Author Topic: Alabama Judge on National Day of Prayer: Pray for Our Supreme Court - They Will Decide Fate of Religious Liberty  (Read 622 times)

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Published on CNS News (

Alabama Judge on National Day of Prayer: Pray for Our Supreme Court - They Will Decide Fate of Religious Liberty

( – Alabama Supreme Court Associate Justice Glenn Murdock told those gathered in Washington, D.C., in observance of the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, “Never, I submit, has there been a time as important as today to pray for our appellate court and especially our Supreme Court.”

He called the Supreme Court “a group of men and women who in the months and years to come are going to be asked to decide more than likely the fate of the Second Amendment, the extent of unilateral presidential authority, and the fate of that which has defined us more than anything else for 240 years as America - religious liberty.”

Murdock traced the high court’s history, observing that initially “Alexander Hamilton tried to assure the people of New York and elsewhere that the federal judiciary would be the least powerful branch of government.”

“In 1973, as the Democratic processes were working their way and working their business throughout the legislatures of this country, the United States Supreme Court intervened on the issue of life and abortion and said, we will decide,” Murdock said, referencing the court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

He also touched on the court’s Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, adding, “Ten months ago, the United States Supreme Court undertook to redefine the institution of marriage upon which every civilization for 6,000 years has been based, prompting Chief Justice Roberts to remark ‘just who do we think we are?’”

Murdock emphasized that from this point forward the Supreme Court will “decide the fate of businessmen and women.

“They will decide the fate of colleges. They will decide the fate of public officials and their right to adhere to their sincerely held religious beliefs,” he said.

“They will decide disputes over gender identity spawned by Obergefell itself, and they, ladies and gentlemen, very well may decide the right of the church to adhere to its religious beliefs,” Murdock concluded.
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I hate to even say it, because it's such a horrible thing to even think about, but it appears that God is judging America- He raised this tiny nation (relatively speaking) and Britain, up from nothing, and made us both the great super powers in the world because we revered His name and for the most part obeyed him, and because we vowed to protect Israel- But in the last decades, (and in times long ago from time to time) society decided to throw God out of practically everything, and to open the door to deviant filthy practices- and not only that, but to attack what few remaining institutions and businesses and people of good moral standing-

I mean just look at what we have runnign fror president on both sides, not to mention our current leader-

 we have a president who celebrates a sin so evident that God uses the strongest word He can to condemn it- The president shakes his fist in God's face and lights the white house up in rainbow colors- another direct insult to God- perverting God's symbol to mankind- And now he is designating a homosexual site  as a national monument as a further spit in the face of God and Christians- who won't stand with Israel, and infact belittles Her and demands she give up even more land to muslims- a man who is importing enemies of the west into our country- etc etc etc

We have a woman running who vows to take the homosexual agenda even further- who shrugs her shoulders and says 'what difference does it make' when 4 Americans die as a direct result of her dereliction of duty- she lied to the public for months, and infact continues to lie- and she broke the law by having a work computer in her home, and is lying about that even- who I guess won't stand with Israel

We have a communist from VT who also celebrates homosexual causes and who doesn't believe you should keep the money you earn

(Repost from earlier thread)

I won't say We're beyond praying for revival of this ocutnry- and we should keep praying that God will help us to walk in a manner worthy of the name of Christ, but perhaps we need to include something along hte lines of "Help us endure your judgement on this nation, and forgive us for the awful direction this country has gone in- open the eyes of those in leadership so they can see how they have aggrieved You, and help us not to do so in the future for the sake of Your name and Your Son's"