Author Topic: Mark Levin Blasts Donald Trump: 'We Can't Even Figure Out Where He Stands on the Constitution!'  (Read 5931 times)

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Offline txradioguy

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Any article from the unethical Mark Levin should contain the disclaimer he attacks Trump for money.

West Wood One and Cumulus Broadcasting are actually owned by the GOP?

Who knew?

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline Mechanicos

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The problem for the $neverTrump crowd with the pay to play Levin, Eric Erickson etc are doing is to people not so emotionally invested and pouting over Cruz losing so badly is they fall under the same perception as Baghdad Bob now. He caused his own loss of respect here and earned the anger at him over manipulating good people for profit and nepotism.
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17


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Grumpy can't even quote anything from the constitution. Can't because he ain't read it.

It doesn't come with pictures and pop-outs so He couldn't read it.

Offline txradioguy

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The problem for the $neverTrump crowd with the pay to play Levin, Eric Erickson etc are doing is to people not so emotionally invested and pouting over Cruz losing so badly is they fall under the same perception as Baghdad Bob now. He caused his own loss of respect here and earned the anger at him over manipulating good people for profit and nepotism.

So who was paying Fox News to be 100% in the tank for Trump?  And was it the same people paying the radio shows of Hannity...Laura Ingraham?

Ann Coulter has been in the tank for not only Trump...but IIRC Romney as well...who is paying her off?

I mean this whole "in the tank and being paid by nefarious shadow groups" thing you're pushing is a blade that cuts both ways.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline don-o

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  Is there a reason he does not speak simply, and clearly?

I read somewhere that Trump may well be afflicted with Tourette's Syndrome. Why is nobody talking about that??!!

Offline Polly Ticks

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The only real response I've ever received to objections on his speaking style is that it is a strategy to avoid being pinned down and attacked.  Apparently, some people think that's clever.   But the problem with not being able to be pinned down to a particular position is can't be pinned down to a particular position.

And if you don't know what someone stands for, why vote for them?

I've actually wondered if he is ADHD.  (That isn't a slam, by the way -- two of my own children have ADHD.)  But Trump's stream of consciousness speaking style makes me think he has multiple threads of thoughts running off in different directions through his mind at any given point in time and he has trouble following any single thread. 

Of course, that is a separate issue from the fact that his rambling statements can and do become contradictory.
Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too. -Yogi Berra

Offline austingirl

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  • Cruz 2016- a Constitutional Conservative at last!
We can't figure out where he stands on any issue. He was busily revealing that his original "policy" statements were just starting points and that everything will look different after he negotiates with the Democraps. His followers were warned that this would happen.

It seems stupid to admit that before you are even declared the nominee or, God forbid, elected. To me this indicates he has no intention of being elected.  To his worshipers this will be seen as the art of the deal. Really? Negotiating against yourself, Deceptive Donald?**nononono*
Principles matter. Words matter.

Offline txradioguy

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First off:

Roger Stone
The Daily Caller's Men's Fashion Editor

Really?  I mean....really?


Yet he failed to disclose $neverTrump paid him over a million dollars to attack Trump and he has family working for the Cruz campaign.

Conservative Tree House is a site full of lunatics. I've read through that website and it's a bucket full of weapons grad stupid.  I mean Charles Johnson LGF kinda stupid.

On Jan. 13, Ben Jacobs in an article published by the Daily Beast headlined “Pay to Play?” noted that Politico, in an article that now appears to have been scrubbed from Politico’s website

Read more:

Scrubbed huh?  Perhaps that's because it had as much credibility as the article you posted earlier that the Mods locked because it was such a POS.  Which is to say is had NO credibility.

Jim DeMint...who currently runs Heritage Foundation...he's certainly NOT establishment.  Oh and Heritage advertises on Mark's show.

“Interesting indeed how the intersection of financial dependency drives the political ideology of these modern “conservative voices”. However, this does increasingly explain how those same voices will stand and cheer for Mr. No-Budget/Omnibus, House Speaker Paul Ryan.”

That right there shows me that the DC's "Men's Fashion Editor" doesn't listen to Mark's show....and neither do you.

Mark rakes Ryan across the coals all the time.

Mark has made it very clear who he supports who he endorsed and why.

If you'd actually listened to his'd know how harshly he talks about the GOPe you'd be embarrassed that you posted this hit piece by the "Men's Fashion Editor" at the DC. who I bet if you looked...has donated heavily to Trump.

This story stretches credibility and truthfulness to the breaking point.  A lot of coincidences and shoddy reporting held together by an alleged story purporting to back up the claims made by the "Men's Fashion Editor" in the piece you linked to that no one can find anymore to judge it on it's merits.

When the best thing you have to tie it all together is A Little Green Footballs clone doesn't pass the smell test.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline Longiron

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He already has. Anyone who supports Trump is not a conservative and never has been period. They may think they are, the same way Lindsay Graham thinks he is, but they're not. And I won't forget who they are.

