Author Topic: An Unmitigated Disaster  (Read 283 times)

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Offline txradioguy

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An Unmitigated Disaster
« on: May 06, 2016, 09:23:44 am »
Republican party leaders may have worried that Donald Trump would not only lose the general election for the presidency, but would so poison the image of the party as to cause Republican candidates for Congress and for state and local offices to also lose. Now they seem to be trying to patch things up, in order to present an image of unity before the general elections this fall.

Regardless of how that attempt at patching up an image turns out, Trump's candidacy could be not only a current political setback for Republicans, but an enduring affliction in future elections.

For decades after Republican President Herbert Hoover was demonized because the Great Depression of the 1930s began on his watch, Democrats warned repeatedly, in a series of later presidential elections, that a vote for the Republican candidate was a vote to return to the days of Herbert Hoover.

It was 20 years before another Republican was elected president. As late as the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan was called by the Democrats' Speaker of the House, "Hoover with a smile." When a high official of the Reagan administration appeared before Congress to explain the administration's policy, a Democratic Senator said, "That's Hoover talk, man!"

Actually, it was a policy proposal the opposite of that of the Hoover administration, but who in politics worries about the truth? The point is that Hoover was still being used as a bogeyman, more than 40 years after he left office, and nearly two decades after he was dead. Trump's image could easily play a very similar role.

The political damage of Donald Trump to the Republican party is completely overshadowed by the damage he can do to the country and to the world, with his unending reckless and irresponsible statements. Just this week, Trump blithely remarked that South Korea should be left to its own defenses.

Whatever the merits or demerits of that as a policy, announcing it to the whole world in advance risks encouraging North Korea to invade South Korea -- as it did back in 1950, after careless words by a high American official left the impression that South Korea was not included in the American defense perimeter against the Communists in the Pacific.

The old World War II phrase -- "loose lips sink ships" -- applies on land as well as on the water. And no one has looser lips than Donald Trump, who repeatedly spouts whatever half-baked idea pops into his head. A man in his 60s has life-long habits that are not likely to change. Age brings habits, even if it does not bring maturity.

Nations around the world risk their own survival when they ally themselves with the United States in the fight against international terrorists -- and we need their cooperation in that fight, in order to track down hidden terrorists and the hidden money that finances them.

If nations cannot have confidence in American commitments and American leadership, we are not likely to get their cooperation. And the stakes are life and death.

What the Republican establishment once feared most -- that Trump would lose the nomination and run on a third party -- now seems to be a danger that has passed. But a far larger danger to something far more important, American society, is that Trump could be elected President of the United States.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline WAC

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Re: An Unmitigated Disaster
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2016, 09:45:25 am »
Good article I completely agree with.....

Trumps just hired a hedge fund individual as his campaigns finance handler who worked for SOROS for 17 years...and was also sued over

 his robbing investors of billions in the Maddoff Scam......charges of course were dropped.  ...he's also refused to name his VP until

convention, no doubt to protect the individual from any vetting prior.  He knows they can refuse his VP selection.

So Trumps bringing in the big "spenders" and con artists like himself as we see the beginning of 'the Trump Oligarch Dynasty' take


I suspect we'll see more and more  of Trumps corrupt and deceptive mob bosses and edge fund people coming on board for the rape of

the American Taxpayers monies........and his supporters believe still all these Jobs he's going to bring is for the worker!

HAHAHA!.....when in fact these 'corporate raiders' are going to make them line their pockets with all the additional taxes they

will siphon off their backs while telling them they did indeed give the jobs.