Author Topic: Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary. 'Doesn't this former constitutional law professor know the law?'  (Read 481 times)

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Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary
'Doesn't this former constitutional law professor know the law?'
Published: 10 hours ago

President Obama tried to downplay the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server for handling some of the government’s most sensitive information, but a former top Justice Department official says Obama’s comments ignore the law and are an obvious attempt to convince the FBI not to recommend charges against Clinton.

On Fox News Sunday, anchor Chris Wallace asked Obama if he was convinced that national security was not compromised by Clinton’s handling of sensitive information.

“Here’s what I know: Hillary Clinton was an outstanding secretary of state. She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy,” Obama said.

Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General Victoria Toensing is appalled by that explanation.

“Doesn’t this former constitutional law professor know the law?” she asked.

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Beyond trying to downplay Clinton’s actions, Toensing believes Obama’s comments are meant as a message to the FBI. She compared it to the impact of Obama scolding the Supreme Court at a State of the Union address over its ruling in the Citizens United v. FEC decision.

“He wanted to get rid of what he called the benefactors of that opinion. The IRS heard that message, and they started a war against conservative groups, not letting them get their tax-exempt status,” Toensing told WND and Radio America. “[Obama’s statement on Hillary Clinton] was a message to the FBI and to the Department of Justice.”

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Toensing said “intent” works against Clinton in two different ways. She said the first federal statute in question is 18 U.S.C 1924.

“The only conduct one has to intend in that statute is to take classified information and put it in an ‘unauthorized location.’ Those are the exact words of the statute,” Toensing said. “She had to intend to have classified information in an unauthorized location, and the statute doesn’t say diddly squat about whether the information had to be marked classified.”

She said 18 U.S.C. 793(f) is even more dire for Clinton.

“In that statute, it talks about grossly negligently handling classified information. That’s a felony,” Toensing said. “There’s no intent in that. It just had to be grossly negligent.”

Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Victoria Toensing: