. I don’t think it’s that funny. And if he or anyone else over there had ever been man enough to put on the uniform and pick up the rifle, and have to lead men in dodging Iranian-made bombs, they might not be laughing, either.

Cotton knows what he's talking about when speaking of putting on an Armed Forces uniform and picking up that rifle while leading men in dangerous conditions.  He did it.  A few years after graduating from Harvard Law School Cotton enlisted in the active duty forces of the US Army, serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan and attending the US Army Airborne School, Ranger School and Air Assault School.  He does not want US soldiers going up against Iranian bombs but fears they might have to.  The Iranians/Persians, long known for their skill in, oh say, the art of the deal, did quite well up against the administration's "van drivers and campaign flaks and failed novelists," Cotton explained. 

    TC: And Hugh, also, just let me speak specifically to the point about the amount of relief that Iran will get from this deal. Now President Obama has put the estimate at times well north of $100 billion dollars. But Hugh, now you’ve got flaks in the White House and John Kerry and other senior administration officials running around saying oh, it’s only $3 billion, it’s only $5 billion. This administration has a pattern of telling the truth in classified settings, and then misleading or misinforming the American people in public settings. I sit on the Intelligence Committee and the Armed Services Committee. I have had repeated briefings about the Iran nuclear deal, some just a few weeks old. They come from non-partisan, professional intelligence analysts. And I can’t tell you the number that they have briefed us recently, but I can tell you it’s a hell of a lot closer to $150 billion dollars than it is to $3 billion dollars. And sitting in that briefing was a political appointee named Andrew Exum at the Department of Defense, and any reporter who wants to know should go listen to him, because I gave him a piece of my mind, not because it’s his fault, but he is the political appointee who is there as the representative of administration policy. And it’s time that the administration came clean and told the American people exactly what they tell Congress in a classified setting. And the fact of the matter is the amount of sanctions relief is a lot closer to $150 billion dollars than it is to $3 billion dollars.

Oh, and let's not forget Secretary of State John Kerry was involved in the Iran Deal, whose many provisions are still not known. 

And to think Donald Trump was mocked because he mentioned as his possible foreign policy advisers his company's lawyer, who knows from deal making, and a young man who proudly lists his high school participation at a Model UN conference on his resume.   

Now, who would you rather have negotiating for the US? 

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