Your conservatives with McConnell, Ryan, Boehner, McCain, Graham, Toomey have really helped this country with the RINOGOPe. Please stay with your brand on conservatism and VOTE Hillary. The TRIAN does not need or want your brand of CONSERVATISM. While you are at it take Butch Kelly, Wallace, Levin, Will, Rush  Inghram, BOR, Cavuto, HANNITY, Erickson and all the other Media News Readers with you.  :whocares:

Offline Free Vulcan

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Any article from the unethical Mark Levin should contain the disclaimer he attacks Trump for money.

$400k for Mark Levin books

“The Senate Conservatives Fund (PAC) purchasing massive quantities ($400,000) of Mark Levin’s books in exchange for favorable candidacy political opinion. Conveniently hidden by the radio host who avoids mentioning the financial conflict created,” the blog pointed out.

On Jan. 13, Ben Jacobs in an article published by the Daily Beast headlined “Pay to Play?” noted that Politico, in an article that now appears to have been scrubbed from Politico’s website, reported on how the GOP establishment seeks to buy Levin.

The Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF), a “conservative” fund founded by former Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina that backed Cruz in his Senate fight against Obamacare, spent $427,000 to buy copies of radio talk show host Mark Levin’s four-year-old book “Liberty or Tyranny” to distribute to donors – a purchase that should have earned Levin approximately $1 million in royalties.

Despite his many diatribes against Trump broadcast to his national radio audience, Levin hid the fact the son of his fiancé is a full-time staffer for Cruz.

Meanwhile, Trump hires old Nixon establishment drones, while buddying up to old Soros and Goldman Sachs guys, and other questionable and shady figures.
The Republic is lost.

Offline Free Vulcan

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Your conservatives with McConnell, Ryan, Boehner, McCain, Graham, Toomey have really helped this country with the RINOGOPe. Please stay with your brand on conservatism and VOTE Hillary. The TRIAN does not need or want your brand of CONSERVATISM. While you are at it take Butch Kelly, Wallace, Levin, Will, Rush  Inghram, BOR, Cavuto, HANNITY, Erickson and all the other Media News Readers with you.  :whocares:

Then why is Trump buddying up to all those guys now, and their people?
The Republic is lost.

Offline Free Vulcan

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  • Ah, the air is so much fresher here...

State Governors

    Greg Abbott, Texas (previously endorsed Ted Cruz)[347]
    Phil Bryant, Mississippi (previously endorsed Ted Cruz)[337]
    Mary Fallin, Oklahoma[348]
    Nikki Haley, South Carolina (previously endorsed Marco Rubio, then Ted Cruz)[349]
    Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas (previously endorsed Mike Huckabee, then Marco Rubio)[350]
    Pat McCrory, North Carolina[351]
    Mike Pence, Indiana (previously endorsed Ted Cruz)[352]
    Pete Ricketts, Nebraska[353]
    Brian Sandoval, Nevada (previously endorsed John Kasich)[354]
    Scott Walker, Wisconsin (former 2016 presidential candidate) (previously endorsed Ted Cruz)[355]


    Jim Gilmore, Virginia (former 2016 presidential candidate)[356]
    Mike Huckabee, Arkansas (former 2016 and 2008 presidential candidate)[357]
    Jon Huntsman, Utah (former 2012 presidential candidate)[358]
    Bobby Jindal, Louisiana (former 2016 presidential candidate) (previously endorsed Marco Rubio)[359]
    Tim Pawlenty, Minnesota (former 2012 presidential candidate) (previously endorsed Marco Rubio) [360]
    Rick Perry, Texas (former 2016 and 2012 presidential candidate) (previously endorsed Ted Cruz

U.S. Senators

    Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire[326]
    Richard Burr of North Carolina[327]
    Tom Cotton of Arkansas[328]
    Ron Johnson of Wisconsin[329]
    John McCain of Arizona (previously endorsed Lindsey Graham) (also nominee for President in 2008)[330]
    Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Senate Majority Leader (previously endorsed Rand Paul)[331]
    Rob Portman of Ohio (previously endorsed John Kasich)[332]
    Tim Scott of South Carolina (previously endorsed Marco Rubio)[333]
    Dan Sullivan of Alaska[334]
    Rand Paul of Kentucky (former 2016 presidential candidate)[335]

Wanna bet all those supported Romney when he was the nominee?
The Republic is lost.

Offline txradioguy

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Wanna bet all those supported Romney when he was the nominee?

They are almost identical.,_2012 "Independent" named Donald Trump endorsed Romney.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline Mechanicos

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So who was paying Fox News to be 100% in the tank for Trump?  And was it the same people paying the radio shows of Hannity...Laura Ingraham?

