That John Kudla article might just be the longest, and perhaps dumbest
straw man argument I have ever heard or read.
Which is saying a great deal, as Barack Obama has long since turned that particular mode of false argumentation into a virtual art form.
I dare say that most of us do not believe that Trump's supporters are hicks, but it wouldn't make any difference if they were.
Many people, including a large number of Republicans are not opposed to Trump's supporters, but oppose the guy they choose to support.
The problem with Trump is mostly Trump himself. He has unrelentingly attacked his fellow (
) Republicans with insults, false accusations, and all manner of bombastic Twittery blather on a daily basis, while passively-aggressively feigning outrage at how terribly he has been treated.
The poor baby. If The Donald's skin were any thinner, medical schools could use him as a circulatory system model.
Sadly, some (not all, to be sure) of his acolytes have chosen to model their behavior after his or else shuttered their minds to any questioning of the man's words or behavior. Instead, it's everyone else who is wrong, not "
The Winner!!" who always wins because he's a winner. Right. Call us when the spaceship comes to take you all to the comet.