Author Topic: Hillary Clinton’s UFO buffs and other obscure voting blocs  (Read 350 times)

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From the Boston Globe:
A candidate as cautious as Hillary Clinton doesn’t delve lightly into an issue as offbeat as UFOs.

As The New York Times documented last week, the Democratic presidential front-runner has been strangely vocal about Area 51, the Nevada military site that ET buffs have long connected with purported government cover-ups. Maybe Clinton is just indulging campaign chairman John Podesta, a devotee of the ’90s-era sci-fi series “The X-Files.” Or maybe she’s adjusting to the scrambled-up dynamics of the 2016 race by seeking out neglected voters.

Suddenly, UFO buffs other groups long ignored by the political mainstream are worth courting. Meanwhile, millions of voters now fall into cultural and occupational categories that barely existed in 2008 or 2012. Here are just some of the obscure voting blocs that could come into play in November:

I guess Her Thighness is going after all the marginalized groups. First we have Hookers for Hillary, now this...