Ann Coulter has been in the tank for not only Trump...but IIRC Romney as well...who is paying her off?

I mean this whole "in the tank and being paid by nefarious shadow groups" thing you're pushing is a blade that cuts both ways.
Right, Murdoch the co-owner of the largest open border, pro-illegal lobbyist group was so into helping the Guy who wants to close the border. Fact is Fox's viewership dropped under that of CNN because of their amount of negative trump coverage. Fox was for Bush, then Rubio, then $neverTrump and you can see how it cost them in ratings. And no there are not enough of you to have done that to them....
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

Offline LadyLiberty

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Roger Stone
The Daily Caller's Men's Fashion Editor

Roger Stone, Trumps big buddy and former campaign worker (although I think he still coordinates with Trump), is a major slimeball.  An oldie, but a goody:


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I've wondered the same thing.  I've known plenty of business people at high levels, and none of them talk like he does.  All of them are far more disciplined thinkers.

Not everyone can be or wants to be a charming, slick speaking, silver-tongued politician.  You know the type; one hand patting you on the back while the other picks your pocket.

Offline Leto

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The problem for the $neverTrump crowd with the pay to play Levin, Eric Erickson etc are doing is to people not so emotionally invested and pouting over Cruz losing so badly is they fall under the same perception as Baghdad Bob now. He caused his own loss of respect here and earned the anger at him over manipulating good people for profit and nepotism.

Trump burned his bridges with many conservatives, now he can live with it.

Attacking good conservatives like Levin, won't move anyone toward Trump.
"If the devil can keep you from asking the right question he never has to worry about the answer"

THe Screwtape Letters

Offline Mechanicos

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Trump burned his bridges with many conservatives, now he can live with it.

Attacking good conservatives like Levin, won't move anyone toward Trump.
A good Conservative is honest and would have disclosed he was paid to attack Trump and had family working inside the Cruz Campaign.
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

Offline txradioguy

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Right, Murdoch the co-owner of the largest open border, pro-illegal lobbyist group was so into helping the Guy who wants to close the border.

Funny how that works.  Makes you wonder if Trump really means what he says considering that Fox News gave Trump $30 million worth of free advertising and Murdoch's newspaper in NYC endorsed Trump.

That dodgy Aussie knows more than you about the real Trump it would appear.

Trump has already back peddled and is in favor of "touchback" amnesty. The way he keeps going the time November rolls around trump will be saying "what wall".

Fact is Fox's viewership dropped under that of CNN because of their amount of negative trump coverage. Fox was for Bush, then Rubio, then $neverTrump and you can see how it cost them in ratings. And no there are not enough of you to have done that to them....

Your manipulation of what really happened is staggering.  The ratings dropped because they covered Trump so much.  People got tired of Trump TV.

He garnered the most time to talk in each debate and he clearly got the most and the most favorable coverage on Fox News.

To try and say anything different is to completely deny reality and to completely expose yourself as a 100% dyed-in-the-wool Branch Trumpidian.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline txradioguy

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A good Conservative is honest and would have disclosed he was paid to attack Trump and had family working inside the Cruz Campaign.

The story is bogus.  It's nothing but assumptions and speculation.  There is no proof in that article.

Not that verifiable facts and honest reporting matters to a Trump fanboi.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline Meshuge Mikey

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Trump is a pathetic whining loser and watching him run around crying about the 50% of the party he pissed on during the Primary won't support him is hilarious.

Have Indentified as a Male since birth!


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Wanna bet all those supported Romney when he was the nominee?

Why wouldn't a GOP politician support the GOP nominee? Unless they are just egotistical,  butthurt, sore losers

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Scrubbed huh?  Perhaps that's because it had as much credibility as the article you posted earlier that the Mods locked because it was such a POS.  Which is to say is had NO credibility.

Just a small point of clarity here. The original poster, Mechanicos, was the one who reported it and requested deletion when the source article was scrubbed. No one else. All credit to him for that.

It was locked rather than deleted because sometimes a story being scrubbed is, itself, the foundation of a future story.

Offline RetBobbyMI

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Why wouldn't a GOP politician support the GOP nominee? Unless they are just egotistical,  butthurt, sore losers
When a GOP nominee isn't a GOPer!
"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid."  -- John Wayne
"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.� ? Euripides, The Bacchae
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.� ? Laurence J. Peter, The Peter Principle
"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.� ? Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy


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Because they believe the nominee is unworthy of being supported.  I mean, isn't that obvious?  And honestly, I saw plenty of Trump supporters saying that they wouldn't support anyone except Trump, and in fact, a lot of Cruz supporters who (early on at least) said they wouldn't support anyone other than Trump or Cruz.

I never saw that here. When polled I believe everyone said if Cruz was the nominee they would vote for him. I'll vote for the candidate who has the best chance of keeping Hillary from the White House. Now it appears Trump is the only person who has a chance.